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The Controls. Fix Em'. Make Them Responsive.


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Gonna have to support the OP on this one. Often, when you try to jump off a cliff, you roll instead into the darkness below. It's like you decided "Oh, well, good bye cruel world. But wait, gotta do it in style." It makes no sense.


It's true, I play at a low framerate but I've experienced this very often when my computer magically skyrockets to 40 fps.


Another key issue I support is fixing of the sprint initiation. It takes FOREVER to begin sprinting, and often screws up wallrun timing. Please, DE this needs a fix.

Rolling is tied to the sprint button not the jump button no matter what button you set Sprint to the roll will always be activated if you quickly tap the button.


Thats IMO the only thing that needs fixed Roll shouldn't be tied to Sprint.

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I wasn't trolling.


The controls don't feel clunky or anything to me.





Controls work near-perfect for me, other than the Sprint/Slide delay, but that looks like that was intentional because of some whining on the forums.


Terrain Bugs, though....


They are annoying but the game is Beta. They're fixing them albeit slowly.

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gotta support the OP, the controls aren't responsive enough and bugs out too often.


also, i am tired of the sliding somersault bugging and the char just jumping without any animation and losing all momentum.

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gotta support the OP, the controls aren't responsive enough and bugs out too often.


also, i am tired of the sliding somersault bugging and the char just jumping without any animation and losing all momentum.


It was pointed out that it is directly related to WHEN you hit the jump button.


If you're trying to do 90% of a slide and THEN somersault jump, you're not going to somersault jump because............ you lack the momentum required.


Try somersaulting as soon as you go into the slide. Works wonders. Assuming you have a smooth framerate, of course.


I somersault jump up stairs all the time. In fact, every mission, I make it my own personal objective to somersault jump up the stairs leading to the Extraction Pod so that it looks like I somersault right into the escape pod. Looks cool as heck and I pull it off 99% of the time.


When do I fail?


Sometimes I start sliding too early and land at the top of the stairs, or I start sliding too late and I barely get off the ground and it gives me the Mission Complete screen without the somersault animation.


I have NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER jumped when I meant to somersault.


But then I don't wait until near the end of the slide either.

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It was pointed out that it is directly related to WHEN you hit the jump button.


If you're trying to do 90% of a slide and THEN somersault jump, you're not going to somersault jump because............ you lack the momentum required.


Try somersaulting as soon as you go into the slide. Works wonders. Assuming you have a smooth framerate, of course.


I somersault jump up stairs all the time. In fact, every mission, I make it my own personal objective to somersault jump up the stairs leading to the Extraction Pod so that it looks like I somersault right into the escape pod. Looks cool as heck and I pull it off 99% of the time.


When do I fail?


Sometimes I start sliding too early and land at the top of the stairs, or I start sliding too late and I barely get off the ground and it gives me the Mission Complete screen without the somersault animation.


I have NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER jumped when I meant to somersault.


But then I don't wait until near the end of the slide either.

you think everyone except you is dumb right? no, not at the start, not in the end of the slide, on flat surfaces, it's a bug, stop treating it as a feature!

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you think everyone except you is dumb right? no, not at the start, not in the end of the slide, on flat surfaces, it's a bug, stop treating it as a feature!


Kinda strange in 101 hours of playtime, I've never seen this bug and I am constantly abusing the Sprint-Slide-Somersault thing for extra speed seeing that I play a Rhino......

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I can play the game using the controls provided, and be successful, but that in no way means the controls are responsive enough or bug-free.


The sprint-delay continues to be annoying (I wish I knew what was so important about that front roll that this delay still exists); worse is how the game just forgets that I'm holding the sprint key if I happen to distract it with something else.


Jump-slide/kick has become noticibly more unresponsive of late; half the time I try to do it now, I just end up sliding along the floor and getting my use key jammed until I do a jump attack.  Is this supposed to be a 'fix' for people macroing jump-slide or something?


The slightest tiny unevenness in the floor (or maybe just a paint line, who knows) and you'll never get off the ground because your Tenno would prefer to make him/herself dizzy rolling around on the ground.


Backflip works but is such a stupid combination of controls that I don't even do it by accident. XD


Recent additions seem to be that your Tenno now has turning momentum, so that even if your reticle is pointing at an opponent you'll still miss unless your character is already directly facing them.  Also, trying to change directions quickly seems to make these 'space ninjas' get tangled on their own feet.  XD

Edited by Qeveren
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I can play the game using the controls provided, and be successful, but that in no way means the controls are responsive enough or bug-free.


The sprint-delay continues to be annoying (I wish I knew what was so important about that front roll that this delay still exists); worse is how the game just forgets that I'm holding the sprint key if I happen to distract it with something else.


Just like in RL, you need to take a couple steps before you break out into a full-on dash.


Jump-slide/kick has become noticibly more unresponsive of late; half the time I try to do it now, I just end up sliding along the floor and getting my use key jammed until I do a jump attack.  Is this supposed to be a 'fix' for people macroing jump-slide or something?


What does the Use key have to do with this?


To Jump Kick you....


1). Press W to move forward.

2). Hold down Left Shift to sprint.

3). Hit the Spacebar to Jump.

4). Keep holding Shift, your character should do a jump kick. Or is it you press Shift again? I don't remember; it comes to me while I'm playing the game.


Every now and then I'll hit the Shift key and not get a kick, but that is usually me mis-timing the keypresses (they really could do with a slightly easier way to get a jumpkick, perhaps).


The slightest tiny unevenness in the floor (or maybe just a paint line, who knows) and you'll never get off the ground because your Tenno would prefer to make him/herself dizzy rolling around on the ground.


Stairways in Orokin Void are bugged, sure. But I've never seen a Roll when I wanted a Jump, because they are two separate keys altogether. Unevenness on the floor or not, there's absolutely no reason why you should be rolling instead of jumping when Roll is Shift and Jump is Space.


Backflip works but is such a stupid combination of controls that I don't even do it by accident. XD


One of the few things said in this thread I actually agree with -- the flips are too complicated to actually use in combat so I tend not to even bother.


Recent additions seem to be that your Tenno now has turning momentum, so that even if your reticle is pointing at an opponent you'll still miss unless your character is already directly facing them.  Also, trying to change directions quickly seems to make these 'space ninjas' get tangled on their own feet.  XD

Again, RL. You can't turn on a dime while running. When I saw my Tenno leaning to the side as he sprinted around a corner, I was like "Woah, awesome... realistic movement. Never saw that in a game before."


EDIT: Cute, the Auto-Quote bugs the forum if you try to edit a quote....

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Just like in RL, you need to take a couple steps before you break out into a full-on dash.

I'm not here to play RL, I'm here to play Space Ninja. ;)  Also IIRC one of the devs said the delay was due to the roll command parsing.


What does the Use key have to do with this?

Oh, that's a recent bug.  If you press jump then crouch too quickly (while running), instead of a jump-kick you get a floor-slide, and from then on your 'use' key won't function until you jump again which will trigger an immediate drop attack.  I think there are other ways to get out of it, too.  You'll notice the problem because you can't open lockers. XD


To Jump Kick you....


1). Press W to move forward.

2). Hold down Left Shift to sprint.

3). Hit the Spacebar to Jump.

4). Keep holding Shift, your character should do a jump kick. Or is it you press Shift again? I don't remember; it comes to me while I'm playing the game.


Every now and then I'll hit the Shift key and not get a kick, but that is usually me mis-timing the keypresses (they really could do with a slightly easier way to get a jumpkick, perhaps).

I know how to do a jump-kick, it's simply that the timing has become less responsive with U8.  I press the keys at the same rate I would before this update, and most of the time it fails and I get a floor slide + use bug.  I have to deliberately pause after jumping to make sure it takes before I can trigger the slide, and that's super-irritating. XD


Stairways in Orokin Void are bugged, sure. But I've never seen a Roll when I wanted a Jump, because they are two separate keys altogether. Unevenness on the floor or not, there's absolutely no reason why you should be rolling instead of jumping when Roll is Shift and Jump is Space.

You are a very very lucky soul, then, because I get it constantly.  It's most common at the tops of staircases, but I'll get it anywhere that the ground is uneven as well (the Grineer asteroid base is full of this).


One of the few things said in this thread I actually agree with -- the flips are too complicated to actually use in combat so I tend not to even bother.

That and the roll confuse me, because they don't really seem to serve any purpose.  It isn't like rolling really affects the NPCs' accuracy... oO


Again, RL. You can't turn on a dime while running. When I saw my Tenno leaning to the side as he sprinted around a corner, I was like "Woah, awesome... realistic movement. Never saw that in a game before.

I'm not a Space Ninja RL, either. ;)  Mostly I'm grumpy about it because it seems to be increasing in magnitude over time, if that makes any sense.  It's like the devs are tweaking things to be less responsive in some odd quest for realism or something. XD

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Oh, that's a recent bug.  If you press jump then crouch too quickly (while running), instead of a jump-kick you get a floor-slide, and from then on your 'use' key won't function until you jump again which will trigger an immediate drop attack.  I think there are other ways to get out of it, too.  You'll notice the problem because you can't open lockers. XD




I've never seen this bug.


Tell you what, next time I play Warframe, I will pick an easy mission and try to INTENTIONALLY cause the bug to happen and then get back to you on what happens.


I'm genuinely curious as to why you and others are talking about these bugs I've never, ever seen in 101 hours of playtime.

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Then you tell me how it is you've managed to somehow roll when pressing the Spacebar, and somehow in 90 Hours of Playtime, I've not yet had that happen to me a single time?


I'd love to know your answer for this. In fact, I asked a friend who has put nearly 150 hours into the game and he says he doesn't remember anytime the Spacebar ever made him roll either.


We're both playing the same game, the same build version as it is online and we're forced to play the latest build, what else is different between you and me?


Our Computers.


Therefore, if your computer is doing something mine isn't, then you're experiencing a software or a hardware problem and it isn't the game's actual code at fault (otherwise my computer would be doing it too, which it isn't).


Perhaps the game's code is conflicting with a third-party keyboard driver. What kind of keyboard do you use? Do you use a G12 or something? I use a standard Microsoft Natural, no fancy buttons or drivers.


The reason I ask, is because it is FAR more helpful to DE if we try to analyze WHY your Spacebar is causing you to roll instead of yelling "DE FIX THIS!!!!" on the Forums without providing any information whatsoever at all about your computer and/or its drivers or other technical info that might help determine if it is a bug or feature.


Clearly, if you hit a button that is supposed to do One Thing and it does something else entirely, that sounds more like a Bug to me.


But, as I said, I've NEVER seen this bug happen, so that makes me think it is a software/hardware problem that DE needs to be aware of so they can fix it.


"I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist!" = Your entire post.

Good job. 

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And as we arrive in the wonderful valley of ad hominem and/or passive aggressiveness I consider the topic exhausted, looks like we've all exhausted actual arguments and even found a few bugs. I'm sure that time will tell which mechanic is intended and which is not.

You need to start distinguishing between fully functional features, and downright broken ones/bugs.

Edited by TwiceDead
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Oh, OP... try turning Bloom and that other effect (what's that called again? DOA or something?) off. You might get more FPS and better controls.

Apologies in advance for multi-posting, but this guy is hilarious.

You magically assume that I am running the game plagued by something so ancient as bellow constant 60's, and that the frames are the source of my problems. You also assume that it's my hardware, when I have multiple times told you it is not, yet you call lies, and slander believing I am some kind of ignorant wanna-be PC elitist. I am first and fore-most a PC gamer, and I make it a hobby to ensure that my PC's installed hard-ware can run the newest things on the market and more, and I fully admit to have thrown more money away on my PC than hardly even necessary. 

Now I will admit that when I host my frames take a significant hit, but when I am playing off-host my game is fine and stable above 60's thank you. 

If it's really true that these issues plague people with bellow 60's, that just means that the controls just reached another level of broken. So anybody with poor frames have to deal with this crap? In this case then DE really needs to get their act together, and can't really let the problem just slide because they'll be undermining a probably majority of the PC gaming community. Now that it's the majority that has under 60's is a wild guess on my part, but hey unlike you I am not a cyber-psychic mind-reader from the future. I am just a gamer who doesn't pull wild speculations about other forum-goers based on my superior PC rig while living with the belief that everyone else are simply inferior. 

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Let us not mention not being able to jump over low rails/obstacles or also the jump animation randomly not triggering next to walls.  Jump should mean jump.  Each and every god blessed press of the spacebar.  No excuses. 

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+1 sloppy controls have been a pet peeve in this game for a while now. If I press sprint, I should damn well sprint. if I press jump, I should damn well jump. Currently that doesn't happen consistently, and for a game, that's really bad. And these are just the 2 biggest offenders, there are lots of other inconsistent movement controls in this game. 

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Okay. The controls should be responsive, as is true for any game. A game that fails to follow this simple rule will end up with frustrated players.

When I am trying to jump, I should not be doing a forward combat roll. The default jump button is the space button, I believe unless someone uses a gamepad. When I press the space button, I should be doing something as simple as the  f&¤%# intended jump, not a combat roll. Apologies for the censored swear, but it was necessary. 


"Oh he pressed the space button, which is the jump button, obviously he wants me to do a barrel roll!" - The game's logic 


The controls in this game has killed me off more times than I can count. I've spent probably a good 86 hours into this game by now, I've gotten the controls down, and how S#&$ty they are.


Sometimes when I wanted to resurrect another player by holding the X button, as soon as I release/press another button I should cancel that action, and immediately initiate the intended action of the button I pressed. For instance if I was reviving this guy, if I press SNOW GLOBE(Button 3) I should immediately cast snow globe, cancelling my revival act. There should not be a delay in anything I attempt to do.


When I press space against a wall, more often than not it will take it an entire 0.5 seconds before it registers the message that initiates the wallrun. Other times I won't do the intended wallrun, and will instead do the other kind of wallrun which will send me flying off a cliff. When I look directly at the wall, I should be running upwards. If I aim diagonally at the wall, I should be running along the wall. I have no idea how this game get's this wrong so many times, but it does. 

Another thing is the annoying delay between the time I press the space button, and the time it takes before I am actually airborne. I notice a slight animation before that... If that is the culprit, GET RID OF IT. It's a nuisance. 


Other times I am trying to just jump across some enemies, but then my frame decides the following:


"He jumped close to that ledge, he must want to latch onto it! I'LL HELP HIM WITH THAT!" - Game's logic


STOP IT. If I wanted to latch onto that ledge, I could do something as simple as press the space button a second time if I was close. In other situations I find myself desperately trying to latch onto this ledge. I have enough height, but my game decides not to do it, and I have no way of doing it manually, so I am basically relying on the game doing it for me. Having it done automatically is tedious as ----. I DON'T NEED TO BE HANDHELD, GAME! I learned how to walk on my own a long time ago. 


Sometimes I would even press and hold the sprint button. My stamina bar is good over 40%, I should have more than enough energy to sprint. DOES IT HAPPEN? No. 


Improve on the controls, as they are definitely what kills the game for me right now. 

Before you ask, my keyboard & mouse are perfectly responsive, thank you, as is proven in other games... Just not warframe. 


/rant over



Yes, yes, and yes!!!! Everything stated here happens to me consistently...


This game's controls have driven me away a few times already and I'm only coming back because it's Beta but the controls still seem as slippery, clumsy, chunky, and broken as ever. Please DE fix this.

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"I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist!" = Your entire post.

Good job.


Good job with the personal attacks.


Just what do you expect me to think when you keep describing issues I have never seen in the game, ever?


If it truly is the game's code's fault, then why isn't it happening to everybody who plays Warframe, then?


The few people who respond in this thread saying they have similar problems are saying that it is happening CONSTANTLY.


Well, odd, that I spent 100+ hours in Warframe and haven't seen any of these issues -- at all.


So, simple Logic applies: Why would something happen to you, and NOT happen to me?


I'm not saying I disbelieve you -- most of my responses in this thread have been trying to analyze why this problem happens to you, and not me.


What is different between you and me?


It isn't the Software -- Warframe now has a Scanner in the Launcher that scans your files for corrupted files. So it isn't a corrupt file, and we're both running the same version of the game. If it were the game software itself, it would be happening to EVERYBODY and not just SOME people.


So what is different?


Our Hardware, and things like DirectX files, Windows files, etc.


Therefore, Simple Logic says that there's something going on outside of Warframe's code having to do with Windows/DX files or Computer Hardware.




Simple Logic.


BTW: I was able to replicate the Slide instead of Somersault bug, but it took nearly a dozen tries before it finally happened (that was with me INTENTIONALLY trying to trigger it), and even then I had to nearly simultaneously hit Space and Ctrl at the same time while running and even then I could only get it to happen 1 in 5 times. Any sort of delay whatsoever between the Ctrl and Space keypresses resulted in a somersault, instead of the Slide and No X bug.


EDIT: And something else I find interesting, is how the people who are having the problem are screaming "DE FIX THIS NAO!!!!" and I'm here saying "ok guys calm down, DE is going to need more info. What are your computer specs, etc etc etc" and you're going "YOU'RE CALLING ME A LIAR!? JUST BECAUSE IT DON'T HAPPEN TO YOU DOESN'T MEAN IT DON'T EXIST!!!" etc.


I'm trying to be helpful here and I've had nothing but vitriol hurled in my direction when I'm trying to help you, help DE fix Your problem.



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Btw I read this whole stupid thread.


Anyway, the controls aren't great, but the OP's issues are varied. I don't want to bother multiquote, though.


Jumping is unresponsive: I agree that it could use less wind up before the jump. This isn't 8-bit Prince of Persia. These are space ninjas that should be able to jump within a few frames (0-1 frames is too little time though, maybe 4-6 frames, or 0.04 seconds). Most games forego most of the jump anticipation because it feels unresponsive in an action game, so I'm not sure why DE hasn't changed this yet. I sure hope Geoff isn't adamantly fighting this change. Let it go, Geoff. Action games can't have a lot of anticipation before a jump. I'm saying this as an animator, btw. Let it go and make Warframe better!


Horizontal wall running turning into a vertical wall run: That's the user's fault. Now, DE could possibly tweak some things, but the reason this happens is because the user presses a direction on the keyboard right when they get to the wall, causing their body to turn toward the wall (the angle is then no longer around the ideal 45 degrees, but closer to 80 degrees perpendicular to the wall). This results in a vertical run, and can be avoided by not pressing another direction if you already have a good direction going toward the wall. This issue is hated by my coworker, but I'm fine with it. I can repro it consistently, but I don't do it in normal play, ever, so I don't find it an issue. However, with that said, DE could make this smoother by giving players more options to tweak, such as allowing players to always wall run in the direction the camera is facing. It would be specific to just wall running though, as just running around normally still turns your body. The point here is that the controls as they are are more advanced, and DE could add a checkbox to dumb it down a tad for people who don't want it. I'm not a fan of dumbing things down, but if enough people complain, then it's something to think about.


I don't agree that pressing a button should immediately do that action regardless of the things before it. Every action has timing involved, and this is a benefit to you usually. You may not notice it in those cases (an obvious case is where a melee attack has to complete before you're allowed to do much else). If you were trying to rez someone, and you want to cancel out to spawn a snow globe, that's fine. but since you were in a rezzing anim, there should be a little time to finish that and then do the cast animation (which also takes time to cast). Sure, all animations should have a moment they are cancelable, but INSTANTLY is not really a good option.


I also disagree with the autolatching. It's fine  how it is, but they could add the crouch key to keep you from every grabbing a ledge. Other games have done this, and I don't think  your solution of pressing jump to catch a ledge is a good idea. Like I said, other games make you hold crouch to avoid grabbing a ledge, and that sounds like a good option for DE to add.


Overall, DE does have to look at how the animation is tied to controls. One example is how many people complain that they pressed the sprint button but all they get is a walk. This happens because DE wants there to be a little delay after you slide, or stop walking. That's fine, but they don't convey it via animation, and that's where people are confused and think the game is unresponsive. Really, it's a feature they didn't communicate well (also it wouldn't hurt to allow you to hold sprint and after the cooldown has taken effect, start the sprint). I think they are doing a mediocre job telegraphing features. Things like a gun's reload animation finishing before it's actually done reloading, which throws me off, or when you get knocked down and you get up, you don't get full control of your guy until he's done shifting his feet a little. You can't tie KNOCKDOWN to subtle animation. DE needs to work on that and polish those things to make the game feel better overall.


Btw Xylia you should be a little more humble about you not finding the same bugs as the OP. I agree with most of what you say except you aren't understanding that even in a game studio with 20 dedicated testers playing the game for 1000s of hours, they might not find a bug that players find on day 1 of release (think 500,000 players playing a game for 2 hours, that's already 1 million hours combined). You may not have run into a lot of the OP's issues, but you can't say it's just his problem if you have never run into it. I get it, I am a much better player than my coworker when it comes to acrobatics in this game, and it's frustrating when I can consistently wall run and he complains that it's too hard and unreliable. But you have to realize people's set ups are different, even their fingers are different lengths and dexterity is different. They, or you, might be doing things unnoticed. If someone has an issue, it's valid to consider, unless you can tell them how to correct it 100%.

Edited by gell
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Have the people spoken again? And me twice?  Or do we need twelve more warframes and 50 more nerfcannons before we are heard.  People's choice hotfix people.  Hotfix my people's choice for the people's choice hotfix award. If you choose to hotfix the people's choice, you choose correctly.

Edited by alocrius
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Let us not mention not being able to jump over low rails/obstacles or also the jump animation randomly not triggering next to walls.  Jump should mean jump.  Each and every god blessed press of the spacebar.  No excuses. 

no don't you see, you can't just jump when you're that close to an obstacle. and sometimes your foot slips and you can't wall run. just like tenno in real life

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I'll respond to this, as it was directed at me, and politely so (Kudos for that).




Btw Xylia you should be a little more humble about you not finding the same bugs as the OP.


I will admit that my first response or two might not have been as.... humble as possible, true. That said, the personal attacks aren't warranted either.




I agree with most of what you say except you aren't understanding that even in a game studio with 20 dedicated testers playing the game for 1000s of hours, they might not find a bug that players find on day 1 of release (think 500,000 players playing a game for 2 hours, that's already 1 million hours combined).


This is also true, and it is mostly becuase of... yes, different computer/hardware setups. Or, sometimes it is the case of a user attempting to do something that the developers hadn't thought of (those are called oversights) and didn't program for.




You may not have run into a lot of the OP's issues, but you can't say it's just his problem if you have never run into it.


Again, I'm not saying it is "JUST" his problem. What I AM saying is that this sounds like a combination of Software/Hardware problems, and not something in Warframe Itself (if it were 100% Warframe's fault, then everybody would get the same bug happening).


Again, things like DirectX versions, hardware, Frames-Per-Second capabilities of the computer in question, latency, etc could all be possible culprits. None of those have anything to do with Warframe and its coding directly. Now, true, coding could be added to prevent these bugs from happening in certain situations, but DE needs more information and the OP just wasn't giving it. No computer specs, no DXDiag logs, nothing. It was just a "FIX IT NAO!!!" thread.




I get it, I am a much better player than my coworker when it comes to acrobatics in this game, and it's frustrating when I can consistently wall run and he complains that it's too hard and unreliable. But you have to realize people's set ups are different, even their fingers are different lengths and dexterity is different. They, or you, might be doing things unnoticed. If someone has an issue, it's valid to consider, unless you can tell them how to correct it 100%.


The OP was describing very specific and very replicate-able bug patterns.  Patterns I attempted to cause intentionally and could not do it, save the one that causes you to slide instead of somersault while running and if you read my response having to do with that, I had trouble TRYING to cause it.


With that fact in mind, and my own observations, these bugs sound very much like timing or latency issues; I was trying this in a Solo game with a computer that is easily capable of playing Warframe at 60+ FPS in an empty room with absolutely no fancy keyboard or mouse drivers. My Mouse is a Naga, but I'm not currently running its special software. Keyboard is a MS Natural as I mentioned before. I could give more computer specs, but I'm not sure what good that would do because I'm not the one experiencing the bugs.


Next time I get a lagging host, or notice any framerate drops due to heavy Pew Pew, I'll try to remember to try it again and see if it happens more frequently.

Edited by Xylia
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I'm trying to be helpful here and I've had nothing but vitriol hurled in my direction when I'm trying to help you, help DE fix Your problem.



Not going to bother with multi-quoting, but i'll cover your response. 

Personal Attacks? Don't see em'. Just giving you the same treatment you gave me. 


What I expect you to think? Something else than "I have never seen this before! Obviously this guy is bullS#&$ting!" when other people have clearly explained that they've experienced issues as well. To which your current classic response is "Nope! Nope! Doesn't exist! Can't see it! Can't hear it! Blahblahblahblahblah YOU'RE WRONG!". People's perception of an issue differ. And your perception of the issue is that it is not an issue, even when the majority thinks so. People who have reported issues, do not do so without reason. It's a beta, we're here to provide feedback, good or bad. The controls are simply bad, but the perception differs... Some people don't see the issues as issues, but other people are more sensitive, and notice issues quicker than others depending on what kind of games they are used to... While others have over time grown used to it or are simply living in denial of the issue, which I suspect is your case. 


As for you believing me or not, wrong. You claim to be saying that you aren't disbelieving me... And at the same time you fail to see that you are in fact not believing me at all. Which is why you downright ignored my last line in the OP where I stated my hardware is just fine. Good job. As for your simple logic, it doesn't apply at all, because people's perceptions of an issue/feature differ.... Some people might be used to sluggish controls since they come from/are used to worse things, other people are used to BETTER, and notice it instantly. The fact that Warframe's controls feels like I am playing a badly ported console game, and is mainly developed for the PC, is enough to make me scream alright. 


Now for the part I actually quoted:


No. You claim to be some kind of saint being here only to analyze an issue and help to fix it. Here's a wake-up call for you!


Coming in here telling people "You're wrong I have never seen this before" as the first post you make, and you even keep going after that claiming "Oh I am 100+ hours into the game and I have never- So clearly it can't exist!"... See where I am going? That's not being helpful at all.


If you wanted to analyze things, and genuinely try to help, your opening sentence would not be filled with in ignorant @(*()$ and: "Oh I have never-" only to proceed in calling me a liar by telling me I am (and I quote:) "playing something" on the community as some kind of sick lie/joke in order be negative towards DE. 


Let me remind you I played 87 hours of this game, I bought a founders pack, I wanted to support a game I genuinely liked as I do with most games. I would not throw away my money at a piece of crap game I wouldn't even like, and I want to like this game, but the controls are killing the game for me right now because they are so bonked. 


Let me refresh your memory:






I've never, ever, ever, ever performed a roll when attempting to jump?


Just what exactly are you playing here?


It certainly isn't Warframe -- the Space Bar does not cause you to roll. Ever.


Oh wait. If you're currently sliding, you will somersault through the air with a forward flip and you will roll when you hit the ground.


Are you attempting to hit the Sprint Key + Spacebar simultaneously, maybe? Maybe your keyboard is going kaput and it is confusing spacebar/shift keypresses?


EDIT: If you shoot or aim while airborne (after a jump or if you fall), you will roll when you hit the ground, yes. But you still performed the intended jump.


EDIT2: The "Revive Person" mechanics work off of the "Press X to do this" system and I will agree that sometimes it is VERY FREAKING SENSITIVE about the facing of your reticule, your distance to target and whether or not you are facing the target.


Sometimes I have trouble opening lockers because I wasn't aiming exactly at them and I wasn't facing them or standing exactly close enough.


Reviving someone in the heat of combat can also suffer from this, esp if it is a dangerous situation and your nerves are already frazzled. There are times I hit the 1 key instead of the 2 key while playing rhino (YAAAAAY! Rhino....CHAAAAAAAARRRRRRGE! when I meant to Iron Skin.......whoops. My friend had some not-so-kind words for me when his timer ran out because of it lol. Hey sorry buddy, my finger slipped in the chaos). But that was 100% player error, not the game.



See if you want to help someone find a possible solution to an issue you don't think exist, you better not open by "NUH-UH! You lie!". 


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Ignoring everything that has been said in this thread so far (Because a quick skim over bits of it seems like a bunch of childish arguing and some name calling), I'm going to post my experiences/thoughts on control responsiveness.


- Pressing and holding shift does not always initiate sprint as it should. Sometimes I have to press & hold the shift key three or four times before the game realizes that I am trying to sprint.




- Tapping shift does not always initiate a roll. Like sprinting, I sometimes have to make multiple attempts before it works properly.


- Pressing jump does not always initiate a jump. Sometimes it instead initiates a roll as if I had tapped shift, sometimes it does nothing at all.


- Other than those, I have not personally experienced any responsiveness issues.



That being said, I have experienced these issues on multiple computers using multiple keyboards. No other game I play on any of these computers/keyboards have issues with the shift or space keys. All the hardware checks out as in perfect working condition. It is only logical to jump to the conclusion that it is the game itself that is causing the issue.

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