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Build A Mirage?



I have this new fascination for this dust collecting mirage in my arsenal recently. I need a build but I am not too good at building her as balancing strength, efficiency and duration arent my modding expertise....

This is going to be t hat Hall of mirrors build, may also use total eclipse depends really.


I'm also curious bout her playstyle... she's rather squishy when she's standing in the shadows isnt she?

and her clones acting as a pseudo taunt/ decoy... how reliable is that? I've not taken her into any  high lvl content yet

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i usually go with a duration build on her for her 1st and 3rd ability with a lesser power str i almost get 60 s on her first ability + with tonkor way too easy to play her xD i usually take her for 40+  ODDs and defense missions never tried going for survival though ,

u could also go with a str build and make use of her 4th ability !!

Edited by rao_94
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Can't really post my build right now but yes Hall of Mirrors is super effective, it's basically her way to survive and does good at keeping nearly all the damage off of her even in to high level stuff.


Her defense is only affected while using her 3 and it only gets buffed while in shadows, there is no debuff, however the main use of her 3 is usually to pump up your damage to the max while in light but keep in mind it only affects you, not your clones.


Prism doesn't need too much efficiency, you'll usually only need energy for HoM you'll usually have plenty left over when you need to pop a Prism even without flow and just streamline, another good way to use it other than just for damage is that manually cancelling prism will blind enemies, even through walls in a very large area keep this valuable technique in mind.


And as for Sleight of Hand it honestly doesn't ave much use but it booby traps all the items in a decently wide area around you, containers explode upon being broken, lockers will eat enemies IIRC, it also turns laser doors into death traps that don't affect you and hack panels will explode in an enemies face if they try activate alarms. Keep in mind that none of these negatively affect or damage you i.e. the container explosions won't damage you.


All in all a basic Mirage build works well with the basic mods (Intensify, Streamline, Continuity, Stretch) and maybe higher duration for if you want clones to last longer but at max rank with normal continuity clones last 32 seconds or so. But if you got Primed Continuity, don't hesitate to slap it on if you feel you need more efficiency it's not too bad an idea to put on Fleeting, as long as your HoM has about 60-70% duration, high efficiency allows you to turn it back on whenever without having to recast it to often.

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Current DD build


Decent, but it's a dd.  Whatever.


Current Prism build


ZOMG amazing.  As a demo to friends on how no, you really don't have to kill stuff sometimes, we went to Round 18 (we got bored) in T4I with this.  Insanely amazing. I was walking around 2 shotting Heavy Gunners at the end of every round with my Ninkondi because they never noticed us so I kept getting stealth finishers.


I don't think you can do a great dd build and cc build at the same time.  Both of those builds will fit on an unforma'd Mirage though, and shouldn't be too hard to pick the appropriate loadout based on mission type.


Playstyle:  First build kill everything before it kills you, clones act like decoys, Eclipse helps a bit.

                 Second build literally cc all the things.  Just spam Prism, blow it up as soon as you cast.  Natural Talent is NOT optional in my opinion.  I thought Nekros was bad for casting times....

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I have two builds (one forma).

- Pure DPS, with focus on duration and strenght : Vitality, Redirection, Intensify, Blind Rage r.7, Continuity, Constitution, Narrow-Minded r.7 or 8, Hall of Malevolence.

- More frequent uses of the Prism : swap HoMal for Streamline and N-M for Stretch.

Primary is a Tonkor.

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Mirage epitomizes the "glass cannon" in Warframe for me. She is fragile as fook, but by 'eck can she kick out some damage.


Looks like you've got plenty of ideas for builds already. In terms of playing her, the main thing I would recommend is keeping Hall of Mirrors up aaaall the time. You'd be surprised just how much damage they will divert. You'll probably also want to keep Eclipse up constantly, and take note of where the light/shaded areas are on the map you're fighting so you can switch between big damage/big damage reduction.


Another important thing to note is that her base movement for dodging manouevers, rolling and such, is higher by default than all other 'frames. Bearing this in mind with HoM, you can be one slippery customer, and can quite easily get away with running Mirage without any shield/health mods if you keep on the move.


*EDIT* Also, trying using HoM with a high-status weapon with punch-through. It's hilarious.

Edited by Dualice
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