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Dumb Banshees


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SQ is still a better use of Energy than a Rank 0 Sonar.

Rank 0 Sonar lasts like 2 seconds. Almost no one will be able to hit the weak point that quickly, and if they do it will only be very few times.


Maybe they were a low ranking Banshee?


Sonar is 10 seconds long, regardless of rank. The range gets improved however.

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What a snob. If I want to use a skill just because it's cool that's reason enough for me to be 'less efficient' or 'less beneficial' in a video game. If you want to speed run a boss and tell everyone what to play and how, then make your own group of lackeys that let you be the boss.


It's fine to give tips in random games of course, but to judge someone like this is really sad.

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Why on earth should I EVER wear a Sonar? if I am boss hunting I don't even use Banshee she isn't made for boss slaying that's a job for Excalibur, and Vauban... those two rock bosses like they have never been rocked before... Banshee is more for mass mob killing. If I do use her against a boss I keep her far away...


You're not very good with a Banshee aren't ya?


In game description: Banshee is capable of filling both attack and support role.


I solo speed run boss with Banshee Sonar. 5 seconds per boss. To some Pros out there, 5 seconds already too long.


You either really need to try use it yourself, or if you still don't find it super effective against a boss.


Ask somebody to hold your hand and teach you step by step.


Frames aren't the essential of boss killing, it's the mix and match with the weapons and Frame using.

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I really don't know who is dumber, that Banshee he's talking about or the people commenting on this thread saying a huge load of crap to the OP. He's talking about the guy who was using the Banshee, not Banshees in general.


Seriously, when you play with someone you would expect them to use their skills wisely and not  as the said Banshee user was. Trying to defend other people's "free option of playing" doesn't simply fit to the matter. Imagine if i was Loki and i wasn't even using his skills to help out my team-mates, or as in previous replies, a Frost not using his snow globe to protect the cryopod in defense missions, how ridiculous would that be?


The only thing the OP said was that he was playing in a dumb way, and you act like he pounded the living S#&$ out of the dude, stalking him and saying he's a &#!-hole. Just back off and stop acting cool, it won't work.


As for "go solo" arguments... don't even get me started on that, seriously. 

Edited by Nogard18
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I'm normally pretty lenient when it comes to teammates, but I probably met the most incompetent group of players of all time while farming Sargas Ruk. 


For those of you who don't know, Ruk likes to use Bullet Attractor on players.  Since I was playing a level 30 Rhino with 870 shields and 540 health (with a ton of armor), I figured that wouldn't be a problem.  My teammates were an Excalibur and a Mag, both of whom were low level.  They kept dying on their way to the boss, which was somewhat irritating, but I kept reviving them anyway (probably 4-5 times in total).  When we finally got to the boss, I charge in and pull out some Kunai (having previously learned that Kunai are immune to Bullet Attractor).  Everything's going well, until my Excalibur teammate runs right next to me.... and uses Radial Javelin.  I take about 10,000 damage and drop instantly. 


At that point, I couldn't believe what had just happened.  But it gets worse.  The Excalibur player runs away without bothering to resurrect me, and Ruk starts chasing him.  As I continue to bleed out, I see my Mag teammate and sigh in relief.  Instead of reviving me, she rushes over and begins to melee the boss with a normal Skana (dealing basically no damage).  After a few seconds of this, she finally turns her attention to me, and uses Pull to drag me.... right to the boss.  At this point I finish bleeding out and drop dead.  Mag runs away as the boss starts chasing her.  Thoroughly disgusted, I exit from the match. 


That was the last time I ever played a group match against Ruk.  I've soloed from then on out. 

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get over it...

pointless thread is pointless...

instead of acting here like a jerk .. you could put up a banshee user guide ...

There is a point: Stop acting stupid. Look at the post above you. You'll understand why we feel this way.

Your pointless post is pointless, vyra.

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Those damn Banshees which never use Sonar to increase the damage of their team against tough enemies.

Those damn Mags which never discharge enemy shields with Polarize or yank the Shield off of a Lancer with Pull.

Those damn Excaliburs which never use Radial Blind to stun a boss and instead Slash Dash across him, worse when he actually MISSES to hit the enemy with it.

Those damn Trinities which never use Blessing and instead pretend to be Tanks with Link.

Those damn Frosts which never Snowglobe the Pod when it needs one.

Those damn knifeskaters which never wait for their team.


<nag nag nag>

bet you cant think up one for Rhino.........

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There is a point: Stop acting stupid. Look at the post above you. You'll understand why we feel this way.

Your pointless post is pointless, vyra.

No its not.. really... its still just a game.. if you think other people are to dumb to play their class porperly then dont play with them...

if you're THAT pro, go play solo.

But openening a new Thread everytime someone is not playing the way someone else want him to play is just pointless...

Thats why i said they should make a Guide and good.

Edited by Vyra
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I really don't know who is dumber, that Banshee he's talking about or the people commenting on this thread saying a huge load of crap to the OP. He's talking about the guy who was using the Banshee, not Banshees in general.


Seriously, when you play with someone you would expect them to use their skills wisely and not  as the said Banshee user was. Trying to defend other people's "free option of playing" doesn't simply fit to the matter. Imagine if i was Loki and i wasn't even using his skills to help out my team-mates, or as in previous replies, a Frost not using his snow globe to protect the cryopod in defense missions, how ridiculous would that be?


The only thing the OP said was that he was playing in a dumb way, and you act like he pounded the living S#&$ out of the dude, stalking him and saying he's a &amp;#&#33;-hole. Just back off and stop acting cool, it won't work.


As for "go solo" arguments... don't even get me started on that, seriously.

Yet the title says dumb BANSHEES.
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Well everytime im bored i check this forums because wife is stil sleeping.. then i see a thread about dumb banshees startet at:


Started by austinrelis, Yesterday, 09:44 PM

now its around " Today, 07:15 PM"

in that time the OP should have gotten over it already oO

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