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Human Trafficking: Slavery Still Exists. It's Real. It's Here. It's Brutal.


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Slavery Still Exists.





I felt convicted to spread awareness on such a huge issue to the members of the Warframe community. Please listen, spare the extra twenty minutes to read this post, all of you, Digital Extremes, players, all of you, please. This isn't something to simply wave off as a minor issue or one that hardly affects anyone. Human trafficking is a massive monstrosity that is growing larger with each passing day (and I do not say this out of any sense of exaggeration).

Don't take this the wrong way, but I sincerely hope this breaks your heart as much as it has mine. We have to stand and speak for those who are not able to. Apathy simply isn't an option.  

- After drug trafficking, human trafficking (sex trafficking being much more common than forced-labor) is the second largest criminal industry in the world today, and it is considered to be the fastest-growing, generating $32 Billion annually.

- It's sad, but true. Every day, here in the United States, in Canada, in the European Union, people are being bought, sold, and smuggled as modern-day slaves. 600,000-800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year.


- There are 27 million modern-day slaves worldwide in 161 countries including the United States, that is more than at any period in human history. 

- In 2011, 42,291 victims of human trafficking were identified worldwide. Of that number only 3,969 convictions were actually made. 

- Arrests and prosecutions of traffickers and pimps remain low and prosecutions of johns are practically nonexistent

- In Europe, 1 in 100,000 traffickers are ever convicted

- According to the US State Department, between 14,500 and 17,500 people are trafficked into the US annually (this is not the total number of trafficking victims in the US as it excludes US nationals who are victims within US borders).


- Major cities such as Houston and New York are considered to be hub-cities for sex trafficking, as they have access to international roadways, airports, and ports. Trust me, it's bad in Houston (which is considered to be the worst city for human sex trafficking in the United States). You can see the brothels from the freeway.


Now, you know a few of the big facts. Great. Here are some common misconceptions:

- Human trafficking occurs only in illegal industries or happen in strip clubs or other "obvious" places (I am about to touch up on this one, just keep reading). 
- That human trafficking victims are largely foreign nationals. Wrong. 
- There must be elements of physical restraint, force or bondage when identifying a trafficking situation.
- The majority of victims come from small, rural villages or poor neighborhoods. Wrong. Traffickers are known to target girls (and in some cases, boys) from well-to-do communities (I will touch up on this one as well, as this one has affected me personally). 


You, yes you, can identify places and victims of Human Trafficking. Here are some big red-flags to be on the lookout for:


- Brothels often pose as common business places posing as Massage Parlors, Day Spas, Cantinas, Bars, Beauty Salons, Nail Salons, Modeling Studios.
     - Look to see if the place is open 24 hours. A legitimate "Day Spa" isn't going to be open 24/7. It's that disgustingly obvious.
    - Be on the lookout for extensions or "out-buildings" behind or connected to the main structure
    - The windows and doors may be barred
    - There may be cameras around every corner of the building, including windows (that may even be barred)


A person who is trafficked may look like many of the people you see daily, but asking the  right questions and looking for small clues will help you identify those people who have  been forced or coerced into a life of sexual exploitation or forced labor. Look for the following clues: 
- Evidence of being controlled 
- Someone else controlling their income
- Evidence of an inability to move or leave job 
- Strange or very long work hours
- Bruises or other signs of battering 
- Fear or depression 
- Extremely submissive behavior
- Non-English speaking, and/or lack of knowledge about community
- Recently brought to this country from Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, Canada, Africa or India. 
- Lack of passport, immigration or identification documentation
- Is afraid of law enforcement or of receiving help from an outside entity

- Is never alone or has someone answering questions on her (or sometimes, his) behalf.
- If answers to questions sound rehearsed, or flat-out odd or fake, or if the answer appears to be embellished.


Now, onto a brief, personal account. A loved one of mine (I will leave it at this to protect her) has been approached by two different "recruiters." These were men twice her age, and asked her questions which grew increasingly bizarre (both of these men asked the same questions two weeks apart),

 - "Do you like to travel?" (This one seems harmless, but once taken in consideration with the following, it's...unsettling)
 - "Why is your hair (color)? Did you dye it or is that natural?"
 - "How old are you?"
 - "How much do you weigh?"
 - "What do you do throughout the day?"
 - "Do you have any food restrictions?" (This one really raised an eyebrow when she told me. Why would a 40-something year-old man want to know something like this about a woman half his age?)

These encounters happened in a well-to-do part of town. Not in some back alley or run-down community. I have told my loved one to text me and call the police if she is approached and asked this set of questions again, and to stay where she is (in a public place with lots of witnesses and potential good Samaritans), and that I would confront the individual myself.

This was enough for me to put an end to apathy I had held onto for so long after knowing and seeing so much of it in my city.

Here are some organizations that are in the fight against modern-day slavery, check them out! YOU HAVE A VOICE. SPEAK FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT:

- The END IT Movement - An organization created to raise awareness and be a voice for the 27 million people who have no voices due to their bondage in modern-day slavery.



- International Justice Mission - Lawyers, investigators, and aftercare professional who work with local officials to rescue victims, prosecute perpetrators and protect the poor and vulnerable.



- The A21 Campaign - Prevents trafficking through awareness and education, protects those who have been trafficked, and prosecutes traffickers (and now johns).


- Not For Sale - Using work on the ground and in mainstream supply chains, they target root causes of slavery while equipping the movement for freedom.



Love 146Works to abolish child trafficking and exploitation through prevention and aftercare while contributing to the growing abolition movement.




- Free The Slaves - Helping slaves break free and stay free in global trafficking hotpots, while changing systems that allow slavery to exist. They also post pictures of johns arrested for purchasing the "services" of human sex trafficking.



 - Polaris ProjectOne of the leading organizations in the fight against modern-day slavery. They have a hotline for human trafficking (a little extra info about this one):





The National Human Trafficking Hotline is 1-888-373-7888.


- Porn sites (I will not provide links) try to thwart reporting, investigation, and rescue attempts by creating mock sites

- Sex lines (I will not provide numbers) will  switch one or two numbers around to throw off potential callers trying to report a human trafficking event. 

So....what does this say about watching porn? Does that support human trafficking? Does the porn industry support human trafficking? The answer is YES. This hurts their business, and reports and investigations have shown that videos on common porn sites may actually be (and have been) videos of trafficked girls. Kinda makes you sick to your stomach, doesn't it? I deliberately saved this part for last so some of you wouldn't automatically tune-out without getting the facts. 


Now you know. It's worse than "that bad," and it's growing larger. Now, the next question you should ask yourself:

What will you do?

I will leave you with a quote from William Wilberforce, an English leader of the movement to abolish slave trade in the late 1700s and 1800s.

"You may choose to look the other way but you can never again say that you did not know."



Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, please, post them here or PM me. I will answer them to the best of my ability. 



God bless,

- Crimson_Thomas

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It is tragic that this still exists.

However, it will always be around. We can delay it, weaken it but it will never be destroyed.

At least, that is how I view it.


I'm sure plenty of people held that same regard for black slavery in the 1700s and 1800s, but look at today. Regardless of how optimistic or pessimistic our viewpoint on it is, that does not  justify apathy. We have the ability and the means to start abolishing it. The only thing is are people willing to stand up and take action.

When my children or grandchildren ask me "where were you when there were 27 million slaves in the world?" I will be able to proudly say that I chose to take a stand. 

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There aren't enough people who are willing to deal with this. If you're free, you have the ability to make a difference.

Yes. A very small difference.

And saying that even small things count is sh*t. Don't get me wrong, I think this is horrific. But 1 person cannot make ANY difference whatsoever.

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Yes. A very small difference.

And saying that even small things count is sh*t. Don't get me wrong, I think this is horrific. But 1 person cannot make ANY difference whatsoever.


If obama put a bounty on any trafficant, drugs or slaves, let's say 100.000 dollars and you can kill them without being charged, it will be a huge difference. So yeah one man can make a difference, it just depends on the ammount of power that he has.

And I'd agree with that happening. If those criminals don't respect other people's lives, then no one should respect theirs.

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and you can kill them without being charged


You really think that will make anything better? People would just fake to be a slave and get someone close to them they know to murder them.... If the person is dead they cant deny it lol. Plus do you really think the government would actually encourage vigilantism?

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You really think that will make anything better? People would just fake to be a slave and get someone close to them they know to murder them.... If the person is dead they cant deny it lol. Plus do you really think the government would actually encourage vigilantism?


Exactly this. I'm sorry, but this is not how the world works.


Under no circumstance is it right for one person to kill another, that is a falsehood that Americans have decided to try and push across.

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- Porn sites (I will not provide links) try to thwart reporting, investigation, and rescue attempts by creating mock sites

- Sex lines (I will not provide numbers) will  switch one or two numbers around to throw off potential callers trying to report a human trafficking event.


Not to detract from the rest of your argument, but although you cannot provide links to these aforementioned websites, surely you can provide substantiation for this claim. The way you've posted this seems to be an argument against pornography in general, and not necessarily against just the act of slave trade in relation to pornography.

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Not to detract from the rest of your argument, but although you cannot provide links to these aforementioned websites, surely you can provide substantiation for this claim. The way you've posted this seems to be an argument against pornography in general, and not necessarily against just the act of slave trade in relation to pornography.

I understand where you're coming from, and I was actually a bit concerned someone might take it that way. I'm sorry I can't disclose much, but part of my career revolves around stinging places that commit these kinds of acts and rescuing victims. I guess you'll just have to take me at my word and believe me when I say it is that bad, that it is that prevalent in the porn industry for trafficked girls to be filmed. The demand provided for the porn industry actually drives the demand for human trafficking, and we have seen a paralleled growth over the past several years, what I have seen has only proven this.

Then again, other reports help too. This article has a testimony of a former "star" who confirms what I just said. http://www.covenanteyes.com/2011/09/07/the-connections-between-pornography-and-sex-trafficking/


Allow me to reiterate that this isn't supposed to be a thread taking a jab at people who watch porn (but the heartbreaking, convicting truth of the matter hurts, a lot), it's meant to raise awareness for an issue that could affect one of us or a loved one in the future, and to expose all of the things pointing to it and allowing it to thrive so we can begin to tackle it.


To the people saying, "It will always be there," people said the same for black slavery (and there was an entire part of the country that had that legalized, where as this is illegal to begin with). We have the means to identify, storm in, arrest the pimps and johns, and most importantly, free the captives. The question is who is willing to start by standing up and saying something. 

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You do realise that this thread, for all intensive purposes, is spam, right?

I'm sorry you feel that way, but this thread is not spam because you disagree with it being here. Spamming is not the purpose of this thread, not in the slightest. This is the "Off Topic" portion of the forum, meaning that it does not  have to pertain to Warframe, and this issue is big enough to garner attention from every member of every intellectual and progress-driven community (and they have the right to know). To address your previous post, I have already shared this post and information long before posting it here.

I'm not asking people to make some massive, major lifestyle change (perhaps if it involves watching pornography, I'm asking one to reconsider their choice in regards to the facts), I'm simply trying to raise awareness to a massive, growing, and heartbreaking issue in a so-called "free world." Perhaps even put that Polaris Project number in your contacts or speed dial in the case you do see something, which is not difficult and could actually save someone's life. 

I'm not asking you to give up all of your time, money, or anything like that. I'm asking, if you have the time, to check out one of the links I provided in between farming for those Orokin Cells or the fabled Latron Prime Receiver. That is all. If you feel this thread is such a bother, then by all means, CrazyCanadian24, stop clicking on it. If DE and the forum moderators wish for this thread to be closed, that is up to them, and I will fully and wholly honor their decision.




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I'm sorry you feel that way, but this thread is not spam because you disagree with it being here. Spamming is not the purpose of this thread, not in the slightest. This is the "Off Topic" portion of the forum, meaning that it does not  have to pertain to Warframe, and this issue is big enough to garner attention from every member of every intellectual and progress-driven community (and they have the right to know). To address your previous post, I have already shared this post and information long before posting it here.

I'm not asking people to make some massive, major lifestyle change (perhaps if it involves watching pornography, I'm asking one to reconsider their choice in regards to the facts), I'm simply trying to raise awareness to a massive, growing, and heartbreaking issue in a so-called "free world." Perhaps even put that Polaris Project number in your contacts or speed dial in the case you do see something, which is not difficult and could actually save someone's life. 

I'm not asking you to give up all of your time, money, or anything like that. I'm asking, if you have the time, to check out one of the links I provided in between farming for those Orokin Cells or the fabled Latron Prime Receiver. That is all. If you feel this thread is such a bother, then by all means, CrazyCanadian24, stop clicking on it. If DE and the forum moderators wish for this thread to be closed, that is up to them, and I will fully and wholly honor their decision.


I was going to point out how you're wrong in every way possible, but I'd rather not get into a flame war. You're really just not worth my time.

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I was going to point out how you're wrong in every way possible, but I'd rather not get into a flame war. You're really just not worth my time.

Again, I'm sorry you feel that way. There was never anything here that warranted a flame war or argument to begin with, you just don't want a thread like this here, and that is on you. All I have done is present facts, supporting information, and resources for people who would want to get involved, starting a confrontation is on you and you alone. If you can't keep things civil, then please stay off of the thread.



This is really serious - it is a good idea to raise awareness about these things on the internet.

Thank you. That is why I brought it to this community. A member of a community that is driven by progress (look at Warframe) has a greater chance of wanting to get involved in a movement like this. Again, I'm not asking people to make a huge lifestyle change or to make fighting this their career path, I'm simply asking them to look into something, like one of the links I provided above, or even putting the hotline number in their phone. Nothing daunting about that. 



The whole point of this section id 'off topic' - how can it not belong here?

It's the place for "Everything else." It does belong here. If DE and the moderators decide it doesn't, I will respect their judgment. 

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Nothing new to me here, and i hardly consider myself well informed on the topic either (i just know stuff like this)




 Traffickers are known to target girls from well-to-do communities 


So....what does this say about watching porn? Does that support human trafficking? Does the porn industry support human trafficking? The answer is YES.

I realize you're fully aware of this but do add "and boys" to that line.


There's a great alternative to regular porn-sites, it's called hentai and it's much more creative and fun to watch/read/whatever it is that you do, than normal porn, amateur or professional. After watching porn for too many years by the age of like 17 i realized the awesomeness of hentai <3


But tell you what, as good as it is, not everyone will prefer it over "normal" porn, and as much as people might want to stop watching "normal" porn on websites, they wont. Everyone needs to fap.


Apart from that, good thread! people need to know this even if theres absolutely nothing they can do about it as much as they would like to.


The only thing that can affect this in any reasonable way is law, for example in my country prostitution is illegal with a middle man, but if a person chooses to sell itself personally to someone else (without anyone else involved) nothing stops that. Buying prostitution from someone else than the person selling itself is also considered the same crime.

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I realize you're fully aware of this but do add "and boys" to that line.


I will be sure to do that, thank you. I will fix this as soon as I can. I had shifted my focus to traffickers targeting girls due to my personal experience when they targeted a loved one, and girls are actually the vast majority of whom these sociopaths target.

As for saying which porn is "better" than the other, I can not and will not comment. All I will say is I have seen enough in my work to hate the "mainstream" porn industry. The most commonly-visited porn sites are among the greatest supporters for this $32 Billion industry, and for a lot of people, regardless of personal habit, vice, or whatever, will find that fact very, very difficult to swallow and wrestle with. It calls people to take stock of themselves when they see habits like these in light of the truth. Sadly, most people, even when they know, will fight tooth and nail to suppress any bit of knowledge and conviction after that. 



The only thing that can affect this in any reasonable way is law, for example in my country prostitution is illegal with a middle man, but if a person chooses to sell itself personally to someone else (without anyone else involved) nothing stops that. Buying prostitution from someone else than the person selling itself is also considered the same crime.

This is what organizations like IJM are doing, they are based in Washington D.C. and have been pushing Safe Harbor laws for every state, and to not only prosecute (and implement more severe punishments) for the pimps, but also the johns (people buying the service). Prostitution, in every sense of the word, is wrong, and should be illegal. When it is allowed to thrive, this is the end result. The demand must be cut off by arresting johns as just much as the supply needs to be cut of by arresting the pimps and traffickers while also provided a safe haven for the boys and girls who are rescued.  


Apart from that, good thread! people need to know this even if theres absolutely nothing they can do about it as much as they would like to.

That's the beautiful part of this! There IS something that every free man and free woman can do! If all you do is put the Polaris Project phone number into your phone contacts or even (if you feel moved to do so) put it in your speed dial, you have done a lot, and could potentially save someone's life and rescue their innocence. That is a beautiful thing. If you check out one of the links I provided between farming, that's a good first step. Another thing (the first thing) (and I know I'm painting a nice, big "flame here" target on myself, but I'm not afraid of this) we should do is pray. We can not and must not expect full justice to reign without the God of justice in our constant consideration as we carry out our movement of justice and abolition.

We CAN do a lot about this, the only question is, are enough people willing to stand up and say, "Not this one. She is someone's baby girl," or, "Not this one, he is someone's precious son."

What side will you be on?


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"Pornography supports human trafficking"


I'm not even going to bother trying to refute this, because it's one of the dumbest things I've ever read. From what I can tell you also have a religious bias towards this issue, which is another reason people are going to to generally ignore what you say. The world is aware of this issue, and to be perfectly honest, peoples stances towards it are as stupid as the whole "Kony2012" S#&amp;&#036; that went around. Your stance is starting to read like a salesman, which is going to put people off even more.


While I am all for halting human trafficking, no matter what people do to stop it, it will continue. It's been continuing for thousands of years, and it's not going to stop anytime soon.


Be realistic, and say hello to human nature.

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"Pornography supports human trafficking"


I'm not even going to bother trying to refute this, because it's one of the dumbest things I've ever read. From what I can tell you also have a religious bias towards this issue, which is another reason people are going to to generally ignore what you say. The world is aware of this issue, and to be perfectly honest, peoples stances towards it are as stupid as the whole "Kony2012" S#&$ that went around. Your stance is starting to read like a salesman, which is going to put people off even more.


While I am all for halting human trafficking, no matter what people do to stop it, it will continue. It's been continuing for thousands of years, and it's not going to stop anytime soon.


Be realistic, and say hello to human nature.

Yep. I knew because I mentioned God people would immediately jump onto the "you're just biased" train. Funny how all of the organizations that have spearheaded the fight against slavery, both past and present, have been and are Christian-led (fun little bit of information). Then again, plenty of people held your same regard of "it will always be around, why bother, speaking bad about it is stupid" for black slavery, and if everyone had, it would still be around. I keep restating this because people thought that atrocity would always be around in the United States and Europe, but thanks to the people willing to do something about it, and the case is all the same here, whereas this is a major human rights issue, just as black slavery was. Yes, as of right now, few are willing to take a stand against human trafficking, just as few at first were willing to take an open stand to put an end to black slavery, but it will gain momentum. 

You say that my stating that the porn industry supports human trafficking and that stances against human trafficking are as stupid as the Kony 2012 business tells me and everyone else here you have no idea what you're talking about and that you have read nothing on why it supports it (be insulted by that if you will, but it's simply stated fact, if you believe otherwise, then try to refute it, I wish you luck in your search for a proper answer), you just don't like the sound of it.

Now I will turn and charge you to be realistic, and don't apply your sense of apathy to everyone else because you don't want to assume responsibility for you own. Just because you have chosen not to act does not mean that others won't. I could point to black slavery again, but by now you either get the point or have chosen not to, and can go back to telling yourself how stupid you think all of this is.

By the way, I haven't presented anything in a "salesman" approach, I have stated facts and provided resources for people to check on their own initiative. I have not pressed anything on anyone in this thread. 


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Geez a pretty heavy topic for WF forums!

Im sure You guys have heard about Madeleine McCann the little girl that was abducted in Portugal?

what You might not know is that the private investigators hired by the parents discovered a horrifying secret

that there is a band of kidnappers working in Portugal at the expensive resorts who were kidnapping young children TO ORDER for rich people who simply did not want to go thru the red tape of legal adoption


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we should do is pray. We can not and must not expect full justice to reign without the God of justice in our constant consideration as we carry out our movement of justice and abolition.


The moment you start to rely on a god, any god. You're admitting that you can not rely on anyone else to complete your task, and you can not complete it yourself either. Basically what i mean is that any battle where one starts to rely on god, is a battle that is already lost.


(Don't say that templars relied on god, they didn't. They trained so fiercely that men feared them not for their religion, but for their brutal strength. They went to such extremes that the curch started to fear their power as-well and had the remaining living templars executed. Great reward for devoting yourself to your religion isn't it? or so the story i heard goes.)


In my life i have never ever seen a prayer help anyone for certain. If you can find the time to pray, use it for something more productive, like thinking, meditating, hobbies, feeding the cat, etc.




What side will you be on?

I'm always on my own side. I follow my own sense of justice, and i follow my own rules and ideals. It's just a coincidence that i'm just as opposed to rape and slavery as you are, but despite that i'm a human myself and i can understand how greed can just simply lead to such terrible things.


Don't think for a second i'm so timid that i wouldn't stand up and stop something i hate from happening to anyone else than myself. You're not the only human in this world willing to stand up for your own sense of justice. Don't think for a second that everyone else than you and me is either, they're not. It's hard to be at the right place at the wrong time when you're needed, and it depends on no god but coincidence and luck.

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Geez a pretty heavy topic for WF forums!

Im sure You guys have heard about Madeleine McCann the little girl that was abducted in Portugal?

what You might not know is that the private investigators hired by the parents discovered a horrifying secret

that there is a band of kidnappers working in Portugal at the expensive resorts who were kidnapping young children TO ORDER for rich people who simply did not want to go thru the red tape of legal adoption


It is man! This is a very intelligent community though, and since they're all driven by progress (otherwise, they wouldn't play Warframe or participate in a beta), they deserved to know about a progress-driven movement.

I have heard of this, sadly. A21 is working in that area right now. 



The moment you start to rely on a god, any god. You're admitting that you can not rely on anyone else to complete your task, and you can not complete it yourself either. Basically what i mean is that any battle where one starts to rely on god, is a battle that is already lost.

You and I will have to disagree on this one, then. I believe a turning point in a battle against an injustice like this happens when we finally fall on our knees and realize that we cannot accomplish this by human ability alone. Look at the leaders of the abolitionist movement in the 1700s and 1800s, and the civil rights movement in the 1960s, all of them were devoted Christians who first recognized that they needed someOne greater than themselves to accomplish their goal. 


(Don't say that templars relied on god, they didn't. They trained so fiercely that men feared them not for their religion, but for their brutal strength. They went to such extremes that the curch started to fear their power as-well and had the remaining living templars executed. Great reward for devoting yourself to your religion isn't it? or so the story i heard goes.)


Ah, the crusades. A bunch of greedy aristocrats trying to twist the message of Christ to mask their true intentions (the pharisees hated that Jesus challenged their sense of authority and power that they bestowed upon themselves, and that is why they wanted to have Him crucified). I agree, the crusades didn't work out great, and they didn't for that reason. Every time someone brings this up, I point to a place in time where the church is actually being the body of Christ that it is supposed to be, rather than people being driven by their own greed and pride. All of these organizations, IJM, A21, LOVE 146, Rescue and Restore, Not for Sale, are all doing exactly what the church is supposed to do, show compassion and stand for justice. You can't get paid enough to work in this field, to see all of the horrible things that we see. A pat on the back or a "good job dude!" will not do either.



In my life i have never ever seen a prayer help anyone for certain. If you can find the time to pray, use it for something more productive, like thinking, meditating, hobbies, feeding the cat, etc.


I am sorry that you haven't seen that. I challenge you to surround yourself with people who are actually passionate about Christ helping people for a short time, you will see a difference. I have seen amazing things as a result of prayer and active service. You can pray while you go about doing things, you know. Also, meditating is a very important thing as well, but we more than likely have very different ideas of that. 



I'm always on my own side. I follow my own sense of justice, and i follow my own rules and ideals. It's just a coincidence that i'm just as opposed to rape and slavery as you are, but despite that i'm a human myself and i can understand how greed can just simply lead to such terrible things.


Don't think for a second i'm so timid that i wouldn't stand up and stop something i hate from happening to anyone else than myself. You're not the only human in this world willing to stand up for your own sense of justice. Don't think for a second that everyone else than you and me is either, they're not. It's hard to be at the right place at the wrong time when you're needed, and it depends on no god but coincidence and luck.

If you hate what you see, then get after it and do something. I'm glad you're not afraid to stand up and stop something if you see it happening, and I never suggested that I was the only one willing to stand up against injustice. You're right, it's hard to be at the right place at the right time when you're needed, and you and I will have to disagree, because I believe that it does depend on God ordaining the situation. We see injustice, are enraged by it, and we are to act on those in need with compassion. 


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