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Despawning Drops Is Incredibly Stupid


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Terrible decision to make resources dissapear based on a timer. Especially in the void when mods sometime drops. *shakes head* I dont know whatever reason they'd think to do that, save on system resources? It was fine the way it was before, turn the timers off. Either that or share the resources with the whole team when anyone picks it up, just like how credits are.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must agree with the previous post - if the engine cannot handle that immense amount of resources on the ground (never once saw many more than 10 units drop on one non-defense map) give it to everyone when one player picks it up like credits. That would ease the tension and actually help us a lot. For example if I mark a mod the sign changes from "waypoint" to "module" (this "change" mostly only happens if I'm not the host somehow, guess it's bugged) while mods stay waaaay longer in map than resources. It would be nice to make the marker react to resources too.



Right now you are forced to stay with team so everyone gets the resource but since you have no other means to ensure that noone rushes ahead than to play alone or nag your friends until they play together with ya.

How is this promoting cooperative play? I'm reluctant about playing online as I cannot know what kind of people I'm going to "get" and one rusher can make me lose Very precious resources (especially circuits right now huh? :) ). It's less stressful to play alone against a whole map of infested than worrying about losing something 'cause of a 30 or so seconds timer... (I once lost an orokin cell, it disappeared 2 meters in front of me - no, I didn't pick it up...and this is just one of those that I actually noticed! how much did I lose never even knowing?).


With the introduction of the dojo, efficient farming is essential - but it's existence is questionable since resource drops disappear like they are the most useless stuff ingame... and as a result so called "efficient farming" means we stroll glued together to every corner instead of sweeping the map and only gathering when someone finds something. It's beautiful when we enter a "secret" room to find 5 locked containers which do not open even for my MasterThief's 40%... after walking a mile. Just beautiful.


By the way, it would be nice to know if they intend to fix the "props" problem with locked containers - the ones that are always locked and cannot be unlocked with MasterThief make my day usually. I mean I have 40% and I leave a room of 20+ red containers behind me - with not even one opened... I know, random, yea, but still feels weird.


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Digital Extremes made the comment that players are going through new content "too quickly." With the introduction of the Dojo and how time-consuming it can be to upgrade and expand it, resources are a necessity. I suppose disappearing materials is DE's way of slowing down player progression. As someone with a small clan that does a majority of the farming, this frustrates me greatly. I can also see how it would be a nuisance to people who aren't clan-oriented, mostly likely newbies who are trying to progress and build weapons and such.

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It is to stop exploits!


Remember this is a f2p.

You can create infinite accounts or play your "friends" accounts.


Just play a 4 member squad by yourself. Do a run with 1 and collect with the rest afterwards.

You see the point?


So... you then have 4 different accounts with 1 neurode that you can't trade?  Oh no... the games economy....



But yeah, the materials should not despawn.  Don't see a reason for them too and don't like it.  I've missed many a morphic because of it.

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I also dislike this timer because even with a highly coordinated team of players, there's bound to be some instances when one of you goes off the rails and finds some kind of secret chamber nearby. If the engine is the problem, then the game should have timers for the most common resources, not the other way around. Credits should despawn almost instantly, ammo also the same way. (because you always have melee) Then mods and mats should stay permanent.


Because really, I wouldn't mind it if credits vanished altogether from the game considering the end-of-mission rewards that we have now. And ammo.. if you keep running out of that, you're simply either using your weapons wrong, or not packing enough extra ammo packs. And at 1k credits a pack, you'd have to be a pretty bad player not to afford those later in the game.

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even if your team is moving together you still risk not getting to the material or mod-drop in time. Affinity has always despawned far too quickly, now mats are doing the same. It's really bothersome especially in defense maps where enemies may die halfway across the map while you're still busy defending the pod and can't stop immediately to go rush out and grab the material before it vanishes.

Edited by AnalogAnomaly
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  • 4 weeks later...

Materials dispearing is quite a problem, I myself like to scanvage through the whole map looking through all the possible locations, this works well within my clan and fits all our play styles. But the time it takes to get to some areas, this is including the few expected failed attempts, many times, mainly on the multi-level Grneer titles as an example by the time I have marked a material and my fellow clan mates are able to locate it the item disapears, often litlary right infront of them.


This is exterming irritating for all involved. This wasn't an issues for a long period of time. It seems unnessary for there to be a timer on materials and moduel drops seem to remain until everyone has retrived their pick up, why can not this endefinated duration extend to materials or at the very less have a durtation similar to ammunitions?

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  • 8 years later...
Am 3.6.2013 um 14:20 schrieb EdgeKasim:

if your going to explore its best done with a team you know want to explore as well...

That's why you are looking for people from Lfg and establish the rules BEFORE THE GAME.

But apparently the OP doesn't care about other players and everyone should dance around him with the drum?
really now...

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