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Potential Mod Idea/ Possible New Mechanic? (Rebound)


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Hey guys so I just had an idea for a mod or a possible new mechanic for the game.


I was watching some of the jetstream dlc gameplay from Metal Gear Rising and at one point Sam in knocked into a wall, but instead of just hitting it, he "lands" on the wall and performs a sort of walljump attack right back at the enemy.


So I was thinking why not incorporate this into the game, either as a mod or an entirely new mechanic.  


As a mod (lets call it "Rebound" for now), you could have so that whenever an enemy knocks you into a wall, you "grab" the wall for a sec and jump right at the enemy with a slash (similar to the slash attack from wall running).


As a new mechanic, you could make it so that you need to press the jump button (spacebar in this case) as SOON as you hit the wall, and then you perform this technique.



Edited by Boomstick720
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Seems like an okay idea, but I can see where there might be some problems with this, namely on doors (if it opens as soon as you hit it, and you're still on it about to jump, what happens?) and how this would actually help. Would it just be springing off a wall, and your Loki's squishy face ends up staring down the barrel of a Heavy's Gorgon, or will there be an attack accompanying it, like the kind you get when you melee while doing a wall run? How would this be affected by things such as a rocky wall where angles are rough terrain?

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