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Torid+Rage+Trinity = Infinity Energy = Best Tank In Game


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Link reflects the stumble and knockdown. Link stops all damage as far as I'm aware. Blessing stops all damage.

So, um, what? I'm genuinely confused. If that's sarcasm, it doesn't come across as it. It sounds like you're stating your disinformation as fact, which is what a lot of *stupid* people do.

I was killed by phorid using his physic bolts while in link.

Also if a rocket explodes, a shockwave moa produces a shockwave or being knocked back by phorid, the player will still fly away even without the stagger. Thus pushing the player back and away from mobs.

Sometimes link fails to work against poison damage of ancients or crawlers at times. It is not 100% perfect.

Not to mention that trinity has no damaging skill except for link, it is the only freaking DAMN F*#!)#(@!)#( skill you can use when SURROUNDED.


Just angry at how people take trinity link as op. It is the only real useful skill that protects her when mobbed and when you have no box to jump on. You think 2 second cast of blessing would save you? There are many times you cast link before blessing. Link is not overpowered, it is the only F(!#)!@(#)!#*!# skill she can use to do most of her (Q#)$@(!$$(!_$) damage!


Get your #)!@_#(!@#_ right, trinity may have energy vampire and blessing which is useful for bosses. But you want to fight infested and use your abilities every second, your energy will drain out very fast. Don't give me the *!)#(!@#)!( that there are ancients to use energy vampire when you are being !(@#)!(#)!(# surrounded by so many infested your gun and melee is your only saviour.


The fact you have to use %(#$)_%($#%)$(%_$#()%_#@)$!_+#)$_$(__ good weapons just to have some worth or ability to survive means she is $(!)_#(_!@#_#(_$!($ useless without good weapons or link. GET THAT )#*!)#(!@#) INTO YOUR HEAD!


PS: sorry for being for scolding you, i wanted to release some hate

Edited by Jacate
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