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Will De Ever Impliment More Swordplay?


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Mashing my melee button isn't that fun and I see lots of potential with sword play. For instance if you hold W and melee it could be fast but weak swipes than compared to stationary hits; holding W+A could be a diagnal strike. I'm just throwing ideas out there, but it would really fun to add more mechanics into swordplay for this game.

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I dunno, I would find execution to be a problem if it were mapped with the movement keys. Perhaps something a bit more unique, something like actually selecting your melee the way you would a primary and secondry, then you could add all sorts of things using fire and reload keys. Perhaps make stances with your melee weapon, a defensive and offensive stance?

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It would be amazing if they implemented the melee combat system from Jedi Outcast / Academy / JA++. That would make dueling in the dojo amazing like duels were back in the day on honor servers.

How is swordplay in that? I've never played those before.

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Very deep though there is a bit of a learning curve. Three different stances for heavy (slow speed ), medium ( medium ), light ( fast ). Combing direction and attack performs different swings. Heavy can do up to three moves in succession ( combos ), medium can do 5, light can do many. Adding jumps allows for aerial attacks / combos / stalls. It's pretty open ended as well so different players develop different fighting styles.

Edited by Varelze
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Definitely would like to see melee weapons made equippable. Not only does it look weird to constantly put away melee weapons the moment you stop using them, having the ability to just switch to a melee weapon opens up a lot of possiblities; not only does it let you make mouse1/mouse2 combos, but is also takes melee off of the keyboard, which may alleviate some key rollover issues some people may be experiencing while trying to melee whilst moving about.

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no they wont.




the play style this game facilitates is kill fast or die trying.

you cant do anything besides maybe adding combo specific moves for more damage or effects.

problem is they flat out said they don't want to do any combo stuff.


so there is no way to expand on this hack and slash system.

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the game has a nice combination of shoot'n'slash ... so big NO for your suggestion !

Not really. The slashing is very dull/repetetive. The gunplay is excellent the way it is because its very open, but swordplay is very limited.

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I think a lot of people would enjoy it. I really do. The problem is, a lot of people have it set in stone, the way THEY want to play this game. So when feedback like this arises..it's met with NOOOO I RIKE SHOTGUNS NOOB. STFU WITH YOUR NAURTO POWER FANTASIES AND GO EAT OREOS YOU NERD


I think there are enough people out there who love mixing it up with their melee weapons..and if they could use a 2 handed sword, or a couple of katanas, or kartars and maybe a pistol sidearm..to run in and just cut heads off, and cut things in half.. I think they would enjoy themselves.


The Paris gave people something to do.. Learn how to head shot everything, in one shot. Pin as many enimies to the wall as you could. And that was fun. For awhile. What if you were bored of that, or farmed a couple BP's of an advanced Ash frame or Rino frame..that was built for hand to hand.


Now you got a dude with like Ash-Razor (whatever..right?) running in there, and just chopping S#&$ in two, and lopping heads off. Feeling like a badass.


You got Rino-Charge with a giant freakin' hammer..that just smashes and stuns groups of enimies. Swing it against a wall and make a grineer just splatter all over a console.


I JUST GAVE YOU FRAMES TO FARM WEAPONS TO FARM because these weapons will be exclusive to melee frames...AND A WHOLE DIFFERENT WAY TO PLAY, HELL you could play stealth like this too!



The game doesn't change. We're still grinding for minerals and BPs.. But now we're living out the 300 power fantasy inside of us.


The 13 year old in us is all like YAAAAHHHHH!!!


And people are happy.

Edited by DirkDeadeye
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I disagree with this post.  There was a post brought up about introducing new ninja moves, like parry, proper blocking, slide tackles, anything you can think of.  This idea makes more sense, since we are ninjas.  But the melee system shouldn't change.  Especially since, fully ranked and modded and polarized, you just 1 shot your way through everything.  Extremely hard content would have to be introduced, before your idea would make any sense in Warframe.


Edit: Don't get me wrong, I like your idea, it just makes no sense for Warframe, in it's current state.

Edited by iPrevenge
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Yeah I understand that with mods you can just one-shot everything, but its just boring in my opinion. I like a challenge and melee in most games is high risk high reward. While it is risky going up close and personal to some enemies it's not that satisfying if you're just spaming E.

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I disagree with this post.  There was a post brought up about introducing new ninja moves, like parry, proper blocking, slide tackles, anything you can think of.  This idea makes more sense, since we are ninjas.  But the melee system shouldn't change.  Especially since, fully ranked and modded and polarized, you just 1 shot your way through everything.  Extremely hard content would have to be introduced, before your idea would make any sense in Warframe.


Edit: Don't get me wrong, I like your idea, it just makes no sense for Warframe, in it's current state.

Do you really call 1 button mash a system ? Have you ever melee in this game besides 1-2 button press ? Please...

This has melee system

This has melee system

And finally this has melee system

I don't want the change in combat speed - I want the variety of moves.  I want to be able to perform combos(like in JK2 and JA)

And of course I want this to be enabled by equiping your melee like a gun.

Run and gun is fine, but boring.

I play melee and find 1 button and existing moves lacking..

So I agree with op we need a change.

Those who like run and gun will still be able to do so, but those who like melee will have a variety.

Edited by Unibot
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Do you really call 1 button mash a system ? Have you ever melee in this game besides 1-2 button press ? Please...

This has melee system

This has melee system

And finally this has melee system

I don't want the change in combat speed - I want the variety of moves.  I want to be able to perform combos(like in JK2 and JA)

And of course I want this to be enabled by equiping your melee like a gun.

Run and gun is fine, but boring.

I play melee and find 1 button and existing moves lacking..

So I agree with op we need a change.

Those who like run and gun will still be able to do so, but those who like melee will have a variety.

Not one of those 3 melee systems would ever work with a faced pace game like Warframe.  Like I said, I don't have a problem with the original idea, it's just that in it's current state, Warframe and a melee system such as this, have no place being anywhere near each other.

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I dunno, I would find execution to be a problem if it were mapped with the movement keys. Perhaps something a bit more unique, something like actually selecting your melee the way you would a primary and secondry, then you could add all sorts of things using fire and reload keys. Perhaps make stances with your melee weapon, a defensive and offensive stance?

That sounds..really solid.

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Mashing my melee button isn't that fun and I see lots of potential with sword play. For instance if you hold W and melee it could be fast but weak swipes than compared to stationary hits; holding W+A could be a diagnal strike. I'm just throwing ideas out there, but it would really fun to add more mechanics into swordplay for this game.

I think Tekken style combat in Warframe would be something to behold. I know a lot of Asian people want this. The problem is i do not. Not yet anyway. It would need either an option to turn it off. A specific Warframe that only uses hand/feet to hand/feet combat. Also new enemies would be needed. Its a bit of a pain at the moment.


I would like a slow intro. Sometimes I press keys and without knowing it i move differently. I laugh and think how did i do that? If they could program new animations into certain situations from natural instinctive key and mouse movements then it may encourage more people to look for these hidden combos but to enforce it as part of the game is not easy.


After 1 year of melee combat we would end up with a pvp juggling competition. I played Tekken online and played against some of the best online gamers. I could not get near them. I could not stay away from them. Once in the air i did not come down until i was over. This is the way of end game online Tekken. This is what many people would end up naturally wanting the game to progress into after a certain time of melee combat being in Warfame.


These are my thoughts. 

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I really want something like this. The fact is, all I do with my melee weapon is charge attacks; I just start charging a foot or two outside his melee range so he can't interrupt me, then run toward him so that I'm fully charged by the time I'm in range. My signature kill has become chopping the guy's left arm off, because I always veer at the last second.


Combining it with the shooting and parkour means it's not 'monotonous' per se, but both of those systems stand on their own. This one, not so much.

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i don't think the melee system needs to change in warframe, rather i think they should continue in the direction they took with the glaive, and add different animations and abilities for different weapons. meaning actually factually and TRULY UNIQUE weaponry.

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I do agree with that too, but what good are unique weapons when there's only one attack worth doing with them? The glaive is actually a great example -- there's no reason NOT to spam the charge attack. The sheer range and ability to mutilate, combined with the fact that it's one of the few melee weapons whose charge attack is hardest to interrupt, gives it a ton of monotony potential.

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I agree with the topic. Smashing E button for 5-6 repetitive animated sequence is far from exciting when you had been doing it for 200 hours. I vote for melee as an equippable 'third' weapon. Bind the melee with LMB/RMB would open a lot of possibilities for melee combat.

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I agree with the ability to toggle weapons and have melee be its own weapon.


As it is now, Warframe seems to be emphasizing the "space" rather than "ninja" part of the game, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does get a bit repetitive when melee combat seems to be a far weaker option compared to your rifles, at least in most situations.


Perhaps you could have something along the lines of a seperate slot, where the left mouse is your standard melee attack, and your right mouse is like a parry attack.  Like, if you time it perfectly when an enemy melees you, you can block it and instantly counter attack.  Also pressing the right mouse button in different situations, such as sliding, yields different methods of attacking?


Alternatively, you could have right click be horizontal attacks, and left click be vertical ones.  Vertical attacks could be stronger but slower, while horizontal attacks are faster but weaker.

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I think the melee system should stick with the E key, but adding quick, different combos with other functions, such as E+E+E+JUMP = One set of animation (Like a finishing one-handed backflip slash or.. whatever, just making a move up here) and things like this.

Personally I think this would keep the system quick and ninja like, without making Melee a hard thing to learn

Just like the games I used to play as a kid.

Also, the longer the combo,the stronger it would be. And it also could be stopped by the enemy.

Just a quick ideia I had while reading the forum, feel free to criticize.

(Sorry if I made any mistakes, English it's not my first language)

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