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Spawn Mechanics - Or How To Take A Nap While Wating For Enemies...


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Hiya DE and you forum trolls! =)


So we're talking about spawn mechanics and spawn mechanics in todays Sortie 2 (Exterminate) in particular. 430 enemies to kill and after, let's say, 250 they've been spawning like 10-15 every minute or so... Means it took us about 15 minutes longer just to kill those guys!..


What I do not understand is: we know, there will be 430 enemies. But we can't spawn them all at once, BECAUSE! So, why can't they just spawn all at once again? Or is it a bug? (The game is 2-3 years old, but it's still in beta right? RIGHT???)


I think, I'm gonna leave this here, so maybe someone would shine some light on this matter. (If it were someone from DE, this would be even more awesome!..)


May your steps be light and your aim be steady!


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Well they are probably not spawned all at once, cause the engine has a maximum amount of enemies that can be active at a time. And the current amount of active enemies is not factored in in the spawnrate of exterminate missions.


Maybe the problem also is that a certain spawn point can only spawn that much enemies without them getting stuck in each other.


But yeah the problem with exterminate missions, with small maps and too much targets, not spawning all enemies till you are at extraction is a bug that has been around forever and they really should work on a fix for that.

Edited by Taddl
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I thought ( just my guess) after DE "tried" to "fix" stealth Focus farm, they messed that up, cuz couple of months 300+ exterminate targets never were a problem.


Today in the potatoe vs potatoe invastion there were 149 enemies and the last 23 requiered 4 spawns within 4 minutes....


I dont rember that happening b4 U18. Just saying ¯\_| ಠ ∧ ಠ |_/¯

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