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Desecrate For Noobs


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I know there are a lot of veterans that are jerks but its mostly thanks to the fact that this game can really stress and wear you out thanks to all the farming and as such people expect others to be efficient to the max at their roles when inviting for certain duties such as desecrate nekros, snowglobe frost etc. Mostly just because they want to get rid of the grinding faster and more efficiently.


Don't take everything strangers say to heart. No matter what mastery rank they are or how many primes they have.


You really don't have to take them seriously. Just ignore them. Each one can play however they want. And you know what? Next time someone tells you that, just smile at them, and quit the mission. It'll be fun for them without a Nekros.

That's the exact opposite of a sollution. You are being no less of a jerk than other people if you want to play "the way you want" when invited to a mission. Its like asking for a healer in another mmo and joining as dps because "you're playing the way you want to play".


Dragging people down and being a nuisance is inexcusable and will only make people act even worse to other new players.

Edited by Cabadath5
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