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"anti-Matter Themed New Warframe"


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I can't wait to see all these magnetism/gravity/density/forcefields powers on ANTIMATTER Frame.


Seriously... "Antimatter" as a base concept of Frame powers is just $&*&*#(%&. Antimatter can... explode. That's it. Nothing more.

No Antimatter Force Fields to annihilate bullets, no Antimatter Gravity manipulation (lul woot) ... the best thing you can pull off is Antimatter Bomb... that will appear on the map and explode after X time... that's it.


Anything above that and it's no longer "Antimatter Based Frame".


Our Council is full of Edgy Teens without proper education who think that "Antimatter" is a cool word.


Sure - other frames also break the laws of logic... but at least they are themed. If it's Ember then it IS fire. Frost can create Ice... but our new "Hadron" will have nothing to do with Antimatter unless all his spells will be a variations of explosion.


I'm disgusted and disappointed that DE even allowed them create this nonsense.

Edited by Sideway
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Cant wait to see him, hope in a better aesthetic model than vauban :)

PS: you guys are to serious/criticists... it's a game, wait - enjoy - ??? - profit

There's a certain charm to that fat, clumsy engineer with misaligned eyes.

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I can't wait to see all these magnetism/gravity/density/forcefields powers on ANTIMATTER Frame.


Seriously... "Antimatter" as a base concept of Frame powers is just $&*&*#(%&. Antimatter can... explode. That's it. Nothing more.

No Antimatter Force Fields to annihilate bullets, no Antimatter Gravity manipulation (lul woot) ... the best thing you can pull off is Antimatter Bomb... that will appear on the map and explode after X time... that's it.


Anything above that and it's no longer "Antimatter Based Frame".


Our Council is full of Edgy Teens without proper education who think that "Antimatter" is a cool word.


Sure - other frames also break the laws of logic... but at least they are themed. If it's Ember then it IS fire. Frost can create Ice... but our new "Hadron" will have nothing to do with Antimatter unless all his spells will be variation of explosions.


I'm disgusted and disappointed that DE even allowed them create this nonsense.


You understand what I mean.

There is no way that any of it would work.

I mean come on, an anti-matter shield, a shield that would annihilate instantly, in the air around it.

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Sure - other frames also break the laws of logic... but at least they are themed. If it's Ember then it IS fire. Frost can create Ice... but our new "Hadron" will have nothing to do with Antimatter unless all his spells will be a variations of explosion.


Red explosions, Green Explosions, Blue explosions...

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Air is matter...


I know, I've already made this point, with the whole idea of antimatter shields, instantly annihilating the air.


Inb4 someone says there's no air on the ships, Embers fire works, and so does fire damage.

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I can't wait to see all these magnetism/gravity/density/forcefields powers on ANTIMATTER Frame.


Seriously... "Antimatter" as a base concept of Frame powers is just $&*&*#(%&. Antimatter can... explode. That's it. Nothing more.

No Antimatter Force Fields to annihilate bullets, no Antimatter Gravity manipulation (lul woot) ... the best thing you can pull off is Antimatter Bomb... that will appear on the map and explode after X time... that's it.


Anything above that and it's no longer "Antimatter Based Frame".


Our Council is full of Edgy Teens without proper education who think that "Antimatter" is a cool word.


Sure - other frames also break the laws of logic... but at least they are themed. If it's Ember then it IS fire. Frost can create Ice... but our new "Hadron" will have nothing to do with Antimatter unless all his spells will be a variations of explosion.


I'm disgusted and disappointed that DE even allowed them create this nonsense.

Well than I guess you are going to have to realized that your part of a minority because the majority disagrees with you. I mean, read this, seriously? Are you being serious right now? I dont like half the frames in the game for mechanics reasons, so I dont use them. But i dont get disgusted over something that hasnt even been designed yet.


Its like someone saying 'the game is going to have ninjas, but with guns in space'. And the reply being 'what the F*** if they use guns they arnt ninjas, let a lone that they go into space, im disgusted and disappointed everyone knows that you need to be a marine or a cosmonaut if you go into space and that ninjas dont use guns. How can they even be allowed to create this nonsense'.

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It's only around 20 times more powerful than a nuclear weapon with the same mass of plutonium (because antimatter would be 100% efficient at it and turn as much matter into energy as well).


But the point is that there's no reason it would "destroy the ship" since you can just control the mass used.


Other than that, what in the world can we use antimatter for other than annihilating stuff and making a lot of very bright light? Actually, it could be used for creating some rather exotic particles... I wonder...


Scientific discussion on a game about space ninjas. Yeah.


'course it would destroy the ship. The amount of energy released would probably vaporize half of the ship in the inital annihilation.


And it wouldn't really make any exotic particles. Antimatter works in the same way as normal matter, and forms into the same sort of particles as normal matter. I don't think it'd really lead to making any exotic particles.

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Call me crazy but isn't the frame...

MATTER / Anti-matter? as in... it can also create matter?


I've only seen it referred to as anti-matter. On the livestream, and their announcement on twitter said Anti-matter.

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'course it would destroy the ship. The amount of energy released would probably vaporize half of the ship in the inital annihilation.


And it wouldn't really make any exotic particles. Antimatter works in the same way as normal matter, and forms into the same sort of particles as normal matter. I don't think it'd really lead to making any exotic particles.

I hear shooting a rocket launcher in a ship should have the same effect.

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So wait, are you the mod that i quoted on an alternate account or what?


No, I'm buttmad at the anti-matter suit. And I'm buttmad at you implying in an earlier comment that no-one knew what they were talking about.

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Well than I guess you are going to have to realized that your part of a minority because the majority disagrees with you. I mean, read this, seriously? Are you being serious right now? I dont like half the frames in the game for mechanics reasons, so I dont use them. But i dont get disgusted over something that hasnt even been designed yet.


Its like someone saying 'the game is going to have ninjas, but with guns in space'. And the reply being 'what the F*** if they use guns they arnt ninjas, let a lone that they go into space, im disgusted and disappointed everyone knows that you need to be a marine or a cosmonaut if you go into space and that ninjas dont use guns. How can they even be allowed to create this nonsense'.


Don't put the words I never said in my mouth. I'm against idiocy. If Council decides to create "Antimatter Frame" and if it won't have 4 explosion skills then it's not Antimatter Manipulation.


Please, try to understand - as a man of science... reading this... it's just $&*&*#(%&. I have an access to Council Skill Projects (All hail imageboards) and all what they propose is NOT antimatter. Again... they think that this word is "cool and edgy" but they have no idea how it works. I know exactly what to expect from them. Antimatter Shield... I can't stop laughing.

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There is a lot of talk about antimatter in this thread. And almost no one actually knows .. Like do you know what a black hole the size of a penny would do TO THE PLANET EARTH?.

Sorry, but you're contradicting yourself. A black hole withe mass of a penny would have the gravitational pull of a penny and wouldn't do anything to the earth. A black hole with the area of a penny would be too large, black holes are a singular point in space. Our sun could become a black hole and earth would keep orbiting it. Again, your in the same boat of people talking about forces you can't comprehend.

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Sorry, but you're contradicting yourself. A black hole withe mass of a penny would have the gravitational pull of a penny and wouldn't do anything to the earth. A black hole with the area of a penny would be too large, black holes are a singular point in space. Our sun could become a black hole and earth would keep orbiting it. Again, your in the same boat of people talking about forces you can't comprehend.


And black holes have nothing to do with Antimatter. They are force of Gravity and Density.

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Have you seen what a Javelin will do to a tank? Now take explosives technology up a couple thousand years.


Yeah, I have. I find it funny that you also didn't factor in that explosives are much more effective in closed spaces, and technically the rocket launcher should kill you, if it were even near you. And even most people in the same room. And that it'd be silly for people to even have explosives on a space ship, with small enclosed spaces. But no, you didn't.


And these aren't javelins. These are small scale launchers that fire small explosive devices.


But an energy release from an antimatter bullet making contact with the air, would be about. 0.01*(3x10^8)^2 if you assumed the bullet had a mass of 10 grams.

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'course it would destroy the ship. The amount of energy released would probably vaporize half of the ship in the inital annihilation.


And it wouldn't really make any exotic particles. Antimatter works in the same way as normal matter, and forms into the same sort of particles as normal matter. I don't think it'd really lead to making any exotic particles.

Wouldn't vaporize anything if there was just a single positron used. You wouldn't even notice something happened.


The exotic particles would be the result of energy released from annihilation and not formed by antimatter. Actually, got me curious on how many of the photons would turn into other particles after an antimatter explosion and what those particles would be.

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I read a light novel where the main character is a ninja magician whose magic specialty is disintegration. His most powerful spell can be used to turn a drop of water into pure energy (aka anti matter annihilation without the messiness of actual anti matter) which can take out an entire battleship while converting a 1 kg flag has the power to destroy an entire port along with surrounding military installations and basically anything within 20 km of the center.


He also has god mode auto regen that can be applied to anything.


That is how anti matter warframe should work in my opinion.


To read the light novel, go here


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Sorry, but you're contradicting yourself. A black hole withe mass of a penny would have the gravitational pull of a penny and wouldn't do anything to the earth. A black hole with the area of a penny would be too large, black holes are a singular point in space. Our sun could become a black hole and earth would keep orbiting it. Again, your in the same boat of people talking about forces you can't comprehend.


He said the size of a penny. Not mass.

A black hole the size of a penny would have an extreme amount of mass, enough to disrupt local gravity.

But it wouldn't be detrimental to the entire earth.

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Its like someone saying 'the game is going to have ninjas, but with guns in space'. And the reply being 'what the F*** if they use guns they arnt ninjas, let a lone that they go into space, im disgusted and disappointed everyone knows that you need to be a marine or a cosmonaut if you go into space and that ninjas dont use guns. How can they even be allowed to create this nonsense'.



Ninjas used guns.


Anyway, the theme of the frame doesnt really show how exactly a frame might turn out because when info was released about a sound frame and a poison frame i jumped on the sound frame wagon from the start cause i had my ideas of what that might be like but when they were released i ended up switching views and liking the poison frame more.


This guy may turn out good but the theme is kind of strange, hek, the top two themes were strange.

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