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Regarding Default Warframe Colors


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My Request

I want to have access to the colors that my Warframes come with

What I mean

Have you ever wanted to swap your Warframe's default primary color with their default secondary color?

I understand

That there is a Tenno Color Palette (and similar colors throughout the many palettes). They would continue to serve a purpose because players would still have to buy them if they wanted to use the those colors on -every- frame they owned. I'm talking about just being able to swap the colors around on a per-Warframe basis. Like you would only be able to swap Atlas' colors around on Atlas.

Also, remember that the current Tenno Palette doesn't include the newer, recent frames like Chroma, Wukong, Nezha, Atlas, etc.

Edited by Torhque
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That's what I've been doing, but that's very unintuitive

Plus, there are some colors that just aren't the perfect match

And some aren't even there. So yes, I'll give you my +1 here. It always was a chore for me on Excalibur Prime when using the Noru Prime, since his Primary color is one of the grey areas instead of the white ones.

Besides the Tenno pallette will end up outdated when all the featured frames get their PBR conversions so...

Edited by NightmareT12
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  • 3 months later...

I'd like to have this too. You could have a small extra palette for each Warframe with all of their default colors, which is only usable when you have that frame equipped. That way you could use them on weapons/accessories as well.

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