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New Contest: A Hat For Every Tenno


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Did this feather hat up in Photoshop. Poofy feathers, slender feathers, energy feathers, beads, gold trims, and glamour sparkles galore! Ember Prime is ready for Carnaval! Ember always has a dance in her step and a samba beat in her heart, so she would fit right in at a Carnaval parade. So much so that getting Ember into a pose where she wasn't bouncing around all the time was surprisingly hard. xD

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Valkyr's Wish:


This was not the first time Valkyr had lost her cool and become hysterical as she sat but mere feet away from what she had thought to be her body. She could only look upon it and wonder as the stalker drew closer and she began to dream.


She dreamed of the Lotus, of what was her mother. Always in control of her emotions, not as wreckless as she was this day.


If only she was as strong as her mother....if only she was the Lotus.




I chose the Lotus hat for a few reasons as the above story hopefully conveyed. I always thought that deep down Valkyr wanted more control over her emotions as she does not want to lash out as drastically as she does all the time.


There's a difference between being filled with rage and letting it control you and only through the controls of another force(The player) does she not cause even more destruction.

Edited by zambosa
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Stealth and subterfuge are among the greatest of assets the Tenno have, along with a LOT of forma which makes Spy missions a breeze for most. That being said, everyone screws up every now and again. Now you're down a database full of important data and/or Tower Keys, AND you're probably on a wanted list to make matters even worse.

Luckily, with this new 'facial disruption device', devised by the most prominent of thieves within the Solar System, you'll never need to worry about being identified during a heist again!

It's called a ski-mask. Wear it when you feel like

OWYuQnw.png Edited by MetalCotton
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Ivara wears the Pharis hat promptly for she and Pharis are expert marksman with a bow.


(Pharis is a character from Dark Souls. Look it up if you don't know.)


I did the best with what I had (MS Paint) and I think it came out well. Feedback is appreciated! :D

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I made 2 images for Trinity. The first adds a fancy hat to match her fluffy lobster butt bustle, the thing once worn under dresses to make things more noticable.
The second rolls back back to Trinity Plain. This simple red and white nurses hat highlights Trinity's favorite thing in the world, healing people. I chose the second Nurse image after realizing only 1 submission per player.




Apparently I'm not allowed to use image extensions here, so URL it is.....

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