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New Contest: A Hat For Every Tenno


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I thought to myself "Limbo, what a peculiar character. Grineer butchers desperately swing their cleavers, snipers waste all their ammo,  drones litter area with their bombs, yet Limbo stands, doing tricks with his hat, mocking everyone around him."

He'll be wandering in espionage missions like "Oh my, oh my! What do we have here? A LAZERS? What's that you say? They can trigger ALARM? Well well well, it seems that we are going to have some troubles here, aren't we? *goes into rift and casually walks through the room, ignoring EVERYTHING* Whooops, I GUESS NOT!" 

Every time I see Limbo I see a direct resemblance to The Mask, fighting his foes like it's nothing but a joke to him.


"Stay close to the walls, you say. That's a very good tactic, because otherwise you'll get your fat butts kicked by my pointy boot, fellas!"


"Hey, Ambulas, did you know your sigil looks like a toilet? Now, I don't know what you're thinking, but that can't be a coincidence, and I ate a lot of chineese food this morning. I hope you know WHERE THIS IS GOING."


Edited by User_Anonymus
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One submission per player
Screenshot must be your own
Do not use copy and pasted hat images (must be drawn)
Hat can be drawn using a tool like MS Paint, Photoshop, etc
Submission must include both a screenshot and a short description


Hey, I don't want to be that Tenno, but here's a casual reminder of the rules. It would be a shame if your idea was disqualified because you didn't follow them. ^^



Edit: Posting because I have seen some cool ideas, but they didn't remember to read, or forgot these rules 

Edited by SUNST4LK3R
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I thought to myself "Limbo, what a peculiar character. Grineer butchers desperately swing their cleavers, snipers waste all their ammo,  drones litter area with their bombs, yet Limbo stands, doing tricks with his hat, mocking everyone around him."

He'll be wandering in espionage missions like "Oh my, oh my! What do we have here? A LAZERS? What's that you say? They can trigger ALARM? Well well well, it seems that we are going to have some troubles here, aren't we? *goes into rift and casually walks through the room, ignoring EVERYTHING* Whooops, I GUESS NOT!" 

Every time I see Limbo I see a direct resemblance to The Mask, fighting his foes like it's nothing but a joke to him.


"Stay close to the walls, you say. That's a very good tactic, because otherwise you'll get your fat butts kicked by my pointy boot, fellas!"


"Hey, Ambulas, did you know your sigil looks like a toilet? Now, I don't know what you're thinking, but that can't be a coincidence, and I ate a lot of chineese food this morning. I hope you know WHERE THIS IS GOING."



Nice description. lol

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My first idea was to put a hardhat on Booben, but that was on the cover of the contest! So I have put a beanie on Frost. Inspired by the Squall helmet, it is a nautical scene and he's in a sailor uniform. 

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Limbo in a Mad Hatter hat because it suits him, now step into his wonderland ^ w^

Can I know how do you take close up pictures of your warframe like this ? all i can do the generic screencap on steam lol

Edited by willox
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Мой любимый варфрейм Фрост вот ещё нарисовал на нём шапку ушанку ) Как по мне ему идёт он морозный парень шапка ушанка ему кстати я живу в Крыму Россия )

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Фрост мой любимый фрейм и как по мне ему идёт шапка ушанка она не плохо смотрится в его куполе так морозно но шапка согревает его ) Я живу в Крыму поэтому там Звезда   

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Here is my submission~!




The captain is the Hydroid with the biggest hat! A true king of scoundrels on the open seas of Uranus.


Ps. I have added in a small pirate ship in the distance of the screenshot, that isn't part of the submission it is just for enhancement of the scene!

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