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Orthos Prime Guidance



Hey! So I've recently made the Orthos Prime, and I wanna start using it, but I need some help.


Firstly, I don't know whether I should be mashing e or holding e with it, and some people even say holding left click for the slight damage boost is worth it, although I hate doing so.


Secondly, I'm struggling to think of a build with the Orthos Prime. It has a low crit chance and a relatively low status chance, so I don't know what mods to include, if someone could help me that'd be great!

Edit: So, is the Orthos Prime late game viable? Still haven't potatoed simply because I'm not sure if it's just outclassed completely by something like the Galatine. Btw, thank you for your comments.

Edited by brelia01
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9 answers to this question

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I personally use shimmering blight stance but don't actually pull the weapon out. I use the mash e method while using a primary because it's a very fluid constant attack. With the weapon out the combos ruin the flow of it and slow it down.

Just my way personally.

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Pressure Point, Berserker(or Fury), Corrosive dmg(Electric and Poison mods), Blast dmg(Heat and Cold mods), and then I put another Electric or Poison as the 7th mod for more Corrosive dmg. Lastly, I use Primed Reach(or Reach) as a personal preference cause I like the extra range. 


I use dual stat mods when I use elemental mods though so that it'll increase the stat chance.

I use Blast dmg cause the knock down effect is helpful for stronger enemies.

You can use Berserker without adding a crit chance mod cause its base crit chance is 15% already. Using Slide atks is usually a crit dmg anyways.

If Reach isn't to your preference you can use whatever you want. Spoiled Strike, Life Strike, or any more elemental mods are good options too.

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Wouldn't viral damage be best for the orthos considering how it's slash damage, and as a result is used against low hp enemies? Also, couldn't I use berserker AND fury instead of a final status mod?


I see what you mean but that build is just my do-all build. I'm not the type to switch builds to for each faction and I go into the void a lot so Corrosive helps. But whatever you're comfortable with is fine. And generally I only put either Berserker or Fury cause if I put both that'd just mean less dmg.

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corrosive-heat is my go-to element for orthos since the corrosive procs can strip enemies' armor real quick with orthos' amazing hit count and attack speed

and i'll swap the electric mod to cold for viral to do missions with non-armored enemies


stick with pressure point and fury, they will never betray you

for orthos, i love to use maxed life strike (it eats way more energy on channeled because of...) and focus energy, when it's channeled it will blow up everything because of it's hit count


and for the last slot i always put my Primed Reach in it because you can kill things without even touching them

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Shimmering Blight is a better stance for it in my opinion, despite Bleeding Willow being more fun. I usually try to stick to the hold combo, dropping it after the leap attack if I'm on the move or going for the final hit, if I'm hitting some Eximus.


Orthos' base chance for crit is 10%, which is enough to use Berserker, but not enough to justify pretty much any other crit mods.

Status chance is 15%, which is decent. I am using Orthos as my EBlade weapon, so I don't build it for status, but if you want to - you can go for the full double-stat elemental mod set. It will put you over 50% status chance.

You might want to use Fury (I personally don't), because due to relatively low crit chance, Berserker will take some time to warm up.


Life Strike is a panacea for most frames, so you might want to use it. Spoiled Strike is a must, if you are aiming for the best DPS. But if you aren't - you may skip it.


Reach mods are fun, but I'm ok without them. You should at least try them though.

Edited by Epsik-kun
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I like the slide attack build. Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, (Primed) Reach, Maiming Strike, Organ Shatter, 2*90% elementals. Last slot is a bit of personal preference, either Fury, Life Strike, another elemental.

Best used unequipped. Just slide attack and become a copter of death and pain. I use it on my Loki to profit off the stealth multiplier.

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