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Loki Decoy Not Working?


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I was on the forums earlier and I came accross this post. Loki was my starting frame and the frame I find most enjoyable.


Loki's Switch teleport has been nerfed to the ground. Radial Disarm is worthless as crap, and now you have made Decoy a complete piece of crap skill to use. Please don't touch invisibility... I don't know why you are running some warframes into the ground, but please stop. Please focus on making them stronger and not a piece of crap... I swore you said you were going to go back and make frames better... soft nerfing their abilities is NOT making them better.

Also an explaination of why you nerfed decoy would be nice.

PS: I speak for a lot of people when I say, we are tired of this S#&$ where hotfix nerfs are being done that aren't being stated in the patch/hotfix notes. It's really underhanded and is ruining the game for those that notice.

here is the full post: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/59529-im-begging-you-de/


The first conclusion I came to was that this is most likely a bug. I tested the decoy on Io, Jupiter. I don't know what Smith0rz meant by the ST and RD nerfs. But here are my findings with the Decoy:


This is how far the decoy was from an enemy: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=150844612

Here is the enemy not being aggroed to my decoy: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=150844641


Here are a couple others without distances:






I hope this is being looked into because without that aggro what is the point of Decoy?


If you have any info on how/what is happening here I would appreciate it.


                            TL;DR What happened to Loki's Decoy?




Edited by Hogfather
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I made a topic about this exact problem a week ago. The mangling of Loki's Decoy started after the latest hotfix 8.0.6 and there are no stated changes to the ability whatsoever. Just bumping this to show my support since my own thread was swallowed up.

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