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Alright So My Reactions To Warframe After 100 Some Hours Of Play.


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I have two level 30 Warframes, foundered the gamer, put in $20 more to buy stuff, and have like 20 weapons. If my opinion isn't valid then Warframe is gonna have a bad time, keep that in mind. In no particular order, but starting with Forma:


Forma:  This is a MASSIVE problem because it's giving substantial power to people that have been playing a very long time, while new players to the game will find a huge hump between content once content is pumped out for the forma players. Either you don't push out content that is challenging for massed forma'd weapons (ensuring that once you forma up a weapon it trivializes the game) or you DO push out content for it and new players find that they suddenly need to farm for 50+ hours to continue to progress. Additionally it causes massive issues with powercreep, and completely removing using anything but max ranked mods for every slot. I've seen things like this before in many games and it's just such an issue. Maybe not now. Maybe not in a month. But once people who have weapons capable of absurd damage start just chewing through everything in front of them we're going to have to address it, or we don't address it and just say once you forma up your weapons and give them 8 max rank mods that that's the end of the game and you win.


Personally I assumed that getting a weapon to level 30, getting it mods, and getting it a potato was the end game, but Forma is now apparently the end-er game. And now we have prime variants of weapons coming out we'll have to do this to too? Which mechanic is your end game mechanic exactly, you can't just keep adding multiple layers of grind on top of each other. World of Warcraft might make you grind one dungeon to get the gear to grind another, but after ~3 dungeons the expansion comes out and all new players get put on the old player's level. How will Warframe do that? Will prime versions of all old weapons come out, or will the level cap raise to 40 and at 40 all new types of weapons appear that massively out do that old weapons and we restart the grind? Or do we just keep going with what we've got and new players realize the hurdle they have to overcome and get discouraged? 


Replay value: Where is my replay value? I havn't yet beaten eeeeverything so there's still stuff to do, but I find myself constantly leveling new weapons just so I don't finish the game fully and get bored with it. Since you can't ever "restart" with a new alt (warframe) and instead have all the planets still unlocks there's really no replay value. I'd really like it if you made it so that new Warframes started at the beginning and maybe couldn't use the biggest weapons yet so there was some reason to play through the game again. I'm afraid the amount of time you can play and enjoy Warframe is going to be very small compared to games like Path of Exile or Diablo 2 simply because there's no replay... at all. 


Sentinels: Really wish these weren't added... but they were added so alright. Feels really dumb though to be a space ninja sneaking around with R2D2 hovering over your shoulder. Plus in an extremely serious game this feels comical at best. I'm shooting up the clone army of grineer invaders with my best friend the flying cube bot! It's like a bad 80's cartoon. 


In game tooltips: Can you please stop hiding information from the player so we can make actual informed decisions with our money? I want crit, crit damage, charge damage, actual fire rate, actual attack speed, any elemental damage it might have, any armor piercing it might have, and a general guess at how ammo efficient it might be to be listed on the weapon. I also want any special effects of the weapon to be laid out in plain english. "THE KUNAI DO NOT ALERT ENEMIES" like that.


Ammo efficiency: Why is this even a thing? If your weapon is more ammo efficient it should have less ammo in packs, and if it's less ammo efficient it should have more ammo in packs. I can shoot at a wall for a minute with my Hek and still be perfectly okay with ammo, but use my Gorgon for anything at all and it's out of ammo. This is a terribly uninteresting balance mechanic if it's being used for balance, but I suspect it's more of just an oversight that has never been addressed. While I can understand some weapons being ammo inefficient when you have so many weapons that people won't look at cause X weapon is just as good as Y weapon except it doesn't run out of ammo...


Melee weapon balance: Come on. This is the one part of the game that just sucks. Everything else about the game ranges from good to great, this sucks. Melee weapon balance is so freakin terrible it should practically be it's own patch. I mean, so many SO MANY melee weapons are just downright terrible while the ones that are good are SOOO much better than the ones that are bad that it's insane. I used the dual ether for the first time and I was like "oh THIS is what melee is supposed to be like!" See I had been using the Jaw Sword I got in an alert and got the idea that melee was just overall a terrible last resort, and then my Dual Ether and Amphis taught me that no, melee is awesome.


Melee versus Grineer. I'm not alone in thinking that basic attacks (not charged attacks) being useless on normal weapons (read: Not the good weapons) against the Grineer is lame. People want to do those stylish animation comboes you guys have coded in, not just spam Charge attacks. I'd say that honestly a rework should be in order here of all melee weapons such that they all generally ignore armor or have a way for their regular attacks to be useful. And overall I'd like to see regular swings see like a 10-20% damage increase anyway.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: This game has a really bad case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. After a couple hours of using my Dual Zoren I just couldn't keep using them, I had to swap to a weapon with good charge attacks. Honestly that's just wrong. I'd really like to see a "auto melee" button that you can just hold down and it'll continuously do your melee attacks. Additionally many pistols have a severe case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that needs to be addressed, primarily the dual semi-autos (although the dual broncos not so much.) Having your fingers in pain after use shouldn't be something a game should strive for, nor should it be a balancing mechanic. I mean blech. I love my Aklatos but I'm not going to use a weapon where in 40 years I'm going to be asking myself "was it worth it?"


While other games might have similiar Carpal Tunnel Syndrome style weapons the sheer amount of clicking you have to do in Warframe sets it apart. Clicking 6+ times per enemey with Aklatos or clicking 100 times when trying to kill an Ancient with Dual Ether is just wrooong. It might be good, but it's just wrooong to do that to your players. Warframe is practically non stop action for 20 minutes of mission time which really sets it apart from other FPS's with this style of weapon. Counter Strike has the duals but clicking 4-5 times once per 5 minutes is WAYYYY different. Warframe really needs to realize it's a dungeon crawler and having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome weapons in a dungeon crawler is just wrong. Even Diablo didn't make you click more than twice per enemy, and for the majority of the game you clicked once per enemy and just held the button down till they died (but most often they died in a single hit.) 


Game difficulty: This game really needs a hardmode, and needs to get much harder sooner. After 2 planets of basically clearing trash (which takes like 5+ hours mind you) my friends just quit and said the game was just run-gun-repeat. It was only through me continuing on that I found that sometimes the game sorta kinda can become difficult, sometimes. Excessive easiness is a turn off for a lot of people, and this game definitely has that. With the first two words practically trying to avoid killing the player it gets... tedious.


The first three missions should serve as Tutorial, and the first boss should be a good stepping stone, but it feels like it takes a good 5 hours for the game to even try to kill you, and that's when you stop running up to everything and meleeing it with no self preservation in mind. In fact the biggest hurdle seems to be that nobody takes the game serious at all and that can finally cause you to die... maybe. Using powers wisely, using cover, nobody even does it because the game's difficulty is so low that nobody cares. And when the game DOES become difficult it's such a sharp spike that often I see puggies or my friends just flapping around on the ground not knowing what to do, being so used to just running and gunning through all content. 


I don't know how to express this enough. This game lacks the feeling of overcoming a challenge and it makes for lame gameplay. Left4Dead was ALWAYS trying to kill the player and didn't hold back. It was given zombies, zombies with powers, and it tried its best within its ability to kill you. Warframe lacks the ability to kill you. Grineer can try really hard, but they're simply ineffective. Which is a shame since their AI appears to be pretty good. 


Keep overleveled people out of low level groups. There comes a certain point when enemies of a level range no longer phase you. Anything below level 20 generally can't harm a max level warframe to any degree of success. So why is it throwing people in to games where clearly they're just going to annihilate everything for everyone there and kind of trivialize and remove the fun from the game? Me and my friend were working on Hek for a good 2 minutes when somebody loads in, blows him away in like 5 seconds, and that was that. This is too common. 


Corpus/Infected. While Grineer use tactics and troop composition to try to defeat you, Corpus tries to just overwhelm you with so much ranged damage + HP that you can't stop em, and infected try to just stunlock you. It's somewhat disturbing that Grineer are so well made and fun to face, while Infected only remain fun because shooting zombies never gets old. Again bringing up Left4Dead it feels as if the infected are just trying the lamest way possible to win the game. Left4Dead tried to kill you but it was fun about it, infected just try to stunlock you as much as possible as fast as possible with every attack. 


It might not be an effective strategy but it's still a boring one. And yes while certain Left4Dead enemies did stun you it encouraged teammates to come shoot the hunter off you or etc. In Warframe every enemy tries to stunlock you so you just shoot... everything. You can't really say you helped your teammate by shooting everything. 


Throw some different styles of play at us. Make Moas spawn infinitely until we kill the constructers Gauntlet style. Make using block more important against the infected and give them more powerful yet less frequent attacks so that proper counterplay is rewarded. Do something other than more stuns + more damage. I think the poll makes it VERY obvious that the Grineer are the most fun to fight, the infected aren't really fun to fight but zombies are cool to shoot, and there's very little going on to make Corpus fun. (Poll at http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Enemies with ~8000 votes.)


You guys created the Grineer so I know you know how to make a fun enemy. Make the shield Osprey no longer do a massive AoE shield to just make a deathball of Corpus but make it give a super shield to one unit, say a shockwave Moa as it runs up forcing you to kill the Osprey behind it. Let Crewmen set up shields that block bullets or give them a wall to hide behind. Make regular Moas... honestly do anything interesting. Constructors that spawn Moas until destroyed seems the most interesting idea you can do. 


And what's more make Security Cameras less of an annoying and more of a game element. Maybe destroying them has actual consequences and making your way through the building unseen by them has benefits? Right now they're just a target to shoot or something to walk in front to get your allies hit by the laser fence since that's always funny. The Heavy Gunner pins you down while a trooper moves in to blast you with a shotgun, that's fun to fight. The giant death ball of stuns and shields coming at you? Not so much. The infected trying to just stunlock you to death until you manage to dodgeroll away? Not so much.

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Oh and I forgot Defense Missions: Make you just keep going till you lose with rewards on the way. With such an easy concept that everybody loves to play it's actually rather baffling how you managed to make it lame...


Anyway last couple of points:


Warframe powers: With the energy artifact on one or two members abilities become excessively spammable and in certain cases (Excaliber Slash Dash) trivialize content. Additionally many powers seem ... weird (Frost's freeze... which is immuned or resisted by anyone you'd want to freeze, but when you have enough spamamble energy will trivialize ancients.) While some powers seem good and cool (frost's snowglobe for example) their power isn't required due to have easy the game is, and how powerful spamming AoEs becomes. And then there's the fact every 4 is just a death nuke. Not very interesting...


Corpus Headshots: Literally the ONLY unique thing about corpus infantry is that they're immune to headshots. Until you mod your weapon with armor pen and headshot them. Should the ONLY unique thing about them really be eliminated by like the third world? Honestly I'd make them straight immune to any headshot at all and let that be their thing, they're the tanky infantry. Then you could do things like Corpus shooting behind cover with that brick on their head being difficult to take out, which would make them more unique than the grineer and feel different. 


Map anomalies: It'd be really nice if you increased the number of these that could happen, and made one effect every ship you were on. Such as low gravity, or low ammo count, or heightened security if detected. Something to make every mission feel different, even if you go through it again. It would go a long way towards making the game feel less grindy. 


Sentinels stealing my kills: Stop them from stealing my kills, yo. I'm just trying to level a new weapon and I don't want to have to disable the stupid thing. Any time you have to fight the game it's not a good thing. 

Edited by hashinshin
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Your counter to Forma is that it will allow a person to attain stupid high damage levels?

Serration: 14

Speed Trigger: 9

Split Chamber: 15

Stormbringer: 11

Piercing Hit: 9

Cryo Rounds: 9

Hellfire: 11

Total: 78

Rank 30 + potato: 60

Forma'd Split Chamber: 8

Forma'd Serration: 7

Forma one more time(Stormbringer or Hellfire): 6

Rank 30 + potato + 3 Forma: 59

Max DPS output attained with rank 30, catalyst, and 3 forma. And quite frankly, it will take you longer to max serration than to get 3 forma and level it back up each time. Forma is not a problem.


Replay value. This depends on how you look at the term. For someone that enjoys alts, there are plenty of warframes/weapons to level up. If you hate alternate loadouts/alts then you will probably very much have an issue with what this game offers. Though that's a problem with you, not the game.


Sentinels. Wat.


Ammo Efficiency: The only gripe I personally have in this category is that all ammo pick ups are exactly the same, no matter the weapon, nor the enemy killed. And you can not directly compare Hek and Gorgon. They're 2 different playstyles. It's like comparing an FPS to Chess. They have the same goal(defeat your enemy) but go about in radically different ways.


Melee versus grineer. This point seems more about regular melee attacks than just grineer. Which I'll agree that normal melee attacks downright suck, but 10-20% is not nearly enough when I can regular swing for 8 and then charge attack for 561.


Carpal Tunnel. Some people are affected by this, some aren't. It's just like being prone to seizures, if you can't handle it, then don't use it.


Game Difficulty: I'm with you on the fact that the game needs to be harder, but your examples are terrible. First off, you do not need to fully clear planets. The first time the game gets challenging is the Jackal fight which is potentially on your second planet(depending on where you go). This is the beauty of a game not being linear. If you're a completionist, that's your thing, but you can't blame the game for not ripping your head off in what are essentially tutorial planets that you keep going down sidepaths on.

Also l4d is not difficult, even on the hardest settings. If you wanted that game to provide a real challenge, you had to force the server to run certain player-made scripts to do so. You could always prevent the hunter from pouncing, you could still quickly 180 headshot a smoker that grabbed you, boomer lol, jockey: see hunter, spitter: oh noes teh fire, witch could be taken out before becoming a threat or even outright ignored, and tanks: lol kitefest. All together? + a horde? lol, don't stand in spit, listen for the pounce/jump/tongue, make the witch a priority, and don't set the tank on fire while keeping him under fire(this is the only thing 90% of players didn't understand, tank on fire moves faster, tank being shot moves slower, derp derp). The best part of all that? If a tank was active, the rest of the S#&$ refused to spawn until he died. You could say boss fight, but I'll rebuke with mechanics please.

Enough of that tangent. The game needs more difficulty, it's being added slowly(see: scorpions and corpus tech, as well as boss revamps). Give it time. Myself and quite a few others have hopefully gotten our points across by this point.


Overleveled in low levels. If you don't want undesirables in your game, then close your game(private/invite only). This issue is with you, not the game.


Corpus/Infected. I do not get the same feeling from corpus that you do, that much is for sure.  When it comes to infected, Hi I'm one of those people that voted for Infected, not Grineer. Why? Because I find little more fun than being able to run in with Dual Heat/Ether and lay down a charge attack that annihilates 10+ infected, and chaining it into a sliding melee that takes out another set of 10+. It gives you a real sense of power of you know? It's also nice to have an enemy that is rather resistant to ranged weaponry and allows you to resort to melee, without it feeling like a last resort, hell it makes it feel like it's what I resort to first. Though this all changes the moment I switch from a multi-hit melee to a single hit melee, but that's how variety works, eh?

The only thing with cameras, is that turrets need buffed. Why should there be a punishment for taking out a camera which activates enemies and prevents you from advancing/retreating? You want to come up with a punishment worse than that for taking it out? What the hell would it do? Shoot the camera and the ship jettisons the section you're in? O.o;

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the problem is that cameras are killed in a single hit and serve no downside. They're effectively a dead mechanic since the third time they serve a threat you'll learn to just find the blue lines and shoot them. Once you get down to it removing them entirely from the game would change very little, and that's clearly not what was intended. 


You WILL get carpal tunnel playing this game using certain weapons. I mean I played WoW for like 4 years back in Vanilla spamming-the-same-move-for-an-entire-dungeon era, but it was never as bad as Warframe is now. You can't say "well it's not THAT bad so it's fine" because it actually is that bad. I don't see ANY advantage to forcing players to click so rapidly and frequently over just letting the players auto-fire or auto-melee with a button held down. 


Overall you seem to really be blaming the player for a lot when there's little they can do. Want to group but  friends don't play the game? You'll get undesireables in your game. Most games allow you to set a level range these days. In fact, I can't think of many games that don't allow you to restrict undesireables out of your game. Why are you blaming the player for that? 


And your calling L4D easy makes me question how you could even find enjoyment in this game. If you or your group of friends are so good at co-op that you can beat L4D on the hardest difficulty trivially then Warframe must be like holding a magnifying glass up to ants. 

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You WILL get carpal tunnel playing this game using certain weapons. I mean I played WoW for like 4 years back in Vanilla spamming-the-same-move-for-an-entire-dungeon era, but it was never as bad as Warframe is now. You can't say "well it's not THAT bad so it's fine" because it actually is that bad. I don't see ANY advantage to forcing players to click so rapidly and frequently over just letting the players auto-fire or auto-melee with a button held down. 





This is the only thing I agree with from all your suggestions; Seriously, I am worried I might get the carpal-tunnel syndrome if I continue playing warframe, because after a longer gaming session my @(*()$ wrists begin to hurt.This has never before been a problem to me, it really is true that warframe needs an excessive amount of clicks.But other than that, most things you mentioned are just a matter of personal preference.

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While other games might have similiar Carpal Tunnel Syndrome style weapons the sheer amount of clicking you have to do in Warframe sets it apart. Clicking 6+ times per enemey with Aklatos or clicking 100 times when trying to kill an Ancient with Dual Ether is just wrooong. It might be good, but it's just wrooong to do that to your players. Warframe is practically non stop action for 20 minutes of mission time which really sets it apart from other FPS's with this style of weapon. Counter Strike has the duals but clicking 4-5 times once per 5 minutes is WAYYYY different. Warframe really needs to realize it's a dungeon crawler and having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome weapons in a dungeon crawler is just wrong. Even Diablo didn't make you click more than twice per enemy, and for the majority of the game you clicked once per enemy and just held the button down till they died (but most often they died in a single hit.)




My fingers have been clicking keyboards & mice for nearly 3 decades; since the Spectrum 48k.

I don't feel I'm exaggerating when I say Warframe stands out as one of the worst offenders of RSI inducing control mechanics.


The only games that beat it are those damn sports games that had joystick waggling to run/swim faster.

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began reading only paragraph beginnings after "two rank 30 warframes".


Dude(it's justified here), you have a hunter founders pack, spent $20 more and have 2, TWO, warframes on 30 and you're complaining about replay value.

How on earth is it possible that you have only 2, TWO, warframes after spending $60 on platinum. Srsly, that's over 1,7k platinum. That's enough for 5 warframes and potatoing them, not to mention you get one for free.


Lol carpal tunnel. If it's such an issue here, then all those secretaries should be suing their companies for hazardous working conditions.

Let's not mention Diablo 3 and Counter Strike, oh oh and DotA,LoL,HoN,SC,SC2 etc. Those kids should be so ill right now it's not even fathomable.


My advice: Roll up the window covers, open your window, take a deep breath, check the weather, put on adequate attire and go for a walk.

In short, take a break.

Edited by DeadlyNerd
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Forma:  I don't think people necessarily need to be on equal footing. The boost that Forma gives you doesn't affect that much; Damage + Multishot gives you the majority of your damage and you don't even need a Potato to get both, and besides, it gives those that really like certain weapons the opportunity to make them better over time (and money).


Replay value: Yeah, it's a problem DE is aware of. Clan dojos are gonna be a huge resource sink for making your own levels, but they'll probably make more. Eventually.


Sentinels: I agree they feel odd.


In game tooltips: Yes, yes, yes. The wiki doesn't even have accurate crit values for a lot of the weapons (especially the melee ones).


Ammo efficiency: Since we have 3 weapons and abilities I don't think having bad ammo efficiency is necessarily a bad balancing factor. Just have to make the weapons feel good for the short time you get to use them.


Melee weapon balance: Yes. So much yes.


Melee versus Grineer. Melee weapons can stagger the Grineer, so it's not like they're completely useless. A lot of shooty weapons don't have innate armor pierce, and they're not necessarily bad vs the Grineer.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Interesting point, and very true. I haven't encountered this problem myself but it's certainly a concern.


Game difficulty: Honestly I think the issue is that mods are the big factor in how powerful you are (mainly Multishot), and since they can be so random there can be a big disparity in power. The first missions chew up plenty of ammo to begin with, but getting damaging mods shoot you up in power. Weapons on the whole are (trying to be) balanced, so getting new weapons doesn't make you much better (but make you more versatile).


Keep overleveled people out of low level groups. If there's an accurate way of determining power levels, and the amount of players gets to the point where people can still get into groups, then yeah, sure.


Corpus/Infected. Corpus have a larger variety of enemies to fight, meaning you need to apply different strategies (I share your annoyance of Shield Ospreys... dang Corpus Tech). Grineer are more consistent but have heavy units. Infested need more love and are pretty boring right now. They could be more varied to fight and still make you run around kiting them.



Defense Missions: You keep the mods you got between the 5 waves if you fail. Poor resources though...


Warframe powers: Energy Siphon is just way too good, and the power mods are miles ahead of the many other warframe mod choices. I think they're going to keep warframe powers this powerful, though. Just needs some balancing for some frames.


Corpus Headshots: Corpus Crewmen are pretty weak. Don't mind it if their heads are unhittable. Electric damage should still go through, though.


Map anomalies: More interesting rooms are fine by me.


Sentinels stealing my kills: Not sure what to do about this one, exactly.


Good post. Brought up a lot of interesting points.

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So two frames, 20 weapons and 100 hours playtime? I'm on +180 hours, and I can say that you've missed out on so much fun ignoring the other frames and the rest of the weapons. Unlocking the levels is just the beginning of the game. Also, in case you want to do something TRULY insane, try getting together four people and start a Dojo project.


Me? I'm hopefully heading to Xini tonight with my Hate and my Loki to wreak some havoc with my teammates :D


Also, as I said, +180 hours in and no sign of RSI despite rocking Furax, Aknyros Fang and now lately the Akbolto.

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Dude(it's justified here), you have a hunter founders pack, spent $20 more and have 2, TWO, warframes on 30 and you're complaining about replay value.

How on earth is it possible that you have only 2, TWO, warframes after spending $60 on platinum. Srsly, that's over 1,7k platinum. That's enough for 5 warframes and potatoing them, not to mention you get one for free.



None of that invalidates the point... <.<

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Well, I must say that your opinion counts the same as any player, but even though you have some good points (even if I don't agree with some) this post has more of a Rage post feel to it then a constructive critic.

Now, it seems like you forgot a very important fact - this game is still in beta mode. As such many things are going to change. Also, many of the issues you brought up have been addressed in the forums and livestreams and from the lack of reference to it in your post it seems like you didn't do proper research. For example the weapons are undergoing several revisions now.

Overall, you have many points that should be addressed (I would like to have full info about a weapon both on market and inventory), and I suggest you post each idea/point on the relevant forums, and if you want people to react to the idea and not the tone, try for less negetivity in your phrasing.

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Well, I must say that your opinion counts the same as any player, but even though you have some good points (even if I don't agree with some) this post has more of a Rage post feel to it then a constructive critic.

Now, it seems like you forgot a very important fact - this game is still in beta mode. As such many things are going to change. Also, many of the issues you brought up have been addressed in the forums and livestreams and from the lack of reference to it in your post it seems like you didn't do proper research. For example the weapons are undergoing several revisions now.

Overall, you have many points that should be addressed (I would like to have full info about a weapon both on market and inventory), and I suggest you post each idea/point on the relevant forums, and if you want people to react to the idea and not the tone, try for less negetivity in your phrasing.


Or you could... You know... Just focus on the ideas and not the tone and phrasing.

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So two frames, 20 weapons and 100 hours playtime? I'm on +180 hours, and I can say that you've missed out on so much fun ignoring the other frames and the rest of the weapons. Unlocking the levels is just the beginning of the game. Also, in case you want to do something TRULY insane, try getting together four people and start a Dojo project.


Me? I'm hopefully heading to Xini tonight with my Hate and my Loki to wreak some havoc with my teammates :D


Also, as I said, +180 hours in and no sign of RSI despite rocking Furax, Aknyros Fang and now lately the Akbolto.


IMO get 4 people to start a Dojo project will only push him further away from this game.

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began reading only paragraph beginnings after "two rank 30 warframes".


Dude(it's justified here), you have a hunter founders pack, spent $20 more and have 2, TWO, warframes on 30 and you're complaining about replay value.

How on earth is it possible that you have only 2, TWO, warframes after spending $60 on platinum. Srsly, that's over 1,7k platinum. That's enough for 5 warframes and potatoing them, not to mention you get one for free.


Lol carpal tunnel. If it's such an issue here, then all those secretaries should be suing their companies for hazardous working conditions.

Let's not mention Diablo 3 and Counter Strike, oh oh and DotA,LoL,HoN,SC,SC2 etc. Those kids should be so ill right now it's not even fathomable.


My advice: Roll up the window covers, open your window, take a deep breath, check the weather, put on adequate attire and go for a walk.

In short, take a break.


Your argument about Diablo 3, CS, Dota, LoL, HoN, SC, and SC2 makes absolutely no sense at all. Warframe is the only game where you have to repeatedly hold down the wasd movement keys (and jump/crouch keys as well if you like going faster) and also the mouse keys for firing since there's so many enemies to take down. In Diablo 3, mouse handles both movement and attacking, whilst spells are just periodically used by the left hand. In CS, you hardly hold the trigger for more than 2 seconds due to recoil, and there are also a lot of opportunities for camping and strategy rather than in warframe where you just want to keep going forward. In MOBA games, again mouse handles movement and auto-attacking, and rarely do you ever have to spam spells with your left hand or have to hold wasd keys. And finally while RTS games do utilise the mouse a lot, but the left-hand is spared, only used for shortcuts and control group functions. 


Please don't ridicule the carpel tunnel issue as Warframe does seem to be a very clicking/finger-intensive game... 

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Your argument about Diablo 3, CS, Dota, LoL, HoN, SC, and SC2 makes absolutely no sense at all. Warframe is the only game where you have to repeatedly hold down the wasd movement keys (and jump/crouch keys as well if you like going faster) and also the mouse keys for firing since there's so many enemies to take down. In Diablo 3, mouse handles both movement and attacking, whilst spells are just periodically used by the left hand. In CS, you hardly hold the trigger for more than 2 seconds due to recoil, and there are also a lot of opportunities for camping and strategy rather than in warframe where you just want to keep going forward. In MOBA games, again mouse handles movement and auto-attacking, and rarely do you ever have to spam spells with your left hand or have to hold wasd keys. And finally while RTS games do utilise the mouse a lot, but the left-hand is spared, only used for shortcuts and control group functions. 


Please don't ridicule the carpel tunnel issue as Warframe does seem to be a very clicking/finger-intensive game... 

That still doesn't explain why OP has carp and the rest of us don't seem to have it.

Edited by Hap-muhr
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Your argument about Diablo 3, CS, Dota, LoL, HoN, SC, and SC2 makes absolutely no sense at all. Warframe is the only game where you have to repeatedly hold down the wasd movement keys (and jump/crouch keys as well if you like going faster) and also the mouse keys for firing since there's so many enemies to take down. In Diablo 3, mouse handles both movement and attacking, whilst spells are just periodically used by the left hand. In CS, you hardly hold the trigger for more than 2 seconds due to recoil, and there are also a lot of opportunities for camping and strategy rather than in warframe where you just want to keep going forward. In MOBA games, again mouse handles movement and auto-attacking, and rarely do you ever have to spam spells with your left hand or have to hold wasd keys. And finally while RTS games do utilise the mouse a lot, but the left-hand is spared, only used for shortcuts and control group functions. 


Please don't ridicule the carpel tunnel issue as Warframe does seem to be a very clicking/finger-intensive game... 


Taking frame movement into consideration when talking about mouse clicking seems pretty silly and quite irrelevant... Also, I'd like to note that as far as the left (movement) hand goes, I have less activity with that hand in this game than in many other games I play.

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I generally ignore my powers and focus on shooting things to death, so it's only natural for me to have spend the majority of my money on weapons. I own like 7 main hands, 5 off hands, and like 6 melee weapons. And I potato them all because I'm very OCD about that sort of thing.


That's how I choose to spend my money and I don't know why it's being brought in to question. 


Hell I'd be building a Grakata right now and using that instead of the Hek I built yesterday if Neurodes weren't bugged. 

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That still doesn't explain why OP has carp and the rest of us don't seem to have it.

I don't have carp. None of us do, probably. But playing this game? It's going to give it to us. Might not be now. Might not be in 20 years. But when you're 50 and your wrists hurt like hell you better look back to this game as a reason why. This game is insanity in the amount of clicks you have to perform versus other games. 

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I don't have carp. None of us do, probably. But playing this game? It's going to give it to us. Might not be now. Might not be in 20 years. But when you're 50 and your wrists hurt like hell you better look back to this game as a reason why. This game is insanity in the amount of clicks you have to perform versus other games. 


Have you tried putting your wrists in a better position? From my understanding of the condition, it's far more about positioning than repetitiveness.

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