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The Dragon Keys/corrupted Mods Are Broken.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Had the same bug happen to me right now (23/02 22h55 Paris time -sorry for not converting it-), ran a 20min solo orokin derelict survival with nezha, opened the vault between 18:40 and 19:00 (i found it around 4 mins I think ?), no new mod neither in the reward screen nor in the "new mods" section. Dragon key (decaying) was consumed.

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This happened for me and two friends as well today.

We ran Derelic Survical with 3 Keys, picked up the artefact in 2 runs and extracted after 20 minutes in those runs. We got no corrupted mods in both cases.

We did Derelic Capture afterwards and got corrupted mods without problems in there.


EDIT: Checked Mod Screen and I only got the two Mods from Capture. So this is not an issue with the Reward Screen.

Edited by N-0cturn
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This just happened to a group of my friends and I.  We did two Orokin Derelict Survivals, and opened a vault both times.  We did 40 minutes on both keys.

We did not receive a mod either time.  The first time we weren't certain but we made sure before going back in, took stock of our mods and such.

I'm not sure if this would matter or not, but both times we found the vault door very quickly, probably within 5 minutes, opened it with the proper key, but then just left the mod there and didn't pick it up immediately until much later as we were about to leave.  I can't imagine that changes much but well, maybe that helps to reproduce the bug.

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Having the same issue as well. My friends and I have run derelict Survival twice, 20 minutes each, and both times did not receive a corrupted mod. The first time we opened the door at 1 minute and grabbed it then. The second time we waited till 15 minutes then grabbed it. Both times no corrupted mod showed up in the reward screen and we did all check through our mod libraries.

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Just experienced this bug twice in a row.  I hope I can provide the details necessary to replicate this bug.  

I hosted a squad of four players for an Orokin Derelict Survival mission.  We each had equipped vault keys.  Our mission started around 11:24 PM, Pacific Standard Time.  After setting off the alarms, we immediately searched and found the vault within the first five minutes of the mission.  My squadmate, with an Extinguished Dragon key, opened the vault, and immediately picked up the mod.  The factions changed from Infested to Corrupted, and we stayed for twenty minutes before extracting.  Upon extraction, no corrupted mod was rewarded.  Our mission ended around 11:45 PM.

I hosted our second mission as well, with most conditions the same as the first.  Our mission started around 11:47 PM, and again, my squadmate found and opened the vault with an Extinguished Dragon key within five minutes of starting.  The factions changed, and we stayed for another twenty minutes.  No mod was rewarded.  Our mission ended at 12:10 AM, PST.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just ran a derelict survival with two friends. We ran with bleeding, decaying and hobbling dragon keys and opened the vault with the decaying key at approx. 15 mins. Extracted after 20 mins and none of us received a corrupted mod. It was our first time attempting a derelict mission for the vaults.

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1 minute ago, Redonyxx said:

Just ran a derelict survival with two friends. We ran with bleeding, decaying and hobbling dragon keys and opened the vault with the decaying key at approx. 15 mins. Extracted after 20 mins and none of us received a corrupted mod. It was our first time attempting a derelict mission for the vaults.

I was in this party as well and can confirm as I'm the one who opened the vault.

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Ran a solo Derelict Survival about half an hour before post time and same deal, decaying key, got hobbled effect, opened door just after 20min and left at about 22min.  No gold mod in rewards.  Not the first time it has happened, but I don't have time for the other time (only happened to me twice so far).  Wouldn't really be annoyed if nova systems would just drop.

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Recorded my corrupted mods to check against in the case that it was just a glitch on the reward screen. Did a few more survivals (with no nova systems), got another with decaying key door and got extinguished effect and waited until 25 minutes wondering if maybe it's a timer thing and would reset.  Finished mission, no gold mod (one gold fusion core, but that can't be a vault reward, can it?), checked against my list of owned mods, no new corrupted mods.

Hope anything I'm doing helps identify the problem, assuming it's still being worked on.

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Confirmed that opening the door and grabbing the relic and extracting between 5 and 10 minutes gives a gold mod, but doing so between 15 and 20 minutes does not give a gold mod.  I never found a matching door to try between 10 and 15 minutes, though.  Perhaps acquiring a rotation b award somehow interferes with the vault mod as an award, or perhaps it just has something do with the timer.  Either way, hopefully the issue can be identified and fixed.

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