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Most/least Satisfying Weapons


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Fun and satisfying mainly because of the visceral impact:


Primaries: Boltor, Boar, Ogris (no surprise I have these three all forma'ed), Supra, Vulkar

Secondaries: Dual VIpers before the terrible firing sound change, Afuris, Kraken, Sicarus

Melee: Furax (the uppercut and ground pummel never gets old), Gram, Hate


Limp weapons, very meh and I just don't like the feel:


Hek, Bronco, Heat Dagger

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Most satisfying?


Tie between Braton, Boltor, Dera and glaive. Reasons:

-BRATON FIRING SOUND. Very reliable weapon, too. Not even upgraded with a catalyst and it's great almost everywhere.


-Boltor grunts out a horrifying hail of armor ignoring death that makes enemies emit wonderfully squishy and wet tearing meat sounds on impact.


-Dera is one of those guns you have to practice with a bit before it seems even remotely good. Once you do, and it's fully modded... Everything around you is dying. It's perfect accuracy makes it much easier to lead targets than even the Boltor IMO (Lol bolts suddenly flying UP for no reason), it's lack of recoil means I can fire like eight consecutive shots at an enemy's head and they will ALL hit if I'm lucky (usually it's a heavy grineer target), although it's firing noise could be a bit 'heavier' than it is now. I would not argue with a projectile velocity increase, but it's not like it completely destroys the gun without it.


-The Glaive can be thrown. The Glaive has a small knockdown radius but I have mastered working with this to bring out the most possible destruction. The Glaive can be used incredibly quickly, and it staggers people exceptionally well, meaning it's easier to actually do damage to things. It looks cool, and it sounds cool.



High midrange: Bronco. It's a microshotgun. Potato'd, fully upgraded, minces literally everything, great firing sound.


Least satisfying:

-Lex. Seriously what's the hype with this thing? Hornet strike, no return, elemental damage. Need to empty an entire clip into a grineer skull to kill them at like level 15. I should mention that the mods themselves are quite high level.



-Machete. Really neat animations, great appearance, but utterly anemic charge damage. It's almost no different from a regular swipe against larger enemies, it seems.

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Least satisfying:

-Lex. Seriously what's the hype with this thing? Hornet strike, no return, elemental damage. Need to empty an entire clip into a grineer skull to kill them at like level 15. I should mention that the mods themselves are quite high level.

You can expect a bit of a hype when it comes to a weapon that destroys everything in a single shot. I won't blame you for not being able to appreciate it though, the "Big Bang Small Package" gun isn't for everyone, and players in this game tend to not bother aiming.

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You can expect a bit of a hype when it comes to a weapon that destroys everything in a single shot. I won't blame you for not being able to appreciate it though, the "Big Bang Small Package" gun isn't for everyone, and players in this game tend to not bother aiming.


I'm hitting Grineer square in the forehead with a more or less fully modded Lex, and it takes emptying a magazine into them to actually kill! Did you not read that part of my post!

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I'm hitting Grineer square in the forehead with a more or less fully modded Lex, and it takes emptying a magazine into them to actually kill! Did you not read that part of my post!

What is fully modded?  7 formas + V polarity and max mods with a catalyst?  ANd what lvl grineer are you fighting?

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I dislike it when people say the lex is only niche or say its to slow

max out fire rate and reload speed all natural elemeny mods are just unessisary but add in thos colorless bam isntant versitility

I love my lex its my most used never gona sell weapon

Lex max speeds max crits 100% hornit and multy 25 AP omg its soooo fun fires as fast as i can aim it accuret in and out of scope


my least used gun was always the Hek or gorgon they just where so unfun to level i could not get the hek past 10 and once the gorgon got to level 30 i dropped that thing hard to much power for not enough skill for my tastes

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Let's face it, in any game with weapons some will be more fun to use then others. In the first Halo I LOOOOVED the assault rifle. It made a great sound, did good damage, and was overall very fun to use. On the other hand, the plasma rifle went 'pewpewpew' in a distinctly unsatisfying way to me. 


So everyone, which weapons in warframe do you enjoy using the most/least, not which are best or worst, or which one you used to solo Jackel. Just which ones do you love to use and which do you refuse to touch ever again.


For me, the Latron is the favorite of the guns I've tried so far. I makes a great boom, and combined with the kick makes it feel like I'm using a small cannon rather then a rifle. Even though I've leveled it to 30 and really should be using my Braton/shotty more often to rank them up I keep finding myself going into game with the Latron. Very little is as satisfying as watching a Greneer marine blown off his feet after the distinct boom of the Latron. (The Bolto is a close second, due to the pinning people to walls but.... still prefer the Latron)


The least satisfying is the Sicarus. The three shot kick is a bit much, the sound is kinda.. meh, and there is little to no noticeable effect on the enemy unless you kill them with it. It feels like I'm holding a small, angry dog more then a burst fire gun. 

sicarus is terrible :l so dissapoint and i agree they did a great job with latron so much so im working on latron prime, wish me luck lol


as for outside of warframe it does liek this



#1 Lancer (Gears of War)

#2 Needler (not duel wield crap)



#1 BR (Halo)

#2 Alternate BR (halo)

why make so many? and always so gay?

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I'm hitting Grineer square in the forehead with a more or less fully modded Lex, and it takes emptying a magazine into them to actually kill! Did you not read that part of my post!

you should try it with this

100% damage

100% multy

max crit rate

25% armor pen

max crit damage

every time you pull the trigger you have a 66% chance of one of thos bullets criting

and without the crit you are basicly shooting 5 bullets every bullet is worth 2 that comes out and each of thos have 25% more damage of 100% increase

then combine this with max fire rate reload speed and whatever you want as your last mod i recommend zoom clip size or max ammo since it will basicly be your new main weapon that does it all fires as fast as you can aim it reloads timely kills everything with almsot perfect no scope and perfect scope accuracy at all ranges think of it like a shotgun regardless of if its scope or not its pretty much gona fire the same accuracy

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you should try it with this

100% damage

100% multy

max crit rate

25% armor pen

max crit damage

every time you pull the trigger you have a 66% chance of one of thos bullets criting

and without the crit you are basicly shooting 5 bullets every bullet is worth 2 that comes out and each of thos have 25% more damage of 100% increase

then combine this with max fire rate reload speed and whatever you want as your last mod i recommend zoom clip size or max ammo since it will basicly be your new main weapon that does it all fires as fast as you can aim it reloads timely kills everything with almsot perfect no scope and perfect scope accuracy at all ranges think of it like a shotgun regardless of if its scope or not its pretty much gona fire the same accuracy


i always lol when people are tryng the lex with only speed trigger and other mods thats doesnt help the damage.

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i always lol when people are tryng the lex with only speed trigger and other mods thats doesnt help the damage.

why it does enough to murder everything by itself just craming all damage mods is also boring XD


how does multishot hornet strike crit damage crit rate and armor pen NOT help the damage?

also the such extream speed increase from the reload and the fire rate pushes the dps if you even care about that

I dont really care about damage per second I care about the gun being just the right speed with just the right damage to fit what i need

this little pocket gun can do it all its one of the few guns that you can mod to do anything you want and still work


Literaly the first gun I bought when i joined the game I quite literaly never stoped using it id get handguns to 30 and instantly go back to the lex  i have cat kunai and still only use the lex

I am so Loyal to this gun you might not understand

6 shots as fast as I need to pull the trigger and able to kill anything within the time I need to move on dancing around CQC with just the lex and my heatsword that is how I played till the gram came out then the new mod system came and my lex grew stronger i didnt need elements anymore then i took the reset and i had to grow from nothing but the Lex again



I have been up and down the planets so many times every mission all kinds of levels and never ran into a problem

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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I actually find the lex very unsatisfying after having used it as my main weapon for a while. I'm not entirely sure why, maybe its just that its ammo efficiency is so high and with multishot fighting anything just feels so... trivial...

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This represents how they feel to use, not how amazing their dps is.


Most: special Lato, Paris, Scindo, both scythes (With reach mod), Gram

Least: Ankyros, Grakata, all longswords, Lex and Zoren Charge attack


Special hell: Duel Boltos feel like they are jamming every few shot. This gun is dead to me.(Still my sidearm of choice, go figure)

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Dread is by far the most satisfying to me - epitome of high risk/high reward

Grakata falls as the least satisfying - granted I"ve not tired it since it was released - but I bought it right when it came out and absolutely regretted it immediately.

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I'm hitting Grineer square in the forehead with a more or less fully modded Lex, and it takes emptying a magazine into them to actually kill! Did you not read that part of my post!

Bullsh1t. A fully-modded Lex destroys Golem in 1 mag(6 rounds). Take out that Trick Mag/Slip Mag/Stopping Power etc crap and start slapping some real mods onto your Lex before you start trashtalking it.



Either that or you just can't aim. One of these.



-Potato'd Forma'd Lex user

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Most: Fang, Dual Skana, Furax, Orthos(Who doesn't like spears?) Snipetron, Vulkar(Baby got kick) Paris, Afuris, Lex, Mire most recently(I just love putting that blade into a Grineer)


Reliable: Latron(prime), Aklato, Akbolto


Hate: Dread(just the way it looks and feels.....mehhy) Boltor, Strun, Hek, Gram. Burston, Sicarus, Twin Vipers(That sound....)


Besides that I wish I had more slots to buy all the dagger weapons.....I just love shredding through people like if they were soggy paper.

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Most satisfying:

Latron/Prime - Phenomenal weapons. Great sound, great accuracy, great damage. As long as you keep landing those headshots things will continue to die.

Scindo - With a maxed Fury and Reflex Coil this thing chews through just about anything I swing it at. The animation and sound make me giggle every time I send a target's upper torso into orbit.

Lato Prime - My go-to weapon for murdering everything. If my primary weapon can't kill it, this pistol can.

Least Favorite:

Viper/Dual Viper - "Brapping" through levels is fun, but blowing through all of your ammo in the first 2 minutes kinda limited my enjoyment.

Machete - A reskinned Skana with a less intuitive move set. I wanted to have fun, since it looks awesome, but it needs something more.

Strun - I kinda wanted a tighter spread on this gun, maybe I was expecting the Hek when I bought it. Maybe I just don't like shotguns.

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Primary: Boar - nothing like the sound and feeling this weapon has. It has that WTF was that on most of your team mates the first time they hear it.

Side Arms: Dual Broncos and Despair.

Melee weapons: Amphis - awesome feel slamming this large staff/mace down on the ground. Fang - love getting ticked off and running into a group of mobs and just slice and dicing. Hate - love the model of this looks awesome!


Firearms I'm looking forward to trying: Gorgon, Torid

Melee looking forward to: Kestrel


The others I've used I don't hate, I just don't feel the same umph I do from these.

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