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Hi. I'm an Iowan Xbox Tenno that's been a WF regular for about a month now. I mainly solo the game, and I'm currently running Mag (as it's currently my only Warframe) but that'll change tomorrow morning when my Valkyr frame finally finishes building. I prefer archery and blades and tend to forget about my secondary. 


I figure a good way to introduce myself would be to give my two favorite things about the game. So here they are:


1. The absolute genius method that the Xbox Tennos have come up with for recruiting. For those who don't know, on Xbox, recruiting is done like this: The recruiter states the mission they are recruiting for followed by a number (for example "T1 Def 123") And then watch the chat for someone to respond with the number. By chatting the recruitment number, the recruiter knows that you're onboard and will immediately invite you. IT'S BRILLIANT! The only issue is when 5 Tennos use the same number. But past that, it's the best community made systematic recruitment tool. Normally you'd have to go to an online LFG to find that kind of organization.


2. The pay-to-win (Well, sort of). Let's be honest, this game is very pay-to-win. It just is. But in a way, that's a good thing. See, the pay-to-win style results in people like me, who don't buy platnium, having to work for hours and hours just to build one warframe. And while that sounds horrible, I actually quite like it. I like the satisfaction of finally gathering up all the blueprints, materials, and credits needed to build the weapons and frames. And I love the feeling of anticipation you get from checking on that foundry timer. 


 So yeah. I guess I'll see you guys around.



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Welcome to the game, glad you like with so much :)

What I especially love about this game is that even though you can pay for a lot, there is nothing you cannot get by playing for free, unlike so many f2p games out there.

But above all the close relation between the players and the devs. I have never seen a game where you can really reach the devs and have a word with them about your opinion on the game

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Hi, and welcome.


Don't you just love the speed of this game?  I know I do.  Plus there is really just so much to the game and they put all this information down for you on the wikia as a reference.  There's a lot of support and some great ideas floating around on these forums too which makes it an even more immersive game.


So keep up the good work and have fun.  See you in game.

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