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Just Saying Hi


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Hi, names RedFoxRen, started a little bit ago, never really got into the forums till now, so figured I would say hi. Feel free to add me in game you you want, currently trying to get Limbo, he is just too dabber xD so starting out by leveling my archwing. I'm normally a solo player because of poor internet, but can try to do some missions with people, not going to be much help in higher level stuff, but will try my best! 


Fight on my fellow Tennos! 

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I don't know why I wanted to do this, anyway welcome fellow tenno.

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Because why not lol

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Solo play?  Man, I can feel your pain from where I sit.  I was stuck mostly solo for about a year behind overloaded internet.  Warframe was a brutal game, until a very kind veteran handed me some decent mods.


I called them "epic" mods, because that's how they felt when all I had was 15 point strikes, and 36 Sentinel Redirections.


Let me know if you need a clan, and as always, if you feel lost, just google Evilkam Guide, or click here.  It takes about 20 minutes to read, but If I delete anything else, it'll stop being useful.  So just take it in small chunks.  ;)

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