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Help A Noob With A Hysteria Build?



I'm finally ready to shed my Excalibur 'frame and mildly upgraded sword and rifle, for a real build. A build I can work on... A Valkyr Crit build?


I'm sure these have been done lots of times, and I can read a wiki and put together the math pretty okay on my own, I think, but I have some questions. I'm not sure how deep I'm going to go into this build; after all, X-Com 2 is coming out soon and that's gonna cut into Warframe time. ;)


#1. What should be my base melee weapon? I think my choices come down to three: Either the Tekko, the Atterax, or the Dual Cleavers? 

I rule out the Tekko right away - trading +100% critD for -5% critC makes a ton of sense. I'm not sure whether I want the Atterax for higher proc chance and damage or the Dual Cleavers because they are more useful outside of Hysteria, which is my first real question - how often should I expect to be out of Hysteria?

Should I worry about what my melee weapon does outside of Hysteria, or just roll with what it does in Hysteria?


#2. I've logged nearly 50 hrs now and not found a single Serration mod. O.O I get the impression they drop often in Sorties, but I've not gotten my Mastery Rank high enough for that yet, probably due to sitting on my noob gear for so long. Not a question, sorry. Just to point out how RNJesus works in mysterious ways.


#3. Are Body Count and Blood Rush new to everyone, not just players who've just started, like me? I don't suppose anyone knows how far to invest in them, if it's the former, hey? I just don't imagine I need True Steel, Body Count, and Blood Rush all maxed, at least to start... Blood Rush, if I read it right, seems to ensure that crits will happen, the rest of the critC is just the interval between them. Fury might even be better than True Steel to raise effective critC, with the two event-drop mods! I'll have to find a Beserker mod somewhere, of course....


#4. How effective is Constitution? Should I need it and Handspring if I'm going to melee all the things? How far should one invest in that combination? What other defensive mods do I need that I may not know about?


#5. Not necessarily related to the build - is there really much point to a sidearm? :/ Not sure I understand the purpose of it, though I'm thinking of getting the throwing knives thingie just so I can stealth-kill at short range and shoot cameras.

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7 answers to this question

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1. With the right setup, you can be in Hysteria near-permanently as long as there is a steady stream of enemies around to get blue orb drops from. So it doesn't much matter what you use for your melee weapon. I would advise you use a crit-based weapon that is not a dagger nor uses a syndicate mod. Hysteria is a crit weapon and afaik it cannot benefit from any weapon specific mods like Justice Blades or Covert Lethality. So of the 3 you named, Atterax would be best. But again, it doesn't matter that much. I use Jat Kittag, because catface skin.



2. RNGesus is a cruel and angry god.



3. New to everyone. Both great mods, but neither work with Hysteria.



4. Knockdown recovery is amazing and either Constitution or Handspring (don't need both) should be in every melee build... except Valkyr, because Hysteria makes you immune to knockdown.



5. It can be useful to carry a Secondary for hitting flying targets, cameras, and attacking enemies when bleeding out. Other than for the Sword Alone achievement, there's no real reason NOT to bring one...



Noob Hysteria Build:

Steel Charge

Continuity, Constitution, Fleeting Expertise, Intensify, Rage

Vitality, Steel Fiber

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at first read the wiki:



#1: weapon choice doesn't matter any more - just take one you like - only the mods are important now.

but because of the 50% critchance of the claws I would mod it for crit.


#2: Drop table for serration:

Grineer Scorpion
Infested Electric Crawler
Infested Nauseous Crawler
Tier 2 Defense Reward
Tier 1/2/3 Survival Reward

But that doesn't have any affect on Hysteria?


#3: take True Steel as only crit mod (in my opinion):


Body Count and other mods are new to everyone - and are not compatible with Hysteria:

from the Wiki:



Body Count does not affect Warframe ability weapons, i.e. Exalted Blade, Hysteria and Primal Fury.

Blood Rush does not work with Warframe ability weapons, which include Exalted Blade, Hysteria, and Primal Fury.


#4: if you really want to use a Hysteria-Build, don't go for defensive because you are immortal

and I don't think you should be knocked down very often - just go for max Power Strength/Efficiency, low Range, normal Duration


I would suggest such a build: (only my favourites - there may be much better builds outside ^^)


at Beginning:

Steel Charge

Constitution+Continuity for Duration - low cost

Streamline+Fleeting Expertise (the only corrupted mod I would suggest - maybe trade one) - for low cost

Intensify - for power strength

Rush - faster sprint speed

Vitality - for safety

Eternal War - longer Warcry-duration with melee-kills


if you have more mods and so:

Steel Charge

Narrow Minded

Primed Continuity


Power Drift

Transient Fortitude


Fleeting Expertise




For the weapon I would use:

Stance ^^ (btw I love Venka because they are also claws :p)

Pressure Point

Spoiled Strike

Fury (maybe change with Primed Reach)


True Steel

Organ Shatter

Fever Strike

Shocking Touch



#5: if you are down you can kill enemies while someone is reviving you, also it's nice to have if you use a weapon like Tonkor which can only shoot 2 times or if you are using a sniper rifle or shotgun - then you can counter the short reach with a secundary. I love to have Sonicor as a sidearm because it is incredible strong at short ranges and for wider areas I use my primary. But depends on your playstile - stealthy weapons are always nice when doing spy-missions or something like that.



have fun

Edited by Nacond
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Yeah, I made a couple misreadings; I skipped over the 'not' there in the description about the base weapon mattering. A few people responded to this post in chat as well, and answered a whole bunch of my questions there, and thanks to those folks!


I hadn't read over to Body Count and Blood Rush on the wiki, though, and was somewhat disappointed to learn they didn't function with Hysteria. Ah well - still gonna go for a crit build, I think.

I found your list of mods somewhat closely matching my list, though there are a few on there I hadn't been aware of!


About Serration: Just generally complaining about the drop rate. My go-to credit & void key farm is Memphis, Phobos, at the moment - Electric and Nauseous Crawlers spawn just about every round, and yet all they've given me is Rupture mods.  ._.

Gave in and switched to a shotgun for my primary, just finished crafting it earlier today - 'cause I do have Point Blank. :D

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Maxed vitality, rage, and steel fiber are the keys to a successful Valkyr. The rest is personal preference, but you'll always be balancing duration with efficiency.


Weapons no longer matter to Valkyr. Your modding of your weapons do, however. She's very crit dependent and benefits greatly from attack speed. You'll probably want crit based melee weapons because you will be using them outside of hysteria as well and they may as well perform competently.


Of the weapons you've mentioned, the Cleavers and Atterax are both extremely good weapons for Valk. The Prisma Cleavers are even better if you can score a set.


Serration...yeah. Apollodorus. I've seen a fair number of serrations drop as round rewards in Apollodorus. It can potentially take a lot of runs, but it will drop at some point. If you're new, Apollodorus is a good bet. There are usually other tenno there and many are vets releveling stuff (and I'll be one of them when the event is done; my Valky needs another forma for the drift mods and she'll be there, at least for a while).


The event mods are new and I'm suspicious of them. So far, they might have some use, but Valk need crit mods and the weapons that also require them are often strapped for mod slots. Needs experimentation and some math. Also, Weapons 2.0. In the short run, I'd ignore them.


Constitution is effective, but more for duration than anything else. The knockdown recovery is nice when you get caught outside of hysteria (and it will happen).


Secondaries are there to back up or supplement your primary. In Valky's case, it's more for alternate damage types. I take her to the moon a lot, and alternate elemental combos help a lot when confronting Sentients. I also use her in grineer spy missions and I suppress her secondary when doing this.

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I have a Valkyr loadout that can take out the Shadow Stalker in about 10 seconds, as well as one-hit Corrupt Captain Vor. 


Aura: Steel Charge

Additional Mods: Steel Fiber, Intensify, Vigor, Stretch, Continuity, and Streamline

Melee Weapon: Galatine


Valkyr's Hysteria damage is effected by Strength, as well as what melee weapon she has equipped. Her energy drain is effected by Duration, the more duration, the less energy drain per second. Efficiency also lowers the drain on her energy. 

I personally don't use any additional mods for Valkyr, but this loadout works perfectly for killing the Stalker and any other tough bosses. 


I hope this was helpful. 

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Valkyr's Hysteria damage is effected by Strength, as well as what melee weapon she has equipped.

as far as the wiki tells:

no :) only the mods insidee the melee weapon are important


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