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Greetings And Salutations


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Hello to All Tenno,


My name is Kyle and I'm from Daytona Beach down in Sunny(*cough cough*) Florida!! 


Not sure why it took me forever to get to the forums... (may have been the game.. not sure..lol)

but it is great to see such a lively forum with many active members and Admin Staff! 


Little Background: I am a Professional DJ as well as an accomplished Radio Personality/Production Specialist for 6 different Radio Stations! I work at a Nightclub late nights into early mornings and play Warframe when I should be sleeping.. Priorities!! :D 


Haven't played the game long but have become a very fast study and have made many amazing friends already as well as a clan to run with! Definitely enjoying every aspect of this game and looking forward to meeting New Players!!! 


Find Me, Add Me, & Run with Me! 



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Welcome to the forums, DJ! Now, what is this sleeping thing you speak of? You mean there's no Warframe time O.O I don't know what that means, must be a joke, right :p

Feel free to shoot me a request on Warframe or PSN, same name as here and if you're ever in need of someone to run anything with, I'd be glad to Come (also have a mic, if that matters at all)

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Thanks For the Warm Welcome Fellow Tenno!! 


Not really sure what to chime in on within the forums being that I'm still technically new to everything,


Any Suggestions for what I could check out? I'd like to be as active as possible on here to give opinions or any advice I can! 



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Hi and welcome to the forum!

I would like to suggest checking out "Players helping Players" section. Whenever you have a question you can ask for help there and all are very helpful. I always learn something new. Also check out the PS4 news to keep you updated to what's new and coming to the console. 

Have fun playing! Oh and by the way, nice name Kyle, same as my brother.

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