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Easy Way To Slow Down Rushers.


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How about let say all facations have special abilitys like lets say


Corpus shoots electrical net that stuns u and slows u down while takes big portion of your shield, like ancient  your shield  (Trying to rush fast will get u killed.


Infestors spitts out something grosse on the floor that makes u get stuck or even fall down on ground.or slip, whatever is more cool.


Grineer  teleports you back or blocking the exits or scropion should drag u back if they see u trying to run away. so u cant simply pass by them. 

Edited by Lolish
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More stuns! YAYYYY!!!


How about let say all facations have special abilitys like lets say


Corpus shoots electrical net that stuns u and slows u down while takes big portion of your shield, like ancient  your shield  (Trying to rush fast will get u killed.


Infestors spitts out something grosse on the floor that makes u get stuck or even fall down on ground.or slip, whatever is more cool.


Grineer  teleports you back or blocking the exits or scropion should drag u back if they see u trying to run away. so u cant simply pass by them. 

If I could do downvote

I will do it

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tanks won't ever die even if their shield will be taken down completly. About stuck/stun thingies.. NO. i simply got SICK of rollers.. and they now added scorpions.. seems like they listen to their comunity, but not too much. (i'm not the only one complaining about ninjas getting stunned all the time)

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Yeah thats great, people that allready cant keep up will now get slowed stunned and probably killed, since more skilled players will avoid all this stuff anyway. So the other three dont have to wait for you, good idea!

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well i dont like stuns eather but game is made to be played as a team coop not 1 guy rushing 1 exploring 2 god knows what they are doing. this way u will need to fight together to stay alive. i dont say mobs should do this all the time but u might be able to run tru 1-2 rooms whitout getting anything but eventuly mobs would get u. in coop moving together u should not be affected by this changes at all.

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Btw, I was being sarcastic when I said "More stuns YAYYYY!!!" just in case somebody tought I was serious. Fkin' hate when I have 3 rollers/scorpions/ancients on my butt... thank god for the dethcube's vaporize or shade's cloak!

Edited by VieuxPappy
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well i dont like stuns eather but game is made to be played as a team coop not 1 guy rushing 1 exploring 2 god knows what they are doing. this way u will need to fight together to stay alive. i dont say mobs should do this all the time but u might be able to run tru 1-2 rooms whitout getting anything but eventuly mobs would get u. in coop moving together u should not be affected by this changes at all.

But adding more stunns isn't a solution, NOT AT ALL!

Increasing difficulty would work somehow, but again.. tanks with supercharged weapons and frames won't have any problem with it

Lvl 50 mobs.. and old player .. ~just another common S#&$~, lvl 50 mobs and newbie ~impossibru!~

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How about let say all facations have special abilitys like lets say


Corpus shoots electrical net that stuns u and slows u down while takes big portion of your shield, like ancient  your shield  (Trying to rush fast will get u killed.


Infestors spitts out something grosse on the floor that makes u get stuck or even fall down on ground.or slip, whatever is more cool.


Grineer  teleports you back or blocking the exits or scropion should drag u back if they see u trying to run away. so u cant simply pass by them. 


This is me clicking the now-removed downvote button.

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How about let say all facations have special abilitys like lets say


Corpus shoots electrical net that stuns u and slows u down while takes big portion of your shield, like ancient  your shield  (Trying to rush fast will get u killed.


Infestors spitts out something grosse on the floor that makes u get stuck or even fall down on ground.or slip, whatever is more cool.


Grineer  teleports you back or blocking the exits or scropion should drag u back if they see u trying to run away. so u cant simply pass by them.

Mr Stunlock is that you?
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So, when I whip up my Loki invisibility in duo runs, my partner gets massacred?


Well, sucks to be him.



Also, aren't those yellow-lock doors pretty much rusher-stoppers?

Rushers are unstoppable! (personal experience)

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well i dont like stuns eather but game is made to be played as a team coop not 1 guy rushing 1 exploring 2 god knows what they are doing. this way u will need to fight together to stay alive. i dont say mobs should do this all the time but u might be able to run tru 1-2 rooms whitout getting anything but eventuly mobs would get u. in coop moving together u should not be affected by this changes at all.

It's wierd, I NEVER had a problem with rushers with over 420 hours of gameplay... Also, "rushers" are normally a group of experienced player that are looking for a certain thing  either simply completing the mission or killin the boss to get a certain BP or ressource. We are ninjas after all, not some old lady in an electric wheel chair. It is normal to go fast, killin' stuff ninja style flippin' and runnin' everywhere. If you are more the "exploring" type, get some friends in game that are like you and create your squad of explorers. If not, I'm sorry but you can't really decide who you'll get in your "online" game.

And think about the other side too: don't you think It's also annoying to somebody that wants to go fast in a mission and get stuck waiting for 5 min at a door that requires 2 person to activate if the only other dude in the squad is taking his freakin time opening 2 containers at the other end of the mission to get some nano spores?

Edited by VieuxPappy
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No more stuns please.


Instead it may be a good idea to get more wall-running, more pits that you may fall in if you are careless, etc, etc, etc.


But no more stuns. They dont make the game any harder - just more annoying.

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