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Excalibur Build Feedback



Hi all!

Wanted to throw out some excalibur builds i have been playing around with to get some opinions. I really enjoy excalibur but hate the whole focus on exalted blade all the time from builds i have seen so iv done a couple of survival builds that i wanna try out.....see what you think!

Pure survival


endurance drift

quick thinking

steel fiber

primed continuity


primed flow

fleting expertise



Built for survival only, endless missions, in my head it seems pretty solid but any feedback would be welcome.

Radial blind build

Corrosive projection

power drift


steel fiber

primed continuity



fleeting expertise


radiant finish

Built for blind and the augment radiant finish. Wanted some power strength to keep up the bonus damage. Again feedback would be ace.

Cheers all!

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About balistas, how many tries did it take you (honestly now)? ;)

Secondly, why didn't you use EB?

Thirdly 157 hp in one time. On non mixed enemy group, in clear situation, with "tough" build. 

"Trash", right. 


"No weak sides" .. I won't argue semantic with you. I never run out of energy on my excal, not even close, so who cares? I have more energy then you, can cast all my powers more, can sustain EB longer with no sources whatsoever. I have far more effective health and more duration for my RB. I have more damage then you (you have no room for intensify). Those are the facts. So again, it is your way of doing things. It works, it's not better. 

Edited by ThorienKELL
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About balistas, how many tries did it take you (honestly now)? ;)

Secondly, why didn't you use EB?

Thirdly 157 hp in one time. On non mixed enemy group, in clear situation, with "tough" build. 

"Trash", right. 


"No weak sides" .. I won't argue semantic with you. I never run out of energy on my excal, not even close, so who cares? I have more energy then you, can cast all my powers more, can sustain EB longer with no sources whatsoever. I have far more effective health and more duration for my RB. Those are the facts. So again, it is your way of doing things. It works, it's not better. 

Around 7 times, I believe. First one I forgot to change from RJ build and was blown during the first jump. For the video it took 3-4 tries, I think.

I didn't use EBlade and RB because there would be nothing to watch were I to use them. Especially, if I did 10 Ballistas - only two wouldn't be in a group, so RB would remove 8 of them instantly. I also didn't use Naramon and Arcane Ultimatum.

You do not encounter 20 ballistas simultaneously in a normal gameplay. Rarely over 3. Mixed enemy group would make things even easier.

So, yes - trash. 20 Napalms would destroy me, were I to try to fight them in a similar fashion - can't go easy on these guys.


You never encounter situation that would make you run out of energy. Solo a level 100 sortie survival and you'll run out of it. Also, you can't cast your powers more. All your costs are 20% higher than mine and EBlade sustain is 33% higher, while your energy regeneration is limited to energy orbs drop. You have far less effective health than me, because that's another build. Now what was that about facts?

In a normal gameplay (that includes all sorties save for the lower energy ones) I never run out of energy, I spam my abilities all the time, I move around via spamming Slash Dash. During a mission I can use up, and I am using much more energy than you possibly can with your build. And given I have considerable lower costs - I use abilities much more often.

Your RB is indeed longer, so you have this going for you, I agree here.


Wanna try to repeat what I just did with both your builds that work so great without Rage?

Edited by Epsik-kun
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You have far less effective health than me, because that's another build. 

Lol. So you want to compare your hardcore build to my casual fun just to clam it's better :D

You are priceless, but tiring. I give up, this becomes boring and I have stuff to do. 

This is my universal "no weak sides" build. And, point is - everything you can do, I can do better.

I can do everything better than you.



Also, I repeat - go ahead and fight your own Ballistas with your "massively higher EHP build", because it won't sustain half of the damage I sustained.

Edited by Epsik-kun
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Yea, right except damage, health, range and energy pool. Everything else you do better :D

Dead meat does no damage - I can swap Steel Fiber for Intensify anytime, yet I don't, your sustained EHP is ground-level low and so is your effective energy pool.

Go fight ballistas.

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