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The Keepers Of Kerberos [PVE & Trading Focused, Emblem, Lore, Research & Dojo Complete Since U7] [Recruitment OPEN]


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Moon of Kerberos, Kuiper Belt

Long ago, before the Lotus began the Resistance, the Grineer discovered an ancient cache of Cryopods within an Orokin Vault. Power-hungry and merciless, the Grineer awoke the Tenno. The Twin Queens were in need of reinforcements, and it was their idea to indoctrinate the Tenno and create a legion of unstoppable warriors. However, they had underestimated the bravery and valor of the ancient soldiers. No amount of threats, tortures or bribes could undermine their courage.

Years passed, but the torture intensified. Many Tenno had already given up, having lost their will to live, and the few who still resisted were exhausted. But the drums of war began to sound, and the first of many battles between the Empire and the Corportations began with a bang.

One of their first objectives was the capture of the Kerberos station. The Corpus had grown suspicious of the Grineer interest of that moon, and was determined to find the truth. The invasion had begun. Thousands of Corpus Proxies were deployed, but the Grineer were ready, and the battle seemed to be at a stalemate, neither winning nor losing. But the Tenno saw their chance, and they took it.

Armed with nothing but their fury, they destroyed the Grineer forces from the inside out. The Corpus army was astounded, and they asked for a truce. Weary and weak, the Tenno agreed.

The Corpus Commander stepped forward and removed his helmet. “We were ordered to dispatch the Grineer and, if possible, find the truth behind this station. We’ve already defeated the Grineer and, well, you are an unexpected factor… No one will believe us if we reveal your presence here. I am Commander Althir. Let us part as allies, not as enemies.”

The Corpus units left the moon, declaring there was just a depleted mining outpost, while the Tenno began to rebuild the Orokin sanctuary. With the power of Orokin technology, they built a space station, their Dojo, where all who joined the Cause would be welcome.

When the Lotus called, they were ready and eager for the final fight that would decide the fate of the Solar System.

This is how our story began... anew.

We preserve the balance. We fight for the Cause.

We are the Keepers. The Keepers of Kerberos.







ORIGINS — The Keepers of Kerberos is a Storm Class clan managed by veteran players mostly coming from the early months of Open Beta. Our clan exists since we joined Warframe and it's more than 3 years old now. We - the founders - have never left our homeland: we always played in order to keep this group alive.

REGIONS — The majority of the Keepers is European, but most of us do have quite powerful upload speeds so latency should not be an issue. If you play from other areas, don't worry. Some of our fellows are from USA, Canada and other regions of the world as well.

PLAYSTYLE — The Keepers of Kerberos is a PVE-focused clan. We usually play for fun, but we've grown quite competitive in challenges as we managed to enter the global Top 100 (Shadow) in almost every single Warframe event, that's why each Keeper have fully guaranteed event support, regardless of the threat we're fighting against. We are extremely into trading, too. Trading skills are particularly appreciated. With that said, we act as a family. That means we gladly help our trusted comrades, hand out modules and blueprints internally, if needed, without any charge or tax. Help during regular missions, Sorties or Raids is guaranteed as well. Basically, you won't feel alone with us.

OBJECTIVESAs for now, our plan is to get into the Storm tier as soon as possible, but we first need to fill our Shadow ranks and maintain them. The long term goals revolve around full coverage of future events (both minor and major) and basically getting everything that can be earned with collective efforts, both as a clan and as individual players, mostly through intense farming and trading.





Our clan Dojo is well structured, as you can see it follows an accurate plan and it's fully decorated. The only empty spots are just waiting for new furnitures and rooms to be added in Warframe, therefore depending on content updates.

We already built all the needed laboratories and our research program is 100% complete, nothing's missing and we always work to get the newest clantech items as fast as we can. We're also glad to distribute our researched blueprints to all our fellow operatives, of course.







EPSILON PRESIDIUM — The Epsilon Presidium is the Kerberos leadership, the high council. They represent our most trusted comrades and the most dedicated players of the group in terms of strategical administration, resource hoarding organization, extremely high-level long term trading and anything end-game related that requires preparation and coordination. Presidium members are among the highest clan ranks but have much more duties and responsabilities towards the Keepers of Kerberos as a whole.



SIGMA PRIME TASKFORCE — Sigma Prime Taskforce is the backbone of the entire clan, our warriors, disciples and fighters. They're the majority and the success of our operations depends on their support. Here is where everyone starts their experience, where the newest rookies build their careers up to higher ranks and eventually apply for the Epsilon Presidium if they wish to. Sigma members have way less responsabilities than Epsilon, however they're required to cooperate with fellow clan members and participate in our activities (Raids, Sorties, Events and so on).




If you wish to be recruited, be sure to meet our requirements before applying.

BASIC REQUIREMENTS — These are our minimum basic requirements. They must be met in order to enter our clan as members of the Sigma Prime Taskforce.

     ■ You must be a mature player. Respect always comes first.
That's the most basic requirement. Disrespectful actions will lead to expulsion (and suspension from Warframe in extreme cases).

     ■ You must know the English language and be able to type without abbreviations.
Those who can only communicate through SMS language are not welcome.

     ■ Your account must have a decent nickname.
We reserve the right to reject players with explicitly ridicolous usernames.

     ■ You must be able to share your resources within the Keepers, if collectively needed.
We won't force anyone to contribute resources to our projects, but common sense is appreciated and evaluated.

     ■ You must be willing to follow the Epsilon orders, especially during Raids and Events.
Those who actively row against us will be executed for high treason.

     ■ You must be a fairly dedicated player.
Those who suddenly stop playing without any reason will be automatically removed from the clan after 30 days of inactivity.

     ■ You must be cooperative with the other Keepers.
We don't want our clan to be a mere blueprint bank and we want our members to enjoy the clan chat for advice, matchmaking or just conversation. Exempli gratia, before going on a mission always ask if someone wants to join.

     ■ You must be at least Mastery Rank 5.
We appreciate helping new players, but we're not willing to include those who are just trying Warframe, hit-and-run style.

Additional Rules:

■ Avoid sending random invites without asking first.
■ Avoid CAPS.
■ Only English is allowed in clan chat.
■ The Keepers of Kerberos are currently part of an Italian alliance, so only Italian language is allowed in alliance chat. We fully understand that it's not a widely spoken language, and of course this is not a requirement for joining us, you can freely ignore that channel.

Interested? Leave a post here, send us a private message or whisper the Recruiters in game.


    ip59mSS.pngPublic recruitment is currently OPEN. Available slots: [ 55 ]



EPSILON SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS — These are optional requirements, exclusive for Presidium applications. If you don't wish to join the Presidium, then feel free to ignore the following. Otherwise, be sure to meet these requirements as well. We'll be very selective.

     ■ You must meet all the basic Sigma Prime requirements.
We'll be always picking members from the Sigma Prime Taskforce.

     ■ You should be at least Mastery Rank 12.
That means you can access almost every feature of Warframe without too many limits. If you think you can qualify with a lower rank, let us know why.

     ■ You must have been a member of the Keepers of Kerberos for at least a month without major inactivity periods.
We must be sure that the members of the Presidium can be completely trusted.

     ■ You must be an extremely dedicated player.
High combat, grinding and trading skills are required for Epsilon ranks.




     gTSpuJb.pngEpsilon Presidium

▪ Krotalon » Epsilon Executive » Founder, Leader, yDzZpu7.png rOhIKma.png Recruiter » Send PM
▪ Gnakignak » Epsilon Executive » Founder, Leader, rOhIKma.png Recruiter » Send PM
▪ Uevington » Epsilon Executive » Founder, Leader, Internal Affairs Supervisor, yDzZpu7.png rOhIKma.png Recruiter » Send PM
▪ Angevil » Epsilon Councilor » rOhIKma.png Recruiter » Send PM

     LLm42J1.pngSigma Prime Taskforce

▪ AVEOX » Sigma Overseer » yDzZpu7.png Recruiter » Send PM
▪ MetalFranky » Sigma Overseer » yDzZpu7.png rOhIKma.png Recruiter » Send PM
▪ SfcSpadez » Sigma Specialist
▪ Koloricsi » Sigma Specialist
▪ Karyuuki » Sigma Specialist
▪ FatherToast » Sigma Specialist
▪ Grimglaith » Sigma Specialist
▪ Beelze98 » Sigma Specialist
▪ KayHanzo » Sigma Specialist
▪ NeZQ » Sigma Specialist
▪ Khade97 » Sigma Specialist
▪ Idro.90 » Sigma Specialist
▪ IcedSynapse
» Sigma Operative
▪ Scattman7
» Sigma Operative
▪ GoldenSelekxion » Sigma Operative
▪ Sprittzle » Sigma Operative
▪ BaoBart » Sigma Operative
▪ ShionSchultz » Sigma Operative
▪ Wormania » Sigma Operative
▪ Airlunk » Sigma Operative
▪ K4rt0ffel » Sigma Operative
▪ Tiamaton » Sigma Operative
▪ Xenon5665 » Sigma Operative
▪ Alizander » Sigma Operative
▪ SynysterFlames
» Sigma Rookie
▪ Kongren
» Sigma Rookie
▪ Holstein
» Sigma Rookie
▪ Elxi
» Sigma Rookie
▪ Pantherbrujah
» Sigma Rookie
▪ Peliukas_Mikis
» Sigma Rookie
▪ Raerisun
» Sigma Rookie
▪ SentientEcho
» Sigma Rookie
▪ Lewdun
» Sigma Rookie
▪ Trinity_Gaming22
» Sigma Rookie
▪ FireStormTV
» Sigma Rookie
▪ ZeroVee
» Sigma Rookie
▪ Dug19 » Sigma Rookie
▪ OculisTerrae » Sigma Rookie
▪ Perneus » Refugee

     3NRpghL.pngExternal Connections

▪ Phlegon Althir » Corpus 337th Kuiper Convoy Commander » Logistic Support, Weapon Supplier

     Pk3ceEz.pngAlliance Network

The Keepers of Kerberos are currently part of the Prime Hunters Alliance.






ARMOR COLOR SCHEMES — These are general examples of our official in-game color schemes. Of course, they're made for reference and our clan members aren't required to wear them.



The Akhushtal scheme represents the traditional Kerberos color pattern. It's mainly used by members of the Sigma Prime Taskforce, but can adapt to any kind of rank, from Rookies to Specialists, including Overseers. The original Kerberos emblem picks its colors from the Akhushtal pattern.



Primarily used by the higher ranks of the Sigma Prime Taskforce, the Srivatsa color pattern is our standard covert operations pattern. This color scheme depicts our most trusted disciples, usually chosen for highly specific military purposes. The Srivatsa is rarely used out of battle.



The Izura pattern is reserved for the members of the Epsilon Presidium and represents the leadership of the Keepers of Kerberos. This scheme heavily relies on the original Prime designs and colors, and it's regularly used by the highest ranks of our clan for political and commercial affairs, far from any kind of fight.




» Please note that the post is regularly subject to minor changes and updates.

» Opening post optimized for the light forum theme.

» Old archived topic for reference.

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Sounds like a blast, I'm free and looking to sign up if there's a spot to fill, I come with rank 5, nearly 6 and capable at playing several frames with fluent English


I would like to join :). I am MR 9 and I speak English IGN: xenon5665


Thanks for your interest towards the Keepers of Kerberos, guys. PM me or Uevington in game (or add us to your friends list) as soon as you're online, we'll sort out your recruitment.

Edited by Krotalon
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Would love to join this clan - Currently MR 6 almost 7 i put in about 1-4 hours a day 5 days a week

That's good. We've just sent you the invitation. Welcome aboard, Tenno!


hi i would like to join my ign is:DragonPatato

Sorry, you're trying to get invited into too many different clans at the same time, that means you're not exactly interested in our specific clan. We're not a blueprint bank, so I'll be clear by saying that's a no-go. Good luck with your applications.

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Alright this sounds pretty darn good if I may say so myself but... hear me out:

I'm mostly a solo-type of player when it comes to mmo's including Warframe, I only switch to public if I really need to (like vault runs, or interception alerts you get the idea) while I do consider myself a friendly and decent player who can make the whole chat fill up with 'hahas' 'lols' and 'lmaos' I'd much prefer focus on 'my own personal' time with the game (I'm VERY active by the way, at least I think so, ~200hours played within ~25 days is a lot right?)

I know it makes me sound like I want to just be a blueprint leecher... and yes that was kindof my first thought when I learned that I'm going to need a clan sooner or later

But instead what if we look at it this way: I'm just the guy who rathers keep to himself, but if the clan needs me (or I need the clan) I'm one of the best people you can get in a squad! (at least in terms of character, gameplay and stats/mods/weapons/frames still need some working I mean, I dont even have a month played yet xD)

Last but not least: currently at rank 9 and working on getting my hands on some Rage and Crimson Dervish mods (by actually trying to get them myself instead of just going easy and buying them)

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I'll join. MR 6 almost 7. In-game name is Airlunk. Thanks.

Won't be home for a couple of hours though.

Greetings Airlunk! Consider yourself in, we will invite you as soon as we can.


Alright this sounds pretty darn good if I may say so myself but... hear me out:

I'm mostly a solo-type of player when it comes to mmo's including Warframe, I only switch to public if I really need to (like vault runs, or interception alerts you get the idea) while I do consider myself a friendly and decent player who can make the whole chat fill up with 'hahas' 'lols' and 'lmaos' I'd much prefer focus on 'my own personal' time with the game (I'm VERY active by the way, at least I think so, ~200hours played within ~25 days is a lot right?)

I know it makes me sound like I want to just be a blueprint leecher... and yes that was kindof my first thought when I learned that I'm going to need a clan sooner or later

But instead what if we look at it this way: I'm just the guy who rathers keep to himself, but if the clan needs me (or I need the clan) I'm one of the best people you can get in a squad! (at least in terms of character, gameplay and stats/mods/weapons/frames still need some working I mean, I dont even have a month played yet xD)

Last but not least: currently at rank 9 and working on getting my hands on some Rage and Crimson Dervish mods (by actually trying to get them myself instead of just going easy and buying them)

Hello NeZQ! Thanks for the interest towards our clan. Don't worry though, I understand the way you prefer to play, you're free to join us and get all the BPs you wish as long as you help us when it's needed. Your invitation is on its way, just hold on until it arrives.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to apply for this clan. I'm only MR9 (Almost 10) but I've been playing Warframe since open beta but quit after reaching MR3 due to a bug that wouldn't let me rank up. I've continued playing Warframe once I found out it was released on Steam. Until recently I was in my friend's "just for fun" guild but they've all become inactive and started not playing Warframe as much, so I started playing alone, grinding void missions by myself or looking for random parties to join. I've tried applying to two other clans but that was just because I'm kinda tired of playing alone, never really got a reply back so I figured I'd keep looking. But then after reading this post, it caught my attention. Organized, straight forward, cooperative, and dedicated.

My IGN is Synysterflames

If you have any further questions about me, feel free to contact me in-game.

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1 hour ago, SynysterFlames said:

I would like to apply for this clan. I'm only MR9 (Almost 10) but I've been playing Warframe since open beta but quit after reaching MR3 due to a bug that wouldn't let me rank up. I've continued playing Warframe once I found out it was released on Steam. Until recently I was in my friend's "just for fun" guild but they've all become inactive and started not playing Warframe as much, so I started playing alone, grinding void missions by myself or looking for random parties to join. I've tried applying to two other clans but that was just because I'm kinda tired of playing alone, never really got a reply back so I figured I'd keep looking. But then after reading this post, it caught my attention. Organized, straight forward, cooperative, and dedicated.

My IGN is Synysterflames

If you have any further questions about me, feel free to contact me in-game.

Hi SynysterFlames, thanks for your interest and appreciation towards our group. Consider yourself in, I'm sending you an invitation right now! Looking forward to see you soon.

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I would like to apply for this clan i am only MR4 but really close to MR5 i played Warframe for quite a while but my computer broke and i couldn't play for a while but now i am back in action. I have gotten really tired of playing alone and in random parties i want to be part of something bigger.

My IGN is ProffesorDum

Further questions PM me

Edited by ProffesorDum
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16 hours ago, ProffesorDum said:

I would like to apply for this clan i am only MR4 but really close to MR5 i played Warframe for quite a while but my computer broke and i couldn't play for a while but now i am back in action. I have gotten really tired of playing alone and in random parties i want to be part of something bigger.

My IGN is ProffesorDum

Further questions PM me

If you can reach MR5 before our ranks fill completely (one slot left), then we'll certainly and gladly recruit you. Otherwise, you can wait until we step into the Storm tier - which is very soon - we'll have plenty of slots to fill once we upgrade our clan size. Thank you.

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6 hours ago, holstein said:

Rank 21, Looking for a new and friendly clan.

I am on frequently, and willing to do content with competent players.

IGN holstein

Hello sir. I've just sent you the invite. Welcome aboard!

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This clan seems to have a great spirit, community, and leader. I would love to join this clan! I am Mastery Rank 15 and my IGN is : SentientEcho!

(I also speak English as my first language.)


Edited by SentientEcho
Forgot mto add that I spoke English.
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49 minutes ago, SentientEcho said:


This clan seems to have a great spirit, community, and leader. I would love to join this clan! I am Mastery Rank 15 and my IGN is : SentientEcho!

(I also speak English as my first language.)


Greetings! Thank you for choosing our clan. I've just sent you an invite. Welcome aboard, SentientEcho!

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Hello there! I have been looking to join another clan since leaving my previous one, and yours has definitely convinced me. I'd l'd love to be apart of it! My IGN is: Lewdun and I am infact Master Rank 5. Hope to hear from you lot soon :)

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3 hours ago, Khade97 said:

Congrats on the Storm upgrade @Krotalon

I joined the Clan a month ago now and it has been great fun - relaxed and friendly atmosphere with people always willing to give a hand. Would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who is thinking of applying.

Thank you Khade, and thanks for all the support you guys have shown since the clan overhaul. ^▽^

1 hour ago, Lewdun said:

Hello there! I have been looking to join another clan since leaving my previous one, and yours has definitely convinced me. I'd l'd love to be apart of it! My IGN is: Lewdun and I am infact Master Rank 5. Hope to hear from you lot soon :)

Hello Lewdun, I've just sent you an invite. Welcome aboard!

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