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Giving The Game A Second Look/chance


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Disclaimer, my spelling and grammar sucks, I apologize in advance.


A bit about myself, I’m 31 married and have a 7 month old daughter so my gaming time has been cut down to about 2 hours a day give or take. I’m a huge Diablo 3 fan thus why I wanted to give this game a go, and don’t mind the “grind” as long as it’s rewarding at the end of a gaming session.


I have been playing Warframe for about 8 hours from not playing it since 2 years ago when it first hit steam. So far I’m having a fun time playing it but the learning curve is about as high as a mountain. That being said I’m getting a hold of the game and seeing how it work but the game seems to be working against new players. The Market for example is horrible for new players since there is no way to list or short anything, also no way to pull up quick stats of the gun without going and clicking on each one. By the time you are at the bottom of the list you might need to go through it again to compare. *Rant over*


With all out of the way I would like some help on what type of weapons to get with a Warframe I can work towards for the play style I like playing. I understand how the crafting system works a bit and understand how to get materials to craft from missions and planets. The wiki helps but goes off the assumption that you have been playing for years.


I would like some two suggestions for each type Warframe, Primary, Secondary, and Melee. As for Mods I understand how those work and could just play around with them. I’m not opposed to spending some money in this game (20 dollars and have 50 platinum already) to get a jump start. In terms of progress I’m Rank 2 at the time of this post. Without getting long in the tooth here is my type of play style.


I like to take my time in missions and try not to be seen but have no issue unloading if I’m spotted.
I understand and have sudo mastered the movement system in the game so repositioning isn’t hard for me.
I like to take out my targets from range but need a backup plan if things get to close (secondary or melee).
I’m not a fan of being a bullet sponge and do favor survivability.
I have been using the bow for a few hours and enjoy the play style but also like zoom or scopes for a “sniper” play style. Noise be damned if they are all dead. I have also noticed that bows are horrible against shield targets.
Since I don’t have a lot of time to play this game I would consider myself a lone wolf and don’t have a lot of time for parties or grouping up.


Thanks for taking the time to read over my request and hope to hear some helpful advice on what to buy or work towards.

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Hey, welcome back to the game.


I've been playing constantly for a lot of time, but I still remember how difficult it was to start, so I'd like to give my two cents.


Since you said you want to play mostly alone and prefer a slow/stealthy play style, I can suggest some frames:

Loki, parts dropped by the boss on Neptune or found in the market. He doesn't have killing abilities, but he can go invisible, teleport, disarm enemies.

Nova, dropped from boss on Europa. She can be good as solo frame, can slow down enemies and nuke. Also has portals. Not much survivability tho.

Nyx, dropped from Phorid, boss that spawns randomly. She basically puts enemies against each other. Also my personal fav for solo missions :)

Oberon, parts dropped randomly from Eximus units. Has mostly damage abilities and one to heal. Fun frame, high armor rate, good for melee.


These are easy to get in game without spending plat or farming, and have a fun solo gameplay. But if you want to spend money you should really check videos on each Warframe to get a better idea, because there's 25 of them, and they're all fun.


As for weapons, there are too many to choose. I'm just going to list some of my favs (from when I started) that are easy to get.

Primary: Latron, Paris, Vectis, Tigris, Hek, Karak

Secondary: Vasto, Kunai, Sonicor

Melee: Karyst, Orthos, Galatine, Kogake, Tipedo, Atterax


Note that I only listed weapons that have their blueprint available in the market.

A lot of good weapons are found either in the dojo or you have to buy them with plat, but to be in a dojo you'll have to join or create a clan.

Again, if you want to spend plat, you will really have to compare stats and watch some videos.


If you are interested, I wrote a guide on steam that clarifies some points most new users have problems with:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=538000942


Hope you have a good game!


p.s.: a bow can be good against shield if you use on it the right elemetal damage mods, Cold or Magnetic, or bypass it with Toxin.

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