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Mid-Game/level Play: I Am Getting My Butt Whooped



First of all, I am new. 


And by that I mean I don't have a lot of the end-game mods, and the ones I do have are only at rank 5 or 6 because they are stupid expensive to rank up after rank 5. So please, just keep that in mind when you're about to suggest things or give out advice. I can't just magically get Primed mods when I'm still struggling at mid-level.


Anyway, on to the post proper.


So, mid-level play. I'm feeling the uphill climb. Planets like sedna, phobos, uranus and onwards? Not so easy anymore. I'm maining Valkyr, thanks to the generous suggestions of the community from my other help thread. She's not complete yet, but she has been kicking butt up until Sedna.


I'm feeling she's just too squishy? Even with Steel Fiber/Vitality at rank 7 I'm still getting shredded whenever I don't have Hysteria up. Am I doing something wrong? Or should I just abandon planet nodes for now and just focus on grinding levels for my current mods?


And what weapons are good for mid-level play? Currently I have a potatoed galatine that just murders anyone who so much at looks at me holding it, a Latron(which i need to replace), Atomos(surprisingly good??) and the Carrier companion.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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14 answers to this question

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Shotguns will be your friend, a good one to start out with is the Hek. Extremely effective against Grineer due to its base damage comprising mostly of puncture. It also comes with a syndicate mod that increases its multishot, if you want one, feel free to contact me.

Edited by Sormatte
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Shotguns will be your friend, a good one to start out with is the Hek. Extremely effective against Grineer due to its base damage comprising mostly of puncture. It also comes with a syndicate mod that increases its multishot, if you want one, feel free to contact me.


I've heard good things about this gun, along with it's Steel Meridian counterpart. Suddenly, I'm glad I joined them. Also I don't think you'd be able to give the mod even if we both wanted to. PSN. RIP.


But thanks! I'll look into the Hek for sure!

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I've heard good things about this gun, along with it's Steel Meridian counterpart. Suddenly, I'm glad I joined them. Also I don't think you'd be able to give the mod even if we both wanted to. PSN. RIP.


But thanks! I'll look into the Hek for sure!


*derp* Didn't realise you were on PSN. 

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+1 for shotgun recommendation (no normal mods with more than 5 ranks, almost all fairly easy to get).

+1 for Hek w/ augment, specifically. That thing is a beast.

Atomos is a personal favorite. Less amazing now that it doesn't chain off just anything, but still damn good.

If you're sticking with it, get Ruinous Extension off the Jackal.

The best general suggestion I can give you is 'don't stand still'.

Another, though this depends on the specific situation: Air slam attacks.

The knockdown/ragdoll is invaluable in keeping you alive early on.

You're in with Steel Meridian, so rank them to 3 - which requires no Prime parts - to get access to Large Health Restores.

And while you're at it, get some Energy Restores from Perrin or Hexis. They're a game-changer.

Barring that, and depending on how much damage you take, might be worth looking into the New Loka Winds of Purity Furis mod, which is much easier to get - at the cost of being much less flexible - than Life Strike.

If you're sticking with Valkyr:

Hysteria's cheaper to build for than armor/HP/Warcry/Life Steal, so getting a Continuity (5), Streamline (5) and Fleeting Expertise (4) is a good start, as it gives you the lowest energy/sec possible on Hysteria. (For reference, that's your basic setup for any toggled ability.)

Though Hysteria comes with its own limitations.

Beyond that? CC, but that depends on the frame you're using (and the mods you have available).

Best CC is 'dead', obviously, but blinded/slowed/Chaosed/etc. are all a good second.

Edited by Chroia
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The wall you're at won't be dealt with until you start optimizing your builds a bit more.


Go back to some easier missions where you can grind fusion cores and rank up mods and start looking at some weapons that you want to throw potatoes and forma in. Until you're able to maintain hysteria, you'll have to be able to kill enemies quickly because damage really starts to ramp up later on.

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+1 for shotgun recommendation (no normal mods with more than 5 ranks, almost all fairly easy to get).

+1 for Hek w/ augment, specifically. That thing is a beast.

Atomos is a personal favorite. Less amazing now that it doesn't chain off just anything, but still damn good.

If you're sticking with it, get Ruinous Extension off the Jackal.

The best general suggestion I can give you is 'don't stand still'.

You're in with Steel Meridian, so rank them to 3 - which requires no Prime parts - to get access to Large Health Restores.

And while you're at it, get some Energy Restores from Perrin or Hexis. They're a game-changer.

Barring that, and depending on how much damage you take, might be worth looking into the New Loka Winds of Purity Furis mod, which is much easier to get - at the cost of being much less flexible - than Life Strike.

If you're sticking with Valkyr:

Hysteria's cheaper to build for than armor/HP/Warcry/Life Steal, so getting a Continuity (5), Streamline (5) and Fleeting Expertise (4) is a good start, as it gives you the lowest energy/sec possible on Hysteria.

Though Hysteria comes with its own limitations.

Beyond that? CC, but that depends on the frame you're using (and the mods you have available).

Best CC is 'dead', obviously, but blinded/slowed/Chaosed/etc. are all a good second.


That wily Jackal hid something so good from me wtf. Thanks man, I'll definitely pay him several more visits. And yeah the Atomos surprised me. Melts Infested so fast too.


As for the Syndicates, I guess I should prioritize using Forma on their ranks, huh? I guess it'd do me a ton of good in the long run. That is, if rng is generous enough for it to drop on T1 and T2 runs. I'm not confident enough to run T3s yet, even with other guys with me. I'd just bring them down with my current set up. 


Man though, opposing Syndicates really hecked me up since I joined SM, Hexis and the one run by a cephalon. So now the other 3 really hate my guts.


Fleeting Expertise is something I want to get. I already have Continuity and Streamline so that's good. As for CC, I actually plan on using Nyx for that since I don't have access to Nova or Frost yet. 



The wall you're at won't be dealt with until you start optimizing your builds a bit more.


Go back to some easier missions where you can grind fusion cores and rank up mods and start looking at some weapons that you want to throw potatoes and forma in. Until you're able to maintain hysteria, you'll have to be able to kill enemies quickly because damage really starts to ramp up later on.


I thought as much. I guess I can go hang around Jupiter and Saturn for a bit and the T1 void missions until I hit that wall I need to overcome.

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I can hook you up with Scattered Justice - it'll spare me a day until I'm overflowing on SM again, there is one thing though.  Latron isn't a bad choice given the rest of your current kit.  Atomos is a close range map wiper, and you're using a frame that excels at CQC.  What's pretty much a DMR makes a really nice compliment to all that.  It's also pretty decent at making you hang back and play a little tactically, which is never a bad thing.  Honestly I'd recommend you stay with Latron while your kit is set up like that.  That being said, if you want to try the Hek, it's an amazing gun, and the syndicate proc is really helpful, and I'd be happy to hook you up if you go that route.


Jackal, if your luck is like mine, is going to be a GRIND.  It's totally worth it - Atomos is kinda lackluster without it tbh, it really, really needs that extra bit of range.  Atomos is also quite the expensive little bugger - here's what I built mine around:  http://goo.gl/BD6XWL  (no PHC yet, so 2 capacity left currently, which means I could have stopped at 5 forma by leaving RE's slot unpolarized.  Middle two bottom slots unforma'd to support any elemental combo using two 90%'s)


Are you using Cleaving Whirlwind?  or are you stuck on Crane?  


Half an hour in T2S gives you four 1/6 (I think 1/6) shots at a forma bp.  Always try to stay that extra ten minutes in there to get the extra two shots from the A rotation.


Syndicates:  You can do Hexis, Suda, and SM all at the same time without any issues, the right side will just hate your guts.  Make sure you beat New Loka (remember, Parasitic Eximi can't drain you in a channeled ability, so toss on Hysteria) because those specters are solid gold.  Getting syndicates set is definitely worth holding progression off a bit - so many shiny, such wow.


The "gittin gud" grind: Try to do Zeugma on Phobos - chance at life strike, which is good plat if you already have it, decent keys, good resource (cryotic seems pointless until Trinity Prime's parts are laughing at you >.>), easy enemies.  It's Dark Sector Excavation - 3 completed extractors shouldn't be too rough, and when that gets seriously easy, up it to 700, then 1100 then 1500 etc for an additional key at each increment.  Lots of T3's.  If you're hosting, a lot of people don't mind giving a hand - they're leeching your key, you're hiring them as mercenaries.  Only way to get comfortable is to get in there, and supplying the key for, say T3MD, or whatever Saryn Prime's keys end up being, is pretty much doing your part for the highly desired ones.


PS.  I'll also be happy to help you farm Nova.  Pay it forward things, plus it's the only time I ever actually get to use Bullet Attractor.

PPS.  Not to backseat mod, but your first Fleeting - leave it at rank 4.  R4 Fleeting + R4 Streamline = 175%.  Better general case usage than max FE.
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I can hook you up with Scattered Justice - it'll spare me a day until I'm overflowing on SM again, there is one thing though.  Latron isn't a bad choice given the rest of your current kit.  Atomos is a close range map wiper, and you're using a frame that excels at CQC.  What's pretty much a DMR makes a really nice compliment to all that.  It's also pretty decent at making you hang back and play a little tactically, which is never a bad thing.  Honestly I'd recommend you stay with Latron while your kit is set up like that.  That being said, if you want to try the Hek, it's an amazing gun, and the syndicate proc is really helpful, and I'd be happy to hook you up if you go that route.


Jackal, if your luck is like mine, is going to be a GRIND.  It's totally worth it - Atomos is kinda lackluster without it tbh, it really, really needs that extra bit of range.  Atomos is also quite the expensive little bugger - here's what I built mine around:  http://goo.gl/BD6XWL  (no PHC yet, so 2 capacity left currently, which means I could have stopped at 5 forma by leaving RE's slot unpolarized.  Middle two bottom slots unforma'd to support any elemental combo using two 90%'s)


Are you using Cleaving Whirlwind?  or are you stuck on Crane?  


Half an hour in T2S gives you four 1/6 (I think 1/6) shots at a forma bp.  Always try to stay that extra ten minutes in there to get the extra two shots from the A rotation.


Syndicates:  You can do Hexis, Suda, and SM all at the same time without any issues, the right side will just hate your guts.  Make sure you beat New Loka (remember, Parasitic Eximi can't drain you in a channeled ability, so toss on Hysteria) because those specters are solid gold.  Getting syndicates set is definitely worth holding progression off a bit - so many shiny, such wow.


The "gittin gud" grind: Try to do Zeugma on Phobos - chance at life strike, which is good plat if you already have it, decent keys, good resource (cryotic seems pointless until Trinity Prime's parts are laughing at you >.>), easy enemies.  It's Dark Sector Excavation - 3 completed extractors shouldn't be too rough, and when that gets seriously easy, up it to 700, then 1100 then 1500 etc for an additional key at each increment.  Lots of T3's.  If you're hosting, a lot of people don't mind giving a hand - they're leeching your key, you're hiring them as mercenaries.  Only way to get comfortable is to get in there, and supplying the key for, say T3MD, or whatever Saryn Prime's keys end up being, is pretty much doing your part for the highly desired ones.


PS.  I'll also be happy to help you farm Nova.  Pay it forward things, plus it's the only time I ever actually get to use Bullet Attractor.

PPS.  Not to backseat mod, but your first Fleeting - leave it at rank 4.  R4 Fleeting + R4 Streamline = 175%.  Better general case usage than max FE.



Dude I wouldn't even know what to trade back for Scattered Justice. But yeah I do see the Latron's use. I didn't mean I'd dismiss it entirely. The gun's great at putting down pot shots at rushing/fleeing enemies up until I need to break out the melee. I'll keep it with me for sure, but the Hek is just calling out to me. Plus all that sweet mastery(currently sitting at MR5, close to 6). And thanks, I'll be sure to look at your Atomos build. This little thing is pretty beastly.


The sad part about having a potatoed Galatine is not having any of the stances associated with it. So no, I don't think I have those yet. It's actually quite funny, since I got two of the nikana stances.


Hmm, alright, I'll give that area on Phobos a try. Actually I should spend a LOT more time on excavation missions. I've been neglecting them for Spy. I actually have a bunch of T2s and 3s on me so I guess I should host a couple of those sometime.


As for Nova, that would be a lifesaver. I guess that means it's okay to add you up on PSN?


And noted!


PS: Question, any good "early/mid-level" Primes I should be looking at? If there is such a thing as an early Prime. I'm one chassis away from Volt Prime so I was wondering...

Edited by (PS4)Namihana
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Dude I wouldn't even know what to trade back for Scattered Justice.

Ammo Drum, because what you're actually giving me is a stay of execution in the span of one day from the doom known as the trading channel.  I'm working on Red Veil without trying to screw over Suda and Hexis, which means I have Meridian rep coming out of my ears.  Seriously, you'd be doing me a favor.  


I don't have a Cleaving, but I do have a spare Rending Crane.  If you'd like it, np.  Again, Ammo Drum.  It's just gathering dust for me.


Sure, add me.


Beginner Primes?  Rhino.  Pieces are a little hard to get, but he's a great all rounder especially after his rework.

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Ammo Drum, because what you're actually giving me is a stay of execution in the span of one day from the doom known as the trading channel.  I'm working on Red Veil without trying to screw over Suda and Hexis, which means I have Meridian rep coming out of my ears.  Seriously, you'd be doing me a favor.  


I don't have a Cleaving, but I do have a spare Rending Crane.  If you'd like it, np.  Again, Ammo Drum.  It's just gathering dust for me.


Sure, add me.


Beginner Primes?  Rhino.  Pieces are a little hard to get, but he's a great all rounder especially after his rework.


Sounds like a grind with those Syndicates. Good luck man.


I'll note Rhino Prime down and look him up, thanks. As for the rest, I think I'll just send messages.

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If you're getting shredded at those mid lvl planets then it boils down to your gamestyle and not the mods. You need to stay mobile utilizing bullet jumps, jumps, rolling, and blocking to mitigate damage if you're using melee. Taking cover will also greatly reduce hits taken from ranged enemies. Higher level planets such as Ceres and Pluto can be cleared without using defensive mods.

Edited by MrJxt
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My personal advise is to work on obtaining the better mods. Specifically the frame mods from the void. Once you have your streamline, flow, etc maxed, you have (in my opinion) mid level mods. To make most frames end game, you will start shedding armor shield health mods in favor for beefing up your specific frames abilites. For your valkyr for example, hysteria build, you cannot make a god mode build without these mods. My valkyr has no shield mods, r7 vitality, aa. All the other mods are focused on beefing hysteria so I can run longer than I really care to in hysteria. Of course barring nullifies etc. I have no flow on her and I think she's around 150 or so. I ran the 3rd sortie the other day filled up energy on spawn, went into hysteria, 10 waves of level 90-100 enemies and I don't think I ever dropped below 100 energy. It's not a matter of frames or weapons you have. There are some that are just better than others I'm not arguing that, but the mods are what this game is about more than anything as far as I'm concerned. The difference between mid game and end game is your ability to adapt and mod for what your trying to achieve. Also, you are never going to be a detriment to a group unless you either actually try to be, or you continue to need to be revived all the time. Once it gets too hot for you, stay out of the fire. Bring a frame to help your mates.

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