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Please Don't 'fix' My Loki


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He's the least broken Frame in the game, and the only one that actually feels like a Ninja and not a standard issue FPS murder machine.


I finally got around to watching Livestream #6 and my heart skipped a beat when they said they were 'looking' at Loki, and nearly stopped all together when someone was quoted as say that Loki's ult was 'useless'. I absolutely *love* that Loki has no damaging abilities. The abilities he *does* have are a triumph of lateral thinking. Radial Disarm has saved my butt a dozen times in solo, and on Defense missions, when the whole team was running low on ammo I've used it to turn the wave that would have overrun us into a bunch of harmless guys with sticks we could pick off at our leisure.


Loki may not ever be the most popular Frame because he lacks the 'press button #4 to kill everything in this room' ult that most of the other Frames have, but *most of the other Frames already have that*. Maybe take him out of the starting lineup so that new players aren't surprised by his lack of offensive abilities, but please please please leave him alone for those of us who like a little variety.

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I agree Loki is AWESOME. i may not use him often due to my style of play but when i play with Loki Radial disarm and Decoy saved my but often and invisibility is just great when you want to Melee kill some enemies very quickly :3 (Crits ftw!) Now i dont know why people say RD is broken or bad but its not its awesome and works very well. range can be short though but even so when you get cornered by heavy gunners or anything with guns its a true lifesaver

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I have never used Loki since that is not my preferred play style, but I gotta say, Loki sounds pretty good as it is. People who enjoy that play style seem to absolutely love it. Why change it for people who don't like that style of play when they can just use any other frame instead?

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I really like the "screw you, I control the battlefield" aspect of the Loki. You have your decoy, which makes everyone go "Ooh, shiney!", your invisibility to escape with ease, then one of the most useful in my opinion: The Switch Teleport. With the switch teleport, you can move an ancient or a heavy grineer gunner away from the group or a cryopod on a defense mission. Disarm makes it so ammo can easily be saved because everything has to go melee, so why not fight fire with fire and save some bullets?


The Loki doesn't need anymore changes to abilities unless it's a buff on duration or range or something.

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Loki's skills are all useful, allowing he to be one of the most versatile warframes on the game.


Distract enemies with decoy

Be stealth when needed

Switch positions with others and my decoy, reaching places that other frames can not

Ult that force all enemies to melee, kills chargers up to lv40 and the most awesome... make moas perform spartan kicks!


Please... anything, but the loki.

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Two words: Moa Batons.



LOLZ!!  ROFL!!  OMG, can't breathe, allergies teaming up with this randum pud to try to off me!  Funny as hell, though...   Crying laughing.

Aww crap, can't breathe...

I've died at least twice in mission because I can't help but laugh at this.


I agree, took the words from my mouth



The one thing I'd suggest would be to have his invisibility also cloak the sentinel.

Agreed, with a minor proviso.  See below.


My favorite thing about this warframe was the fact that I was able to reset (still kind of iffy on that decision) and immediately pick up one of the most useful, entertaining, and tactical Warframes I've ever run.  I also snatched up Vauban and my Volt (first and favorite 'Frame) again when I reset, but as a starter choice I recommend the current incarnation of Loki to each of my friends who are just beginning.


Admittedly I got an Excalibur Prime to start too, so it was Loki or Mag.  Mag isn't my cup of coffee.  I now think Loki is more fun than the raging nerf-bait of Volt (at present, resist / immune to electric considered) and at least as tactical, if not more so, than Vauban.  Loki is one of the few 'Frames I feel confident that I can manage Stealth missions 90+% of the time on.  I also love not being weak to a particular faction.


Only real "fix" I could recommend might be to improve his base shielding.  He's just a bit too squishy sometimes, and I'm not sure if more armor would fit the 'Frame's ideology or not.


Alternatively, if the rumor about 'Frames getting specific starter traits pans out, along with AI upgrades, then I might recommend a "displacer" effect as his base trait.    By "displacer" I mean an effect where it appears he's slightly to the left (or wherever) of where he actually is, so that foes waste a first shot / burst.

Would only work until his shield was hit, and only if his shield was full to begin with.  This basic trait would balance out when dealing with spray fire from the Grakata or whatnot, and would be taken out by AoE effects, but it'd be hilarious to see Flameblades teleport in on something that isn't there or see a Scorpion waste her whip-snatch on empty air.  Think of having a Decoy always on and following you, just off to the side, if you've not been shot.  Oh, and it'd end if you hit Invisibility or get Ghost triggered. 


Still, this should only be considered if there are base "traits" (read: artifact-like skills) added to each Warframe.  It's cool as hell, but I couldn't justify it replacing any of his current skills.

Edited by Cytobel
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I'm fine with them buffing Loki by adding additional effects to it's abilities. Especially the ult. If it could do more against ancients than just stagger them for a second, it'd be almost there.


Seeing as it's entirely utility, more range would be nice.

Edited by Tyroki
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I'm going to be the voice of dissent here, but not by much.  The only thing I can see as a problem with Loki is that his cloak can be a little too overpowered.  Oh, it's fine most of the time but I'd like the enemies to at least try to hunt for me (maybe add in a fun little bit of AI with the decoy, where if you cloak with it out they'll kill it and relax).  Oh, it isn't too bad with the normal mooks, or even the bosses, but when I can just hit Cloak and whale on Stalker (what Stalker?) for two cycles to get him to run, then there needs to be at least some tweak.  But even then, I'd suggest it be through different enemy actions rather than a simple nerf/removal to the skill itself.


Other than that, I'd really say that everything needs more range - particularly Disarm, considering it only does damage to one unit in a faction that it otherwise fails to affect at all.

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I'm fine with them buffing Loki by adding additional effects to it's abilities. Especially the ult. If it could do more against ancients than just stagger them for a second, it'd be almost there.


Seeing as it's entirely utility, more range would be nice.

I definitely would love an increase in range. It seems too short of a distance to do any good for me.

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When I first used Loki, I was a bit disappointed that Radial Disarm didn't actually stop enemies from being able to attack. So I look at the skill and imagine they wanted Loki to lead an angry mob of bad guys on a silly chase while the player imagines silly chase music. If they added an aggro mechanic while the enemies are disarmed, that would make it legitimately useful, Loki can outrun everything since he's the fastest thing alive.

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Radial disarm stripping Ancients of their special attacks would be cool. Although even that isn't a big deal. Against Grineer/Corpus Disarm is great, against Infested Decoy is even better than usual.

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The one thing I'd suggest would be to have his invisibility also cloak the sentinel.



Another thing that could be changed, and I guess some will completely disagree with me, is the audio (reduced volume) and visual (yellow screen) effects during Invisibility. It's a cool effect, however I sometimes lose a few precious seconds just searching for the enemies, since it makes harder to see and hear them (thinking of Ash's Smoke Screen as a comparison). Maybe the volume could be a little higher.


I don't think Radial Disarm range should change though. With a maxed Stretch mod, it has a very good range, IMO.

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Best way to play Loki:

1) Get Ogris, potato it, level it up, mod it heavily.

2) Go to infested defense mission.

3) Place a decoy somewhere reeeeaaally high and unaccessible.

4) Switch teleport to your decoy.

5) Barrage the infested from above with your rockets! You are suddenly the best artillery support out there!


Really, Loki is the best frame to position yourself, your enemy or your ally where you want and when you want. That is a unique kind of support, which is also fun to play.

I dont think he needs to be fixed in any way.


However - adding more abilities to ALL the frames would be awesome. That way players would be given some more options to customize their frames.

So, my view: dont fix it, add more options to choose from.

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However - adding more abilities to ALL the frames would be awesome. That way players would be given some more options to customize their frames.

So, my view: dont fix it, add more options to choose from.

Like 4 slots, 6 abilities? Sounds good for me :)

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