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The Grinders And The Speed Runners/people Who Rush Through.


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"PS. Its somewhat a story with a point at the end.. If you dont like reading. Jump on down to the bottom I belive"


So yeah me and my friend went on to play some Tolstoj for some Morphics grinding (cause of Despair Blueprint and more) and we accidentally join an Online match. It was alright, I mean.. Lvl 30 buffed Rhino could walk through all that and not lift a finger, but anywho... So we join. 4 of us. We run around alittle and then the MAG on the team just disappear, so we think -oh.. she might gotten stuck somewhere-  Then the cutscene to the boss starts and then the boss is dead. And then she came running past us and exited (cause of the other player went with her back to the extraction point). SO basicly.. No loot for us cause of the timer on a 4 player party cause of one who was gonna rush... I had to complain over that she is a rusher and should have done that solo, and of course, she said almost the same.. that I am a grinder and should have done the same thing.


The point here is that WHY...do you join an online game for rushing an easy level boss when you dont even need a party!? Go damn solo if you can easly ace through it all. 3 of 4 party members didnt get their boss loot cause of your greedy Bullsh*t. 

Speed runners can go either solo or private.. we dont need them in an online match unless everyone agrees on speed running.

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The mag was incorrect as it's better for farmers to be in full teams of 4 people so more loot drops. People who run past all the content would be better off in solo as there would be less mobs that are chasing them.

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I've come across more rushers than grinders and explorers. I generally end up swapping to private or invite only, when I want to explore or farm for resources.


Hopefully they can add matchmaking filters for this. Allow you to match up with fellow explorers and/or rushers.

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Honestly, I think the best fix would be for resource drops to be shared party-wide rather than just by the individual that looted them--pretty much like experience is now.  As long as you are within exp range (perhaps even larger than exp range, perhaps like credits which are shared map-wide?), you are also within resource loot range.


This would solve a number of problems.


Firstly, rushers would appreciate having grinders/farmers in their party because they would benefit from the resource gains and, secondly, grinders/farmers could grind more quickly because they wouldn't actually have to visit each loot node within a map.  A boss run with two rushers and two grinders could clear the whole map much quicker, with everyone gaining everything (except, perhaps, the odd mod drop).


This would also alleviate some of the tedium surrounding farming and increase the synergy between both types of players--rushers and grinders/farmers. I think this would be a better first step rather than to try to create some convoluted match-making system whereby DE tries to match grinders with grinders and rushers with rushers.

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I met this a million times and you know all of them will tell you "Shut up, I rush, and you are all wrong and noobs". But there is worse. Rusher is host, didn't get the right blueprint, leaves, game crash, drops me to main menu.

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Said this 100 times... if you don't want to roll the dice on crappy teammates don't play online.

Currently we don't have very strong matchmaking tools, at best we can try to limit hosts we have low ping with. If you pug it up it's a crap shoot in every game, this is no different.

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For revenge I will tell you that nothing ticks a speeder off more than leaving  an open spot for a speeder to join, then they rush through, complete the objective, then go to extraction where they find nobody else.  I take great pride in making them sit there and wait till we are ready to dust off,  or until they quit.

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Generally I do fast runs in public because most people do fast runs and it's faster for all of us. I started playing last week but I got accustomed to the speedy nature of things, I'd even go so far as to say that if you want to go slow and explore you should do it in private or solo where you don't have to deal with people who are farming for blueprints or mats.

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Now think of it from the point of the rusher:


Here I am, getting through this level quickly and efficiently to grind out the resource I need (After all, I've been grinding for DAYS trying to make all of the shiny new toys). Now, me and my friend Timmy are running through just like we have a few hundred times today... And wouldn't you know it, some idiot decides he has to kill every enemy and open every container on the bloody map. Sure, we could do the same... But we have. We've already done it hundreds of times, so we just want to get what we came for, get out, and leave.


So the question is WHY? Why do these people feel the need to slow everyone else down because they feel like ignoring the objective? After all, the mission is to assassinate the target, not to unleash your inner kleptomaniac upon the unsuspecting Grineer. If people don't want to play efficiently, they should just play solo. 


Point being, all "My gameplay style is the only correct gameplay style" arguments have two sides.

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Now think of it from the point of the rusher:


Here I am, getting through this level quickly and efficiently to grind out the resource I need (After all, I've been grinding for DAYS trying to make all of the shiny new toys). Now, me and my friend Timmy are running through just like we have a few hundred times today... And wouldn't you know it, some idiot decides he has to kill every enemy and open every container on the bloody map. Sure, we could do the same... But we have. We've already done it hundreds of times, so we just want to get what we came for, get out, and leave.


So the question is WHY? Why do these people feel the need to slow everyone else down because they feel like ignoring the objective? After all, the mission is to assassinate the target, not to unleash your inner kleptomaniac upon the unsuspecting Grineer. If people don't want to play efficiently, they should just play solo. 


Point being, all "My gameplay style is the only correct gameplay style" arguments have two sides.


Now that all depends who joins who doesn't it.  I won't say I don't speed because sometimes I do,  like farming bosses,  But I don't join some match and try to screw up their exploring or looting either.  That's why we mainly play private unless we are needing a 4th. Too many boneheads with no consideration for others...The majority rules I say.

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Honestly, I think the best fix would be for resource drops to be shared party-wide rather than just by the individual that looted them--pretty much like experience is now.  As long as you are within exp range (perhaps even larger than exp range, perhaps like credits which are shared map-wide?), you are also within resource loot range.


This would solve a number of problems.


Firstly, rushers would appreciate having grinders/farmers in their party because they would benefit from the resource gains and, secondly, grinders/farmers could grind more quickly because they wouldn't actually have to visit each loot node within a map.  A boss run with two rushers and two grinders could clear the whole map much quicker, with everyone gaining everything (except, perhaps, the odd mod drop).


This would also alleviate some of the tedium surrounding farming and increase the synergy between both types of players--rushers and grinders/farmers. I think this would be a better first step rather than to try to create some convoluted match-making system whereby DE tries to match grinders with grinders and rushers with rushers.

So how would this stop the lokie for standing afk leaching off of the other 3 people, instead of encourage it. How would this also encourage players who move a bit, tab out to go QQ on the forums and than move a bit to keep up?


Your solution exacerbates the problem instead of fixing it.

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Now think of it from the point of the rusher:


Here I am, getting through this level quickly and efficiently to grind out the resource I need (After all, I've been grinding for DAYS trying to make all of the shiny new toys). Now, me and my friend Timmy are running through just like we have a few hundred times today... And wouldn't you know it, some idiot decides he has to kill every enemy and open every container on the bloody map. Sure, we could do the same... But we have. We've already done it hundreds of times, so we just want to get what we came for, get out, and leave.


So the question is WHY? Why do these people feel the need to slow everyone else down because they feel like ignoring the objective? After all, the mission is to assassinate the target, not to unleash your inner kleptomaniac upon the unsuspecting Grineer. If people don't want to play efficiently, they should just play solo. 


Point being, all "My gameplay style is the only correct gameplay style" arguments have two sides.

Now think of it from a player who isnt sitting on a million ferrite/nanospores/whatever. Checking crates and doing a bit of exploring is paying off in crafting resources. 


One has to wonder if there is direct correlation between the people who complain about crafting costs and the people that rush through missions just to 'complete the objective'.

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Now think of it from a player who isnt sitting on a million ferrite/nanospores/whatever. Checking crates and doing a bit of exploring is paying off in crafting resources. 


One has to wonder if there is direct correlation between the people who complain about crafting costs and the people that rush through missions just to 'complete the objective'.


Generally those mats are the easiest to acquire. I've never found myself having to dedicate anywhere near as much time farming those as I have with neurodes/control modules/gallium

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yes i hate rushers too! there was even suggestion to show mods on minimap so rushers can rush even *better* LOL!

picking everything up and play as team makes much more fun then stupid rush to boss or object location...

all this rushers don't understand simple thing: you rush and get all crap you wanted. and then what? you have your crap and now remove the game/wait till next game update. pointless

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So how would this stop the lokie for standing afk leaching off of the other 3 people, instead of encourage it. How would this also encourage players who move a bit, tab out to go QQ on the forums and than move a bit to keep up?


Your solution exacerbates the problem instead of fixing it.

Regardless of the solution DE implements to solve the problem of rusher vs. grinder, there will be ways to circumvent it--no system is perfect.  However, the resource sharing idea does help alleviate some of the issues surrounding rusher vs. grinder.  There are other, pre-existing problems such as you mentioned (leeching, afking, etc.) that would not be solved nor are they intended to be solved using my proposal.  I concede your point that resource sharing might encourage players to afk or leech (though I'm not certain that is so obviously a "bad thing").  In any case, that's why I included the caveat of the resource sharing possibly being restricted to exp range, etc.  


The idea could be further enhanced a myriad of ways--such as sharing only being enabled for a period of time after you gain exp or otherwise actively participate in the map (break a container, open a locker, hack a console, etc.).  Actually, I think this would be the best option.  This would force participants to actually play in order to benefit from the sharing mechanism.


Alternatively, an anti-idle method could be used, such as others have suggested elsewhere.  I would opt for a vote-kick mechanism myself as that option would seem to solve more problems than it would create.  (Perhaps the vote-kick mechanism only activates on a player after they idle for a certain amount of time?  I think you would be hard-pressed to find a solution that solved the problem of someone leeching while following the group around, though.  The difference between leeching and being plain terrible might be small.)


Together, I think these additions would bridge the grinder/rusher gap quite nicely.

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"If you don't rush with me, then you go solo!" Practically what I hear from pretty much every rusher.


Perhaps there are people that rather take things slow and, I don't know, enjoy the game of what it does have to offer with a few other people in a group. Don't be a #$&(% by ruining the fun for the group you got put in with just because you wont take the time to enjoy the game, you might as well just not play to begin with.

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