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Information Request: Void Tiered Drop Rates From Game Dev (Tia)



Based on information from experienced players, it seems that Void drops are 'tiered', that is within any drop table for a void mission, there are 'rare, uncommon, and common' drops.  


This is easy to see if you play a specific mission many times, perhaps trying to get a prime part to complete a set.


Example: I played 20-30 T3 D missions.  In wave 20 C rotation: there are 9 possible drops.  One of the drops is the Ash P BP ( a valuable drop), another is Wyrm P Cerebrum (a relatively worthless drop).  In playing that mission over 20-30 games, the number of Wyrm drops is at 80-90%.  


Information on which MODS and RESOURCES are rare, uncommon and common is easy to find.  However, I have been unable to find information on which void drops are rare, uncommon and common.  Also how often 'rare' drops actually drop (1 in 500 games?  1 in 50 games?)


This information from Game Dev does not include which drops are rare, uncommon and common:



Information Request:  Information from Game Dev on which Void Prime Parts and other drops are rare, uncommon and common.  And how often do 'rare, uncommon and common' prime parts drop?  (tia)


Why is this information important?  1) Players get very frustrated when they assume they have a reasonable chance (or random chance) to have a specific prime part dropped in a mission.  Many players whom I've played with have expressed frustration at the ends of missions.  If they are aware that the part they want has a 1 in 500 chance of dropping, they would either be less frustrated or decided not to play the mission in the first place.  2) When any given Prime Weapon or Prime Frame is made up of 3-5 parts and one part drops very rarely, that one rare part restricts the number of complete units that can be made.  By restricting drops on one part of any given unit, the number of complete units of that type from the void can be decreased.  Changing the drop rate on any one part in a given unit can dramatically restrict the number of complete units that can be made. 


If the information doesn't exist, I will ask that it be shared by game dev.  Again, information on which resources and mods are rare, uncommon and common is readily available (included in the labels of those items).  Both resources and mods are sold on the market.  I don't understand why void drop rate information would not be shared. If the information is restricted, I will ask why it is restricted. 


TIA to experienced players and game dev :)

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The bigger question is why does it matter?  Even given explicit reward percentages, players are going to be frustrated when they don't get what they want. It is clear from user experience that the reward rates are not equal and finding the tier is generally simple to figure out quickly even after new releases. Part types between items generally have the same rarity, Even if all rewards were equal, you should keep in mind that each reward pool has on average 10 rewards to be given (5 probably at the lowest and 15-20 probably at most). In these cases you have 20% at best and 5% at lowest but because the game doesn't care what you've already gotten; you can still end up doing lots of runs no matter what. After all if you are looking for just 1 item even at 20% you still have 80% collectively to not get what you want. In this game of RNG... Luck is everything.  The last player generated estimate on drops put rare items to be 2%-5% drop rates I believe which lines up well that DE said they didn't want drop rates below 1%.


Anecdotal support.... In the game FFXIV, it gives you success rates for crafting and I failed to complete the action that is set at 90% success rate 12 times in a row. Bad things happen all the time.


1) "Reasonable" is a subjective term (I personally don't find void drop rates to be "unreasonable"). Also one shouldn't ever assume something related to random chance. If they aren't willing to put up with RNG they can go to trading.


2) There is nothing wrong with making things more rare than other things.

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Until the most recent season of Prime Access, I had about 60 T4 Exterminate keys. Ran them all for a Kavasa Prime Buckle, got nothing. Got the Kavasa Prime Buckle from Trading instead.


But yes, the kind of information you're talking about, OP, would be most welcome.

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The bigger question is why does it matter?  


Why does does it matter that a player has a 1 in 500 chance to get a desired outcome as opposed to a 1 in 9 chance?

I would think the answer is obvious.   Perhaps you play a lot of lottery tickets, so you don't understand the meaning of statistics. 


The larger answer is player frustration... a player who plays 9 times and gets a desired outcome is much less frustrated than a player who plays 500 times and gets a desired outcome... except that the latter player will probably give up and find another game.  


The most interesting answer to me is why the game developers provide information on what mods and resources are rare, but not the drops that most people want.  Why is this information withheld?  

Edited by DeadlyPeanutt
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Until the most recent season of Prime Access, I had about 60 T4 Exterminate keys. Ran them all for a Kavasa Prime Buckle, got nothing. Got the Kavasa Prime Buckle from Trading instead.


But yes, the kind of information you're talking about, OP, would be most welcome.


The information I requested from Game Dev would be welcome, but it's apparent after playing multiple missions of the same type that the least desirable prime drops (wyrm parts or bratton parts for example) are also the most common drops.  I don't think this is an accident.  


As a result, I'm not playing void missions with the hope of receiving desirable drops anymore.  Also, i'm playing WF less, given that the most desirable rewards simply don't happen (or happen so rarely as to be unimportant).


Many players that I team with are frustrated by the repeated worthless prime drops and the lack of desirable prime drops (such as Trinity Systems or Ash BP).  Frustration is a common subject in after mission chat. 


It's not made clear anywhere that I've seen that some prime drops are rare, uncommon or common.  It seems that most players don't understand this.  A labeling system like mods would be welcome, where each part is named with (rare), (uncommon) or (common) after it's name.  

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 If they aren't willing to put up with RNG they can go to trading.



There is nothing 'random' about drops rates of rewards in the void.  


Stop using the term RNG please, as these drop rates are NOT random.  They are programmed.  


I would request that all players stop using the term 'RNG' to refer to void drops, as they are not random. 

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