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Rj Excalibur Build Help.



I wanted some opinions on the builds I have currently for excal.


Build #1:




Focuses on having prime flow in exchange for losing some power strength and armor(the armor could be really any health mod honestly.)



Build #2:




This build has more power strength and tankyness but at the cost of having a smaller energy pool.




Yes I am going to be using this for Draco leveling and what not, so naturally I expect to hear people tell me I am the cancer to this game, and that I should jump off a bridge.

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15 answers to this question

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Slap another forma and use the first build with addition of Power Drift. Consider buying Arcane Pendragon in the future and no, you absolutely don't need any defensive mods on your RJ build, no space and no need really. You'll have 105% efficiency when you max your Blind Rage so that's where a decent EV Trin comes to play. Max Primed Flow to get a bit over 4 casts per full energy bar.

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Honestly if you have an EV Trin who's paying attention in Draco you don't need P Flow. or Flow at all for that matter.   Nor do you really need all that Power Strength. Most of the time the group has a buffer anyway so it's not necessary to max out strength. 

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My RJ build : 




Range is the most important on Draco, so grab Cunning Drift if you can.


Natural Talent speeds up the animation, just to kill enemies faster.


I put Primed Flow in the build, in case of some EV trins not always spamming their 2.


If you don't like it, take it out and put Intensify in for more damage. May need few more forma tho.

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RJ Priorities are:

Power Range. Cunning Drift is likely to increase your kill count, while Power Drift isn't.

Power Strength. The more the better. However, if you have a Freeze Force Frost in your team and you are only doing Draco (no Void Defences, for instance), you don't need too much of it.

Natural Talent. Equals direct kill spead increase on RJ build.





That means, the build has no space for survivability, getting extra Efficiency is usually better than getting Flow, however if Trin has high Strength, P. Flow + Fleeting would be better than no Flow + both Efficiency mods.

It isn't that hard for an EV Trin to sustain 150 energy Excalibur for at least 90% of time, however some Trins are lazy.


Benchmark of what you can do with an RJ + good EV + FF Frost + rand is a little over 1.5k kills per cap2 wave.

Edited by Epsik-kun
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I suggested Primed Flow cause I had a lot of bad experiences with pub EV's and even with friends so I don't wanna let them endanger mission success with their lazyness. Same goes with power strength, there are still people who are too stubborn to put CP on for xp or Void Defense farming missions, the build i suggested covers all of that, and no, Cunning Drift isn't gonna help you that much, RJ doesn't hit everything at once anyways and it already has great range.

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I suggested Primed Flow cause I had a lot of bad experiences with pub EV's and even with friends so I don't wanna let them endanger mission success with their lazyness. Same goes with power strength, there are still people who are too stubborn to put CP on for xp or Void Defense farming missions, the build i suggested covers all of that, and no, Cunning Drift isn't gonna help you that much, RJ doesn't hit everything at once anyways and it already has great range.

I already stated my opinion on P. Flow for RJ.
Cunning Drift is going to help you, as it allows you to cover area closer to spawns, increasing kill rate. Power Drift, especially after every other Strength mod will have insignificant effect on overall kill speed.
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I always focus on Streamline and Fleeting instead of Flow.  Rather than rely on an EV Trinity, I'd prefer to be able to sustain my powers with the energy globe drops.  Granted, I don't run Draco all that much, but with range, I can usually blind the map for a while seeing as how Radial Blind costs next to nothing to cast.

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I always focus on Streamline and Fleeting instead of Flow.  Rather than rely on an EV Trinity, I'd prefer to be able to sustain my powers with the energy globe drops.  Granted, I don't run Draco all that much, but with range, I can usually blind the map for a while seeing as how Radial Blind costs next to nothing to cast.

But RJ build makes RB obsolete, there's no duration in it (12%) and running around in Draco is counterproductive as it kills the spawns flow.


Durablity doesn't mean much when it comes to Draco.

And speed drift>power drift.

Natural Talent is more than enough, I spam RJ like insane and truth be told I should really do it slower (no macros) at least for my hands' sake. Everything dies anyway. 

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My response was at the builds he posted. Besides, you didn't even mentioned natural talent until your 3rd post.

I didn't have to, he had Natural Talent in his build all along.


My bad, I saw that first reply with the build, OP didn't have NT in his builds.

Edited by -SHARDS-
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