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Ninjas? Ninjas! Hello.


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So as of today, I've been playing Warframe for 20 days.


When my friend told me to check this game out, and linked me to a video on YT that tried to explain the game to me, I had to leave the video ten minutes in because dang did it make me motion sick as anything.


In the spirit of "I'll try anything once, and twice if I like it" I downloaded the game regardless and gave it a try. At this point I'm questioning whether this was a wise decision on my part as a Responsible Adult™ or whether it was a grave mistake, after 18 hours of farming over the weekend to get the Prisma Gorgon and the entire armour set from Baro before he jaunts away feeling very rich and very smug. 


I never thought being a ninja in space with a gun would be so much fun.


Curse you, addictive space ninjas with guns. Curse you.

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Similar thing happened to me about 8 months ago.  I was bored, it was free and sounded interesting.  Before I knew it I was playing every day, sometimes for hours.  Before this I was playing Diablo III and needed a change.  Ha... Guess I got one, huh.


Welcome fellow tenno, and hope you continue to enjoy the very unique experience that is Warframe.

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I hope your wallet survives, mine did not.



By the time I've been here for a few months my wallet will have cried enough tears to create a second Amazon River. It's only a matter of time...



Thank you for the warm welcome so far, folks! 

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