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[Concept Bag] Expanded Lore, New Warframes And A New Raid Quest!


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Welcome Readers! Today I'll be bring a lot of stuff into the table so read on and enjoy!




  • New Quest and Raid - Nadia Sisters
  • New Warframes - Sybill and Korina
  • New Codex Entries - Behind the Warframes




Requires the completion of THE SECOND DREAM to initiate. Upon entering an Orokin Tower Mission (Minus Interception and Defense), there is a chance that there will be 2 empty Cryopods hidden within the tilset. This Cryopods can be scanned and if done, the Nadia Sisters Quest will start.





Lotus: "A Cryopod? But that's not possible. Tenno, I need you to look for a panel so I can gather more information."


Progress Mark

Upon finding the panel and accessing it, Lotus will prompt the player to finish their mission and head to extraction.


Lotus: "Based on the information I have received, Tenno, you were not the first to wake up from the Second Dream. This information dated way back. A diary. Tenno, I need you to return to the Orokin Tower and gather more information to who wrote this."




Progress Mark

A new Mission Node within the Void will open, a Tower IV Mobile Defense Mission, it will not require any keys to be used but will not reward any of the usual upon completion but instead continue the progress of the quest. This special Mission will require to be completed 3 times to complete this part.




(Upon First Completion) Lotus: "These entries were written down by one of your kind, Tenno. She goes by the name of Nadia... I remember her, she was special. If she is somewhere in the Void, we must find her, Tenno."


(Upon Second Completion) Lotus: "Each entries were about her experience dating back to the Zariman, these names... She watched each and every one of them. Continue on Tenno, we must learn more."


(Upon Final Completion) Lotus: "Her final entry notes that she will return to sleep, Tenno, we must retrieve her before the Corpus, Grineer or Infested catches her. Be quick Tenno."





Progress Mark

After which, Lotus will provide you with the Nadia Rescue Blueprint (Raid Quest). The raid has to be completed in order to finish the Quest.




The Mission will require 6 Players with a fully built Nadia Rescue Key to start. The Tileset will be similar to that of Orokin Tower Tilesets. Featuring multiple Corrupted Enemies as normal.



  • PHASE 1 - The Search (Sabotage/Crossfire)

Lotus: "Tenno, in order to protect Nadia, we will need to stop all forms of entrance from the other factions. Search and destroy the Void Portals to secure the place."



Progress Mark

Similar to Tower Sabotage, Players will have to close down 3 Void Portals from within the tileset. Each Void Portal correspond to a specific Faction: The Grineer, Corpus and the Infested. Upon successfully entering the Void Portal to retrieve the key, they'll need to face the Ven'kra Tel & Sprag, Jackal and Lephantis respectively to retrieve the keys.


Closing down the Void Portal will cause the last player to leave the Portal to be inflicted with Radiation Proc, disable their Mic/Squad Chat as well as preventing any other Void Portals throughout the mission. This will be removed upon completion of the phase.




Lotus: "Be careful Tenno, the Neural Sentry is on to you. Watch each other backs."


(Upon closing a Void Gate) Lotus: "Tenno, the Neural Sentry is trying to corrupt one of your allies. Be careful."


(If chosen by the Neural Sentry) ???: "Why must you trespass? Leave my sisters alone."




Progress Mark

Only upon closing all three Void Portals will remove the Radiation Proc and allow them to use Squad Chat as normal. This will allow all players to move on to the next phase.


Lotus: "You have closed all the Void Portals, will have to go deeper within the Orokin Tower to find her."



  • PHASE 2 - Into the Void (Assassination)



???: "Leave now or I will make you suffer!"


Lotus: "Be careful, the Neural Sentry has become more active. Tread carefully, Tenno."





Progress Mark

Similar to the Orokin Tileset but will feature two pathways, each leading to a room with a large door. Each door will require at least 3 players to stand on the designated platform to open the room in which case it will also close their way out, effectively splitting the team into two. Here each team will be facing a boss, Warframes Sybill and Korina. Only upon completely defeating both bosses will allow the players to progress. For further details, check each Warframes details below.





(If facing Sybill) Lotus: "Tenno, be careful of Sybill, she's more than capable of handling groups of enemies than she one, watch her moves and react accordingly."


(If facing Korina) Lotus: "Korina is an agile fighter, she'll be more than happy to dance around. Stop her from a distance and avoid her whip attacks."




Progress Mark

Upon completion, players will be rewarded with the Korina and Sybill Warframe Blueprints then Players will then be able to extract and move to Phase 3.


  • Final Phase - Nadia (Rescue)



Progress Mark

Same tileset, this Rescue Mission is different as it does not include panels to be hacked. Instead, players will be facing both Korina and Sybill at the same time in a large room with a Cryopod on the end of the room (inaccessible by players but viewable). Present within the room are 2 platforms with a mark on top, a whip and a card. Players will now have to lure Korina into the platform with a Whip while Sybill into the platform with a Card. Doing so will stun the boss(es) and allowing damage to be dealt before they will move out of the platform and resume attacking. Dealing enough damage (if both are at 10% Health), the battle will end and will lead to a cutscene.




???: "Stop! Don't hurt them anymore!"




The Cryopod in the end will open, revealing Nadia, proceeded by Korina and Sybill assisting her to step out of the pod.




Lotus: "Nadia?"


Nadia: "You have called me by a different name, less than human - the Neural Sentry, dared not even to look for me when I was here all the time."

Lotus: "Child, I'm sorry. I did not know you..."
Nadia: "I saw you rescue my brothers and sisters yet you left us here, left my real sisters to die... Look at them, this is what remains of my sisters. But my abilities could only move them like mere puppets, why must I suffer while you enjoy the presence of others?"
Lotus: "You were always special, Nadia, never once did I forgot you nor the others. I am still in search for the ones that were lost. Child, I know you are suffering but let us end this now. Return to me, to us. Your family."
Nadia: "If you were supposed to be our mother, why would you... *sniff* *sniff*."
Lotus: "Hush now my child. Korina and Sybill will forever be with us, but you don't need to be alone anymore."


The cinematic ends with Lotus stretching out her hand to Nadia with the Operators of each Warframes behind her and Nadia, responding by grasping her hand.





Players who have participated will be rewarded with a reusable Nadia Rescue Blueprint (Raid) to farm for the remaining parts of Korina and Sybill Warframe.


NEW WARFRAMESSybill and Korina




Lotus: "This is Sybill, the seer. The wise."


"Her ability to predict the fate of those around her turns misfortune to a reality for her foes."


Tarot Card allows Sybill to launch a homing projectile that brings misfortune to her enemies, causing a random elemental blast on the point of impact with guaranteed elemental proc.


Crystal Gaze creates an orb that mesmerizes nearby enemies, pacifying them and removing Sybill's presence from their minds.


Let your enemies know the experience with Shared Fate, Sybill marks an enemy target that creates a link to other nearby enemies, causing a portion of damage dealt to the marked enemy to be inflicted on linked enemies.


Foretell your victory with Divination. Sybill enters a trance, granting her increased damage reduction while dealing lethal damage in intervals to nearby enemies. Upon ending Divination, Sybill and her allies will have their Health restored based on the enemies killed during the ability.




Lotus: "This is Korina, a deadly dancer."


"Combining graceful steps combined with deadly armaments, her enemies will fall with each step she take."


Lash allows Korina to strike an enemy with incredible speed with her whip, dealing damage and deafening them leaving them unalerted of her presence. Otherwise, using it on the terrain or object will create a sound that will attract enemies to its location.


Quick Step increases Korina's maneuver speed while creating a phantom that will mimic your movements with a delay and drawing enemy attention to it.


Clear the crowd with Wind-up, Korina will periodically strike an area around her, sending them flying into the air while reducing their armor in the process.


The time for your performance is here, Korina draws her Exalted Whip capable of striking enemies with deadly precision. Performing maneuvers will also cause Korina to perform intricate attacks while doing so, allowing her to dance around the battlefield while dealing damage to her enemies.



These Codex Entries will only appear once the Nadia Sisters Raid Quest has been completed.




I was approached by a girl by the name of [Filler], she was just bursting of energy as she told me all the things she knew. She was smart and knowledgeable about the Orokin Empire, unlike me, she read books and listened attentively to her teachers. It was nice to know this things but some are hard to follow. She's just like my little sister, energetic and fun. We became friends soon after.


I wonder if my older sister will like her?




I watched a boy got shocked today tripping over a live wire. Me and [Filler] just laughed as he started to cry. The adults came over and took him to the infirmary. He was really hyperactive, just like [Filler], he would run around the room nonstop until he got tired and fall asleep. Sometimes he would challenge the other kids to a race and would follow a set of cycle each time. He wins, he brags then gets beaten up. The cycle seems to never end yet he never learns, I guess you could say that each time he does so, it was entertaining.


He always did wanted to join a race once we return to [Filler]. I'll be more than happy to watch him and see if the cycle continues.




Grrr, I hate [Filler], he made me a laughing stock today. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. Him and his stupid pranks. I just want to stay inside my room and never come out. Who even does that to a girl?! I am so embarrassed. My older sister tried to comfort me but I knew she was trying to hold her laughter. I locked my doors and yelled her to stay away. 


I swear, I'll have my revenge!




I met a boy who was rather shy and quiet, he was surprised when I approached him. He introduced himself as [Filler], he was nice. He wasn't talkative like the others and would rather stay in his corner and watch from afar. Our conversation was cut short when the adults arrived. He didn't want to anything to do with the adults so he fled the room, I watched as one of the adults chased him down the hall when a pipeline broke and released some steam, in the end he simply disappeared.


I wonder if I'll meet him again someday.




We're all scared. We hid in the lower chambers of the ship. As the Void Energy infused to us, we began to show things that weren't normal. Uncontrollable and powerful, we tried our best to comfort ourselves yet none of it seemed to work as it only endangered the things around us. 


[Filler] was crying yet her tears turned to steam in mere seconds, she was covered in flames. Everyone tried to stay away from her. We watched as she burned a lady who tried to hug her, engulfing her in flames in the process. That was the first time we saw her stop crying even though the moment was cut short as the lady released her grasped to put out the fire.


She was never like this before, she was warm and welcoming yet now - those who tried to approach her soon turned to ashes.




I was writing down an entry when this big bulky boy blocked my light, he introduced himself as [Filler], he was quite a gentleman despite his scary appearance. He asked what I was doing which prompted me to hide my diary. I really don't like anyone seeing it. I simply said nothing and he smiled. We talked a lot and we had our laughs, we became friends that day. Although he is extremely nice, it apparently only applies to girls like me. He likes to put a big show when he's up against the boys. Usually beating up [Filler] after the race. It was funny to watch.


Maybe after the trip is over, I should visit him sometime.




Today, I was helped by an older girl by the name of [Filler], she was really nice and caring. Apparently, she used to take care of her family since they were really sick back then. I didn't asked further questions, knowing that she's here and not with them. I bet she already knew that and decided to help me, smiling all the way. Her smile was weird, it has that warm and friendly feeling that will just make you approach her the moment you see her. I really look up to her, I want to know more about her.


I want to grow up just like her! Caring and helping strangers. Not like I'm a stranger to her now anyway.


Edited by AlterDevil
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