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List Reasons Why You Support/disapprove Of The Cooldown


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Once again, the world does not revolve around your play style


Yet you think the world revolves around you and your play style. It goes both ways, you know.







Once again:



You need to chill, man. How about instead of attacking people who have an opinion that differs from yours, you contribute to the thread? Give reasons why the cooldown is good, why you support it. Being insulting and condescending isn't helping a damn thing, and quite frankly, it makes you look like a complete $&*^.


The same goes to everyone else here who is doing the same, regardless of whether or not they support the cooldown.

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Once again, the world does not revolve around your play style, lumping together the entire community together, does not work. Everyone plays differently. And, if you want to leave, go ahead, I won't miss you, just don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Attacking everyone with a different opinion is not getting you anywhere. Telling everyone to quit will kill this game so how about we have a mature conversation and stick to the topic at hand.


I hate the movement changes because the butchered my frame's mobility. You can't slide and do a 180? Yet we can run up walls...

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Really? Didn't the patch notes say this was an exploit and that is why they fixed it? They being the people that actually develop the game? 

Do you actually have some points to add about why you think the change is good or bad? Saying the change is good because they changed it is not a reason.

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Really? Didn't the patch notes say this was an exploit and that is why they fixed it? They being the people that actually develop the game? 


Let's see...



- Slide cooldown added between movements.


Nope, that's not what the patch notes say!





And yet again,



You need to chill, man. How about instead of attacking people who have an opinion that differs from yours, you contribute to the thread? Give reasons why the cooldown is good, why you support it. Being insulting and condescending isn't helping a damn thing, and quite frankly, it makes you look like a complete $&*^.


The same goes to everyone else here who is doing the same, regardless of whether or not they support the cooldown.

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ARROGANT!? Really? 

I say, go ahead and publish your own game, have it accepted by Sony as a LAUNCH title on there new system, then you can talk about 'arrogance' all you like. Until then, shut the F*** up.


I urge people reading this thread to report posts like these, as they are completely useless and very rude.











You need to chill, man. How about instead of attacking people who have an opinion that differs from yours, you contribute to the thread? Give reasons why the cooldown is good, why you support it. Being insulting and condescending isn't helping a damn thing, and quite frankly, it makes you look like a complete $&*^.


The same goes to everyone else here who is doing the same, regardless of whether or not they support the cooldown.

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Countering all the arguments who think this is a good idea.

1) it does't slow down rushers and with the new toggle sprint option it's even easier to rush!

2) we don't care about your immersion ninja would not sacrifice their movement capability to look cooler!.

3) Stop being selfish and wanting everything your way the world does't spin around you grow the f up!

4) encourage sticking together ? nice joke. Advanced players don't need to stick together this game is already too easy and regarding new players they are the one who wanted this change because they don't know maps and get lost all the time so anytime they get matched with a advanced player they are gonna be in same cup.

IF you want the new player to get used to the game more then stop making us farm 5K ferrite on mercury for every bloody weapon!

Then support the developer that are making this game and actually BUY the weapons/frame/whatever. There, problem solved, no farming involved.

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ARROGANT!? Really? 

I say, go ahead and publish your own game, have it accepted by Sony as a LAUNCH title on there new system, then you can talk about 'arrogance' all you like. Until then, shut the F*** up.


Just report this guy. He probably works for another game company trying to get people to leave this one by acting like a $&*^ to others.

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Oh, this is hilarious, I just got this private PM:

RyojinOrion, on 09 Jun 2013 - 4:23 PM, said:
You need to chill, man. How about instead of attacking people who have an opinion that differs from yours, you contribute to the thread? Give reasons why the cooldown is good, why you support it. Being insulting and condescending isn't helping a damn thing, and quite frankly, it makes you look like a complete $&*^.
The same goes to everyone else here who is doing the same, regardless of whether or not they support the cooldown.
Heed this advice. Stop spamming that thread.
Oh, poor babies, can't come up with any real reason as to why this change is bad? I'm not sorry for poking holes in all of your 'reasons'. Cry to someone that gives a crap or give some actual reasons as to why this has 'killed' the entire game for everyone in the community.



I already gave you reasons. You can't keep up with slide running, you're not going to keep up with wall running or frame ms boosts. You're the casual player this change was made for, obviously you support it. You want to remove sprinting altogether, even though gameplay is already so slow. Why don't you go play minesweeper instead.


You take away a basic movement skill that players have developed muscle memory for. Now when you play, it's annoying because usually in games movement is never touched unless it's game breaking OP. Adding a cooldown to sprint is on the same level as removing strafing. 

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They pushed through a fix to an obvious exploit, as pointed out in patch notes, and on the live streams. If you can't come up with a reason as to why this is bad for the game as a WHOLE, then I think the developers did exactly the right thing.


...Yet again, since you seem incapable of understanding... No, it did not fix any exploits. The exploits are still possible to pull off, they just forced the execution of the exploit to be different. What it did do, however, is slow everything down and make it harder for the slow frames to catch up to the fast ones. This has been stated over and over in this thread.

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- No they won't - It's a non-solution, they'll still rush. Slightly slower maybe, but now catching up to them will be even harder.

- No they won't - It's a non-solution, rushers will rush, turtles will drag &#!.

- As opposed to what? Not being a power armored space ninja?


All it does is slow down everyone. Slower rushers sure, also slower turtles, and slower middle of the road, slower everyone. Again, it's a non-solution.


If there was an exploit where you could attack while sliding and then continue without diminished speed, then the solution should be to give you a pause/cooldown if you attacked when you were sliding, and not otherwise.

You can do this in game....refer to my Learning the mechanics post.

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But what I see, 99% of the time, is this: People play 1 of 4 frames: Rhino, Saryn, Loki, Ash. Loki and Ash because they are the 2 fastest base sprinting frames in the game. Rhino and Saryn because they have very useful abilities for getting out of a massive amount of enemies(high survive-ability) and they equip the dual zorens to teleport across the level and over the heads of enemies, thus negating their slow base sprint speed.


Slide nerf has done nothing to stop zorens. So is this a arguement aganst slide nerf.


This is why you are seeing a proliferation of those stupid scorpions. They have made their grappling hooks impossible to dodge or avoid since the newest patch UNLESS you aren't sprinting/jumping(this is another problem, BTW, those things jib you because they are always near packs of heavies that then insta mow you down). They have lessened the number of doors that take at least 2 people to open, but have made the AI do more lock-downs and put the 'requires 2 people to open doors' in more strategic choke points.


Now, I think the way what would most easily solve the rushing problem is putting up locked doors that require the entire team to be there before they will open and doing the same right before extraction. These doors would be dynamic, if you have 3 on your team, it requires 3 to open. If one drops, the map would,basically migrate hosts and said door would now take 2 or 1 to unlock it.


So one person staying behind can stop the other 3 people from extracting. Slow people are just as much able to troll a group as a fast person. Well except it takes 50% of the group being fast to troll.


This makes sense to me as it would negate 2 of the main problems associated with rushers: it would now be impossible to grief players by running to the objective getting all the rewards, and then going to extraction and laughing while the slower 'n00bs' hopelessly try and make it through all the enemies the rusher left behind for you to try and wade through and not die, as the extraction timer ticks down to zero. It would also make it so everyone would be able to share in the rewards of the boss kills.


Slow person follows rusher and picks up rewards I see no problem here. The only problem rushers are the ones who rush ahead killing nothing and opening nothing just trying to get the end mission reward. If the rusher is killing everything and someone falls behind its not the rushers fault for playing the game well.


Now, as for making it punitive, if said rusher is rushing to the door before the objective/extraction point, and were there for more then, say 10 seconds by themselves, then this would start an 'event' This event would begin with enemies endlessly spawning, in front and behind said player, and would start with normal enemies (i.e. the normal 'grunt' soldiers) and would end, if they were by themselves long enough, with the most powerful units the faction you are playing against have(i.e. flamers,fusion moa's with drones attached, etc.). If this continued, the numbers of difficult enemies would increase to the point of the rusher being overwhelmed. Once the rusher died OR your teammates got there, the enemies would either take a massive debuff or despawn.


Game has no challenge currently by giving rushers a challenge mode you give them an incentive to leave the party behind. Revives are per frame so having 32 revives means you can have challenging encounters and fights as long as you leave the rest of the party behind. Then add loki. Start event retreat a little then switch teleport someone into the crowd and invis. You get to kill whoever is second if the group is not totaly together.


I believe this would completely remove the problem associated with rushers as well as weeding out the A******s that are playing this game just to grief others.


Edited for clarity.

Challenge mode for rushing and rewarded by able to kill 2nd place for that delicious schadenfreude your giving griefers and trolls a playground to make it worse. Your rewarding people with challenging gameplay by leaving the rest of the party behind. Sudden enemies despawning makes no sense. Having enemies suddenly go from level 90 to 4 makes to sense either. If you leave the enemies you have a person farming the spawns to insane heights and running to watch the others die.


2 people rush 2 people slow. The slow people lose extraction rewards thats bad. Just fix extraction rewards to people who don't make it or make secondary close extraction points spawn so afk people do not automaticly get rewarded.


In your scenario I can sit back killing the endlessly spawning enemies and stop the other 3 people from finishing the mission. I get to have fun for 40 mins until the other players quit and lose all their rewards then casualy walk to extraction.


I didn't think i needed to explain how your suggestion is a giant playground for trolls when it was obvious.

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Reasons why the cooldown is bad:


No cooldown allowed people to go ridiculously fast, and all that entails.


Made individual Warframe innate speed a nonissue.




Reasons why the cooldown is good:


It looked absolutely ridiculous and made no sense whatsoever. Being a space ninja in Warframe means wall running, flips, kicks and sliding, not spinning around on your knees endlessly like a dizzy drunk on a waterslide. Perhaps now that this exploit has been fixed, DE can look into adding other means of increasing mobility that are actually intentional and balanced for their purpose.


Mods that previously affected run speed, stamina, stamina regen, etc., were without purpose, as slideattack abuse nullified the role they normally would have played.


It allowed people to move faster than DE intended, breaking the intended balance between slow and fast frames. Perhaps now that it's not as easy to circumvent character speeds, DE can focus on ways of improving the slow Frame's roles and abilities to better mirror their lowered mobility.


It was not difficult enough to warrant any sort of false skill ceiling required to perform it, the requirements merely being equipping weapons that allowed for maximum abuse of the slide/slide attack system and learning a simple few keystrokes, repeated endlessly.


It did not fix rushing, but made rushing in this manner more difficult and less desirable. The change was not meant to fix rushing anyway, and I'm not sure why so many people think that it was.

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Anyone who thinks that it will stop people from rushing if they want to is just fooling themselves. It hasn't stopped anyone and it won't.


People still don't fight as a group. This is yet another invalid reason it's "good" at all. I can't tell you how many times I've ended up in games with people who rush off alone only to kill the boss before anyone else has even seen them then dart off to the exit or run off alone and get killed or any other number of possibilities from rushing ahead alone.


Realism? Since when is realism a reason to change something on here? We can run on walls and shoot out magnet powers or turn invincible. Using realism as a "reason" for anything is silly at this point beyond following the general laws of physics.


It's bad because it ruins the flow of the game. I liked sliding and jumping around because it was fun. Now I can't slide one way then slide the other because I have to wait a couple seconds at least before I can actually NOT be slower than a slug. The way it was done was just lame. It ruins a completely fluid and fun mechanic. Now we can't flip out of slides and slide again just because it's fun and looks cool all because it destroys your speed. It makes no sense to slow someone down from sliding if they're running to what feels like 1/10th the speed they get from normal movement just because they went down on a knee.

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Aidith is taking a vacation. Working on cleaning the thread now.


Thank you! Now we can get back to intelligently discussing the topic. :D




Reasons why the cooldown is bad:


No cooldown allowed people to go ridiculously fast, and all that entails.


Errr, correct me if I am wrong, but the phrasing makes it sound like it should be in the other list. Depending on how you view it, though, it could really fit in either good or bad. XD



Mods that previously affected run speed, stamina, stamina regen, etc., were without purpose, as slideattack abuse nullified the role they normally would have played.


It allowed people to move faster than DE intended, breaking the intended balance between slow and fast frames. Perhaps now that it's not as easy to circumvent character speeds, DE can focus on ways of improving the slow Frame's roles and abilities to better mirror their lowered mobility.


From what I have been hearing, the slideattack abuse is still present. I haven't personally verified this, but I have heard others saying so. Even if that was eliminated, there are tons of other ways to move faster than DE intended, and this addressed none of them.



To be honest, I have never seen anyone abusing the "helicopter" slide attack. It has always been the slide-jumpkick-slide chain that has been abused. If they wanted to cure the helicopter abuse, then why not just add a cooldown on the slide attack? Putting it on the slide itself kills many legitimate maneuvers that are used for reasons other than rushing past all the content. Well, not kills, but makes them much less effective by doing serious damage to mobility. It doesn't stop people from rushing past all the content, though. This is the main reason why I think it is not so much a good thing.



It did not fix rushing, but made rushing in this manner more difficult and less desirable.


Not at all. I actually find it easier. Slightly slower than before, but easier. But then, I never utilized the helicopter rush method in the first place. I've always used wallrunning and the previously mentioned slidejumpkick chain. Made much easier with toggle sprint, ya know? :D



The change was not meant to fix rushing anyway, and I'm not sure why so many people think that it was.


That's the thing... There is no clear evidence on what it was meant to fix specifically, at least none that I have seen... There's actually no evidence that it was supposed to 'fix' anything, since the only thing said in the update notes is that the cooldown has been added. But looking at what was affected by the cooldown, we make a conclusion that it was meant to slow us down, and this is reinforced by one of the devs mentioning that rushing past all the content is uncool in the livestream before the update. That conclusion could be completely wrong, but until the devs confirm that, I have no reason to think otherwise.


Hopefully I've explained why so many people think that well enough... I'm pretty tired and have a horrendous headache, so I might have explained it in a way that is not as clear and reasonable as it could be.


Edited by RyojinOrion
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Mods that previously affected run speed, stamina, stamina regen, etc., were without purpose, as slideattack abuse nullified the role they normally would have played.

It allowed people to move faster than DE intended, breaking the intended balance between slow and fast frames. Perhaps now that it's not as easy to circumvent character speeds, DE can focus on ways of improving the slow Frame's roles and abilities to better mirror their lowered mobility.

These two points don't even make much sense. The "intended game" and the "real game" are born of what a developer thinks will happen, and then what really happens from how players pick at the system for optimal return. If movement was anywhere near optimal for the returns people want from the game, they wouldn't always need to abuse stuff like wave dashing.

Movement in the game sucks, and these "exploits" or whatever else people want to call them are the only way to play the game without it being even more of a slog than it already is with all the required grinding, because most maps are needlessly huge for no reason whatsoever. If you ask me, these two items should be changed around dramatically from how the devs want it, and more towards a way to aid the players in how they have made it.

Edited by ToeSama
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I think that there is another point that is needed on the reasons it is bad discussion. So far everyone has spoken to rushing, but

-Slide-attacks became much less effective

Slide attacks are fairly strong and have a use. But this makes slide attacks very hard and ineffective to use, or at least that is how it seems to me. For those few who used slide attacks to actually attack, this change is definitely a negative.

Edited by liavalenth
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After the recent 'fix' I feel that movement in the game feels very clunky and stiff. Last time I could maneuver around the room as I shot at Grineer/Corpus/Infested, occasionally doing a slide melee attack to close in/gain some distance. Now I do a jump slide, land in front of the group and lock there for a second to get mauled/shot at.Sure I can sprint around/ do some dodge roll, but that doesn't feel as ninja-like(Or at least my definition of it, I'm sure others may disagree).

Wall-running? Sure, but the wall-running mechanics is a tad bit unpredictable at the moment, at times I'd just run up the wall instead of a horizontal run.Other times I get launched into the ceiling/some corner/out of the level even! Hence I don't rely on it.

I also realized that the recent 'fix' also disabled some past melee options such as being able to ground slam after doing a mid air slide slash. And certain areas that I used to be able to reach such as the small ledge in the Orokin Void(The one in near the massive vault with the upwards waterfall) is no longer accessible as I am no longer able to grab the ledge due to the jump animation being locked.(This could just be me though.)

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