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I was just thinking, that maybe there could be some things that could be added to make maps & levels more interesting.

1. Weather effects

For example, there could be a chance of 1 spawning per level, like a 50% chance of some kind of weather, and for example, rain would make the ground slippery, splash effects, etc. Or it could be windy, and if you're moving against the wind, you would move slower, or move faster if you move with the wind. And if you're standing still, it would move you slightly. Though these wouldn't work in the inside.

2. Minibosses

Yes, I know bursas exist. Technically they count as demons, especially with augmented enemy shield.(Pls nerf) I'm talking about larger than normal regular enemies with enhanced health, shield, armour, where they have some kind of special condition, like they say...they have a highlighted spot, and you need to damage that spot to deal damage, or every single time you damage it, you take, 5 damage per hit(GRAKATA). They could have like a 5% chance to spawn every 5 waves, every 5 minutes. On non-endless missions, there would be a say (20%?) chance to spawn near the objective(sabotage, rescue), or for exterms, when there are <# of enemies. If you kill the miniboss, it could have slightly higher chances of rare resources, mod drop, etc.

Edited by RubyDiamondAcara
(>^.^>) (<^.^<)
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