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Smooth Movement Ruined Completely ( Update Rant)


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Can someone show me a video of how it was before and how it is now?! I can play perfectly fine just as i could before. I noticed absolutely zero change in my ability to move around the map.


Before you could continuously slide+forward flip without risk of interruption. Now if you do it too fast, the warframe will stop the chain slide or forward flip, resulting in a jump and standing still.


Oh, definitely. I really wish we kept to the old system. I mean, how good was this:


There's the video of the original version pre-update 7.x It's become a lot less ridiculous ever since they nerfed it the first time, but this is the type of behaviour they're trying to prevent. Also comes in teabagging variants that are similarly ridiculous.


Yea, that is macro exploit and is what they should be punishing.

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Whatever you say, pal. :V

Passive aggressive suppression of opinions, did Steve teach you that? Or Rebecca? Either way, people are posting objective points as to why this was a bad change, and all you can muster up is "DE said it's exploit" which is subjective, cherry picked by DE themselves. Keep pretending you're winning this round, champ.

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I don't think Rebecca has ever actually used passive aggression in a post before. Just saying, you may want to tone down the intent to hurt and try to rationalise your point of view a bit more. Being angry is one thing, but letting it negatively impact your argument is another.


Try to keep it civil.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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Passive aggressive suppression of opinions, did Steve teach you that? Or Rebecca? Either way, people are posting objective points as to why this was a bad change, and all you can muster up is "DE said it's exploit" which is subjective, cherry picked by DE themselves. Keep pretending you're winning this round, champ.


If DE, the creators of the game, say something is an exploit, then said exploit is not subjective and exploit. It's supported by the people who made the game and who make the rules. DE didn't just remove it on a whim. I don't see how you can think otherwise.


As far as I'm concerned, DE removed an exploit because they called it an exploit. I support fixing exploits.

Edited by MoonicusMaximus
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I dont mind personally. My Dual Zorens still serve their purpose well. I just miss front flipping from a slide.

i loved doing that, didnt do it much, when i did it was to close the gap and in spectactular fashion land on them.
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I don't think Rebecca has ever actually used passive aggression in a post before. Just saying, you may want to tone down the intent to hurt and try to rationalise your point of view a bit more. Being angry is one thing, but letting it negatively impact your argument is another.


Try to keep it civil.

Tad bit surprised to see you here Azure and yeah i might have gone a bit overboard with the rant but that's exactly how people got this change to happen in the first place so i'm just trying to show that it can be a double edged sword.

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I don't think Rebecca has ever actually used passive aggression in a post before. Just saying, you may want to tone down the intent to hurt and try to rationalise your point of view a bit more. Being angry is one thing, but letting it negatively impact your argument is another.


Try to keep it civil.

She did, in the datamining thread. Educate yourself, drone. Instead of responding to tone.


If DE, the creators of the game, say something is an exploit, then said exploit is not subjective and exploit. It's supported by the people who made the game and who make the rules. DE didn't just remove it on a whim. I don't see how you can think otherwise.


As far as I'm concerned, DE removed an exploit because they called it an exploit. I support fixing exploits.

Exploit as a term is subjective. And that wasn't the point of my post. Reading comprehension.

Edited by Butyllithium
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She did, in the datamining thread. Educate yourself, drone. Instead of responding to tone.


Exploit as a term is subjective. And that wasn't the point of my post. Reading comprehension.


So then just attacking me personally was your point? Because you don't really have one aside from that.

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If DE, the creators of the game, say something is an exploit, then said exploit is not subjective and exploit. It's supported by the people who made the game and who make the rules. DE didn't just remove it on a whim. I don't see how you can think otherwise.


As far as I'm concerned, DE removed an exploit because they called it an exploit. I support fixing exploits.

No one is flawless DE makes mistakes and we are here to point them out and direct them towards better decisions in the future.

That is not the case with this change it was only caused by a minority of people a very selfish group of people who kept complaining and rehashing same threads about them wanting their play style to be forced down everyone's throats!.

One with his own head does not simply follow someones decisions no questions asked.

DE are good devs from what i'v seen so far but they make mistakes and it's our job to correct that. If not us than who ?

Edited by ZWarhammer
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She did, in the datamining thread. Educate yourself, drone. Instead of responding to tone.


Guess civility isn't your strongsuit. Ah well. It's quite simple, really. You should perhaps calm down a bit. I'm not trying to counteract your argument, I'm just saying that being angry and purely using that to fuel your argument towards anybody who says anything to you is an efficient means for you to get your posts noticed for the wrong reasons.


The community rules are here for a reason.



EDIT: If the thread you refer to is this one, I can't say Rebecca actually made a passive aggressive response in the whole of the thread.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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So then just attacking me personally was your point? Because you don't really have one aside from that.

The point where we state various reason on why the fix was wrong, most of them being objectively based.



Guess civility isn't your strongsuit. Ah well. It's quite simple, really. You should perhaps calm down a bit. I'm not trying to counteract your argument, I'm just saying that being angry and purely using that to fuel your argument towards anybody who says anything to you is an efficient means for you to get your posts noticed for the wrong reasons.


The community rules are here for a reason.

Passive aggressive threat when proven wrong, I like you, guys. Strong sense of righteousness.

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Guess civility isn't your strongsuit. Ah well. It's quite simple, really. You should perhaps calm down a bit. I'm not trying to counteract your argument, I'm just saying that being angry and purely using that to fuel your argument towards anybody who says anything to you is an efficient means for you to get your posts noticed for the wrong reasons.


The community rules are here for a rea



Guess civility isn't your strongsuit. Ah well. It's quite simple, really. You should perhaps calm down a bit. I'm not trying to counteract your argument, I'm just saying that being angry and purely using that to fuel your argument towards anybody who says anything to you is an efficient means for you to get your posts noticed for the wrong reasons.


The community rules are here for a reason.

Releasing anger makes people feel better.  I get your point of view but try to understand my reason behind this thread and why it is presented in this fashion.

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Well, I'm not a rusherr and I haven't played since last hotfix (away from home) so can't comment on the changes. I can comment on the argument "we are space ninjas" argument though.

First, both playstyles are legit, although it seems that the rusherrs dominate public games (because once the extraction countdown starts...) and it seems they feel entitled (or else why they always send explorers to play with friends?) I think that if people would use the game's VoIP it will help resolve most of this (and maybe respect the other playstyle by playing a bit once in awhile).

But I digressed. "we are supposed to be space ninja" is the argument used to justify rushing. Now, if you mean the "space' part for your justification,then I can't argue with you - it's too far into the future. But, if your justification is the "ninja" then it's obvious you are not familiar with the ninja's history and only know about them from movies like "American Ninja (insert #).

Historically the ninjas were a group of mercenery spies whose main missions revolved around infiltraion, spying, sabotage and even assassination. In what this is it different then the game? simple - their main effort was to stay undercover by using disguises or techniques like camouflage, distractions etc. They were used sometimes in direct combat, but nobly to help confuse the of other side.

A good description of them can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja

So to me, the argument of "we are space ninjas" is the to use for counter rushing, if only because the fact that when trying to go unseen by a group of guards will make not only a space turtle but even the ground or sea turtle seem faster then the Ninja.

Accidently in the said wiki article I came across the origins of the Kunai:


A kunai (苦無 kunai?) is a Japanese tool possibly derived from the masonry trowel.[1] Two variations are the short kunai (小苦無 shō-kunai?) and the big kunai (大苦無 dai-kunai?). It is a good example of a very basic tool which, in the hands of a martial arts expert, could be used as a multi-functional weapon.[2] It is commonly associated with the ninja, who used it to gouge holes in walls.[1]

Edited by bluehawk1976
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Well, I'm not a rusherr and I haven't played since last hotfix (away from home) so can't comment on the changes. I can comment on the argument "we are space ninjas" argument though.

First, both playstyles are legit, although it seems that the rusherrs dominate public games (because once the extraction countdown starts...) and it seems they feel entitled (or else why they always send explorers to play with friends?) I think that if people would use the game's VoIP it will help resolve most of this (and maybe respect the other playstyle by playingbit once in awhile).

But I digressed. "we are supposed to be space ninja" is the argument used to justify rushing. Now, if you mean the "space' part for your justification,then I can't argue with you - it's too far into the future. But, if your justification is the "ninja" then it's obvious you are not familiar with the ninja's history and only know about them from movies like "American Ninja (insert #).

Historically the ninjas were a group of mercenery spies whose main missions revolved around infiltraion, spying, sabotage and even assassination. In what this isbdifferent then the game? simple - their main effort was to stay undercover by using disguises or techniques like camouflage, distractions etc. They were used sometimes in direct combat, but nobly to help confuse the of other side.

A good description of them can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja

So to me, the argument of "we are space ninjas" is the to use for counter rushing, if only because the fact that when trying to go unseen by a group of guards will make not only a space turtle but even the ground or sea turtle seem faster then the Ninja.

Accidently in the said wiki article I came across the origins of the Kunai:


A kunai (苦無 kunai?) is a Japanese tool possibly derived from the masonry trowel.[1] Two variations are the short kunai (小苦無 shō-kunai?) and the big kunai (大苦無 dai-kunai?). It is a good example of a very basic tool which, in the hands of a martial arts expert, could be used as a multi-functional weapon.[2] It is commonly associated with the ninja, who used it to gouge holes in walls.[1]

Take of tunnel vision glasses ? You are responding to one line in the whole post with a page long response without even reading the reasons i mentioned behind why this is wrong.

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Well, I'm not a rusherr and I haven't played since last hotfix (away from home) so can't comment on the changes. I can comment on the argument "we are space ninjas" argument though.

First, both playstyles are legit, although it seems that the rusherrs dominate public games (because once the extraction countdown starts...) and it seems they feel entitled (or else why they always send explorers to play with friends?) I think that if people would use the game's VoIP it will help resolve most of this (and maybe respect the other playstyle by playingbit once in awhile).

But I digressed. "we are supposed to be space ninja" is the argument used to justify rushing. Now, if you mean the "space' part for your justification,then I can't argue with you - it's too far into the future. But, if your justification is the "ninja" then it's obvious you are not familiar with the ninja's history and only know about them from movies like "American Ninja (insert #).

Historically the ninjas were a group of mercenery spies whose main missions revolved around infiltraion, spying, sabotage and even assassination. In what this isbdifferent then the game? simple - their main effort was to stay undercover by using disguises or techniques like camouflage, distractions etc. They were used sometimes in direct combat, but nobly to help confuse the of other side.

A good description of them can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja

So to me, the argument of "we are space ninjas" is the to use for counter rushing, if only because the fact that when trying to go unseen by a group of guards will make not only a space turtle but even the ground or sea turtle seem faster then the Ninja.

Accidently in the said wiki article I came across the origins of the Kunai:


A kunai (苦無 kunai?) is a Japanese tool possibly derived from the masonry trowel.[1] Two variations are the short kunai (小苦無 shō-kunai?) and the big kunai (大苦無 dai-kunai?). It is a good example of a very basic tool which, in the hands of a martial arts expert, could be used as a multi-functional weapon.[2] It is commonly associated with the ninja, who used it to gouge holes in walls.[1]

You're focusing on single argument too much, allow me to assume the OP meant "space ninjas" as in "fast paced". Also none of the other parts of gameplay focus on anything ninja based. We don't stay undercover, we just blast the shuttle with as much firepower as possible. I mean come on, does Ogris seems like ninja oriented weapon?

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Boo hoo hoo.




You can still get the movement burst when you slide, you just can't do it EVERY TWO SECONDS.


Big freaking whoop.


Basically the OP is crying about having to slow down a little. What exactly are you in such a freaking hurry for, that you simply MUST be sliding the whole time you're not shooting a boss, anyways?


And your (OP's I mean) attitude (not to mention your childish language) is making you look like a whiny little kid, the same thing you're complaining about, btw.


Pot, Meet Kettle.


EDIT: BTW, I ran an Infested map last night, after patches. I was still able to run away from 90% of everything in the map after I got disrupted and lost all of my energy even without the ridiculous power slide chaining.

Edited by Xylia
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I'm with you on this one I was playing last night and I keep missing jumps that I used a lot before this update and now I feel like I have to re-learn the game just because some people can not keep up with the others.

Thats.. a lie. Reason why you're missing these [fake jumps] is because you cant wait 1.2 seconds to make a jump?

A liar that lies is lying.

I dont think it was nerfed enough. should make it a 3sec delay.

Edited by SoggyCow
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Boo hoo hoo.




You can still get the movement burst when you slide, you just can't do it EVERY TWO SECONDS.


Big freaking whoop.


Basically the OP is crying about having to slow down a little. What exactly are you in such a freaking hurry for, that you simply MUST be sliding the whole time you're not shooting a boss, anyways?


And your (OP's I mean) attitude (not to mention your childish language) is making you look like a whiny little kid, the same thing you're complaining about, btw.


Pot, Meet Kettle.


EDIT: BTW, I ran an Infested map last night, after patches. I was still able to run away from 90% of everything in the map after I got disrupted and lost all of my energy even without the ridiculous power slide chaining.

My favorite frame is ash ( second fastest frame in the game) i always have a speed mod on on which makes me ridiculously fast i don't need to slide to be fast the only it takes away from me is the fun movement flow that it gives. Get your facts straight and stop trying to write me off with off topic excuses.

Edited by ZWarhammer
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My favorite frame is ash ( second fastest frame in the game) i always have a speed mod on on which makes me ridiculously fast i don't need to slide to be fast the only it takes away from me is the fun movement flow that it gives. Get your facts straight and stop trying to write me off with off topic excuses.


I don't care what frame you play.


I don't care what mods you use.


I do care that you call people who asked for the Slide Nerf "Whiny Brats" (Kids? You said something like that) and when the developers agree, then suddenly YOU start talking like a Whiny Brat yourself. Your whining is far worse than any "whining" that we (the ones who asked for/agreed with the slide nerf) ever did.


The Power Slide Chaining was unintended and it was fixed. Get Over It and stop whining.

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Thats.. a lie. Reason why you're missing these [fake jumps] is because you cant wait 1.2 seconds to make a jump?

A liar that lies is lying.

I dont think it was nerfed enough. should make it a 3sec delay.


Remove jumping anyways, make it like every other game where you get to press X if you want to jump over an obstacle and its all automated for you.

Also make shooting quicktime events, who wants to aim, seriously.

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