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(PC) Hello There.


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Just thought I'd say hi. I've been playing for just over a week now I think. First with Excalibur, then with Loki before really hitting my stride thus far with Oberon. Greatly enjoying the game thus far, although I find gaining 'Mastery Rank' to be somewhat difficult (no, that's not true, perhaps I think it just feels like it takes a long time?), which makes seeing the next Quest somewhat exciting but also I feel like it can take ages. So far I'm gravitating towards the Extermination type missions, as anything else seems to be at least somewhat annoying (especially the ones where you bust out prisoners). Is there any good way of gaining Mastery? I don't mind doing those little tests, just gaining the necessary experience before doing the next mastery is well, slow for me.

So far I'm finding Loki ridiculously difficult. Invisibility is awesome and all, but would really like some sort of weapon stance for my nikana prime. I unlocked radial disarm, but it seems to be different from what I've seen people's do online through video's. They make enemies attack each other, mine just seems to do exactly what the profile does. Or maybe I'm just not using it correctly. Decoy is probably my favourite and the one thing that actually saves me. Sort of wish it could be a bit more hostile though, and act more like a clone though.

I like so far the story however light it may be, although I'm wondering if it really improves, gets branched out on etc, etc? I'm assuming there's some over-arching storyline, even if it's thus far just in the realm of the devs. Although I haven't played Dark Sector, is that a problem? (fun fact, it was denied classification in my home country - Australia, and while we do actually have an R18 now, I have no idea where I could find the game, since it wasn't commercially sold here). For example, I'd really like to know more about not just my Tenno (which I suppose is purposely left blank for us to fill in where necessary - pun not intended), but Tenno's in general, and maybe a bit more about the relationships between the Grineer, Corpus, Infested/Infected? and the Tenno... and the Orokin and well, human civilization in general I guess.

Anyway, Warframe was a game that has been on my radar for one reason or another for some time, but it's only recently that I decided to actually give it a shot. I'm glad I did, and I wish I did sooner, but here's to hoping I get to party up with you soon.




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1 hour ago, Arijharn said:


I unlocked radial disarm, but it seems to be different from what I've seen people's do online through video's. They make enemies attack each other, mine just seems to do exactly what the profile does.



Welcome !

For do that, you need it....



where find the mod and more info: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Irradiating_Disarm

Edited by (PS4)AleDiorio
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Welcome online, Tenno! I hope you had a decent cryo-sleep. Also, "light story" you say huh... Well, there's plenty that still don't get the story right and they've been playing over the past 2 almost 3 years! ? 

But besides that, DE adds lore every possible time... So stay close and you'll enjoy it even more! 

Happy Hunting, Tenno! 

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Welcome to the forums!

I recently been touching base with my excalibur since i havent really touched him in such a long time but EB is amazing now! As for loki hes definitely a old but gold as well. I hope you get into the other frames and enjoy them just as much as you do loki oberon and excally.

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