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Resource Drop Rescaling


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I've been thinking about how I would rescale drops on rarer items to try and encourage some diversity on which planets to run. As it is now, I don't even visit half the planets on the solar map because there is no drops there that I want (I'm looking at you Morphics)

The following is where I would place rare resources (ordering is roughly the current planet difficulty, and the drops are themed to match the enemy types found there):

  • Earth: Morphics
  • Venus: Control Module
  • Mercury: Detonite Sample
  • Mars: Fieldron Sample
  • Jupiter: Neural Sensors
  • Saturn: Mutagen Sample (this one I'm not so sure on, but it should probably drop somewhere low level to fit the other two "samples" theme)
  • Sedna: Neurodes (I would make this an infested planet, as Saryn drops here)
  • Phobos: Gallium
  • Uranus: Tellurium
  • Europa: Cryotic
  • Eris: Mutagen Mass (and/or Sample)
  • Neptune: Fieldron (and/or Sample)
  • Ceres: Detonite Ampule (and/or Sample)
  • Pluto: Oxium
  • Void: Orokin Cell
  • Derelict: Argon Crystal


The common resources would drop based on the enemy type, not the planet type:

  • All: Rubedo, Salvage
  • Corpus: Circuits, Polymer Bundle
  • Grineer: Alloy Plate, Ferrite
  • Infested: Nano Spores, Plastids
  • Orokin: Any of the above, based on the converted units type


I would keep Nitain Extract as an Alert specific resource, though I'm not sure what I would have drop on Mars or Saturn at this point. I would keep similar resource drop rates to what is in place now, but change the quantities in each drop (as getting one Oxium wouldn't mean as much as one Neurode for example)

Edited by Inthrall
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moving neurodes to sedna would be a bad idea, it's needed for quite a lot of weapons, cells should stay at saturn as they're needed for most weapons and frames.


ferrite should be placed on a corpus planet, since it's a corpus resource.


Neural sensors needs to drop from another planet, atm it prevents new players from building any new frame before reaching jupiter.

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