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Saryn/prime questions



So got some questions bout saryn or saryn prime. I read a few threads on her but they are a few months old so now want to get some stuff cleared out.

1) Is she more of a melee frame or ranged frame? More concetrated on melee weapon, gun or just skills?

2) Is she strong or weak? every thread I read was saying that she is either strong or weak, it all comes down if you know to play her, which brings us to 3

3) How do you play her? Jump in the middle of action, stay behind, shoot, skill spam etc? What are you supposed to do? Which skills and in which order you use them?

And finally:

4) I know all prime versions are better than non-prime. But is it worth the trouble to farm her over normal? (especially since chassis so elusive and expensive).


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6 answers to this question

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Saryn has so many builds you can't really define her.

There are ranged builds, there are melee builds, ther are builds that relies on popping as much spore as possible, dealing damage based on spore's initial damage, there are builds about using spore to cary status over enemies, amplify her damage, there are builds make her to get into close range and deal big DoT, there are buff builds using her venom dose augment, there are even builds for draco farming.

Saryn's build also depend on the weapon she uses, that's why there are so many.

She's not a "good" melee frame, because we are talking about the game where you have Valkyr or Chroma who can go invincible and literally can't die, or Excalibur who can blind the entire room while stabbing, killing and tea bagging his enemies at the same time. She's definately a challenging frame to play if you decide to go melee, but she's also fun to play so.

And she's not a weak frame. Don't let people trash-talking downplay her because DE took their press-4-to-win skill away.

Saryn prime is worth it. Bigger energy pool, higher armor and faster sprint speed. Looks better too imo.

Edited by ClinkzEastwood
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There are several ways to play with Saryn. Her 1 causes spores to appear on enemies that are guaranteed to explode if attacked by melee while Saryn's 3 is active. That's just one way to play her.

Personally, I prefer to cast 1 from a distance, jump in, cast 4 and 3, and hack away at any enemies that aren't already dead by that point. I cast Regnerative Molt if I need the health or a distraction to get away.


Any frame can be strong, it all depends on the player. Some people struggle to play with Mag against the Grineer or Infested, in the right hands, she can play very well against them.


Most Prime variants have better base stats than their regular counterparts. From a completionist's standpoint: it's worth farming everything. From a player that enjoys playing with Saryn's standpoint: Saryn Prime gives me a chance to play Saryn as if she was new again. From someone that has everything they want in-game: I now have an objective and can start farming to keep myself occupied playing the game.


Hope this helps!

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1) She can be either. I usually play more range based.

2) She is very strong with a proper build and knowledge of her mechanics. Even more so if you have a team that knows how to work with her.

3) Spores are your main ability. Make sure you're spreading them as much as possible, get your toxin DoT as high as you can and spread it around. I generally play long range, tossing out a spore or two and spreading it around the map. I don't use miasma until very high levels, and even then only rarely.

4) Saryn P is an incredible upgrade over the normal version. I would grab her if I were you.

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1) Depends on your play style.
When I play Heiracon, I tend to use her both ways. I, constantly, spam her 1 to make sure spores are being spread through the map from a distance. Once the Infested get close, I begin to melee those that haven't already been killed off by teammates in order to continue to spread spores. When I'm in a pickle, I hit her 3, to slice through mobs. When my health runs under, say, 200 - I cast her 2 (w/ Regenerative Molt) and I begin to gain health right back. When extractors are swarmed, and so long as I've cast 1, 2 & 3, I will hit 4 to do massive amount of damage and/or stun the enemies enough to get in there with my melee.

2) Being strong or weak is, again, a matter of how you play and use her.
Last night, I was in a party with 2 guys who had barely used her and complained that when they did use her, that she was trash because she could hardly get any kills. We went to Heiracon for gold cores (that's all I really farm these days). We stayed for, roughly, 2800 cryotic. They both then began to ask for my build due to the fact that I had over 1500 kills - 600 more kills than the guy who had the 2nd most amount of kills. Again, it's just how you play her - which I outlined in your 1st question.

3) As I mentioned - I do a little bit of both.
Being that I run Naramon focus, I'm able to stay invisible for a lot of my melee attacks which helps me, TREMENDOUSLY, when it comes spreading spores and using toxic lash. However, she is an energy hog, and you'll find yourself running out of energy by spamming her abilities if you're not mindful. It helps if there's a EV Trinity in your squad, have energy pads or your focus is the one that provides energy (Zenurik, I believe - don't quote me, I could be wrong).

4) Is she worth it?
She's been out for, roughly, 2 weeks and I have grown to love her. IMO, she went from a tanky-I-will-do-it-myself to a quasi-tanky-supporter. I guess it's just a matter of opinion, but I'm thankful for having gotten her on the 1st day. She does come with the highest energy pool (next to Volt Prime) but make no mistakes, you'll need every ounce of it to make her work.

As a tip which will benefit your play with Saryn: use any sidearm that will help spread viral, toxin or corrosive damage. My sidearms of choice for her are the Acrid, the Stug and the Tysis - Stug being my favorite (despite the fact that it can damage you if the blobs explode near you - USE CAUTION!).

**DISCLAIMER: I haven't used Saryn all that much against other factions other than Infested. Her "tankiness" may come into question when she's being hit by Bombards, Heavy Gunners, etc. I'll have to test her out with them and get back to you - but my opinion on how she works/thrives still stands.

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