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Void Keys As Reward In Defence Are Ridiculous!


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I guess lots of people will hate me for this , but i don't care, i'm tired of everyone leaving at wave 5 because that stupid key pops as reward.

Can you at least make the people work harder for it? Sure  make it reward so they can get the key ,but at least make it start to pop at wave 15+ not at wave 5 !!


on Eris and Pluto its like every battle at wave 5 = poop void key = poop everyone leaves

can't imagine how &!$$ed must be those that paid 75 plat for 5 keys when they could get 10 tower 2 keys in less than hour



and wave 15 is not that unreasonable

Edited by noname4me
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I guess lots of people will hate me for this , but i don't care, i'm tired of everyone leaving at wave 5 because that stupid key pops as reward.

Can you at least make the people work harder for it? Sure  make it reward so they can get the key ,but at least make it start to pop at wave 15+ not at wave 5 !!


on Eris and Pluto its like every battle at wave 5 = poop void key = poop everyone leaves

can't imagine how &!$$ed must be those that paid 75 plat for 5 keys when they could get 10 tower 2 keys in less than hour


I don't even know how to react to this.

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I've bought at least more than 10 void key packs.

I don't mind this at all, in fact I welcome it. Would be wonderful if the T3s had a slightly better drop rate but at least it is slightly better than the ones before.

Don't like t2s dropping? Go play private with friends who are willing to skip out on t2s then

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They need a nerf indeed. Now it's way too common.

100% agree.

And no, I didn't buy tons of keys and am butthurt. It's simply wrong and will ruin the game in the long run. This needs a readjustment, FAST. This kind of stuff should be done on monday so it can be readjusted on tuesday -___-.

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i kinda agree the drop rate is too high but not for the reasons you do.  I will always pick a void tier 2 or 3 if it comes up but with it dropping so much it kinda makes the void feel just like any other mission you rush through for the reward.


If it was dropped a little i think it would be better and not be as rare as it was when you may go a week without seeing one.

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You are incredibly lucky. I've farmed a lot for them, and got my first one yesterday.

First one.

Just get a group and specify you want to keep on playing regardless of reward.

 What the hell are u talking about i got atleast 30 of them now.

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I actually think Tier 3 rewards should not start til wave 10-15 at least. That way you are forced to actually work for a key. Right now the drop rate is around 35% per choice for defense missions on Ceres, Eris, and Pluto, which is much too high. Just in the last day my clan of 4 people got 35 or so keys. And since we run all of these as a group, I have no doubt we will soon get everything available in the void(we really are only missing frost prime bp and latron prime barrel) and novelty is already close to wearing off.

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Shhh quiet! lol I need reaper blade! >:|



"75 plat for 5 keys" Holy jeez that's crazy talk expensive. For 4 euro I can buy a Salmon filet from aldi for 75 premium. A salmon filet is far more valuable than 75 platinum, crazy game prices.

What!? You have Aldis in Europe too!?

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Not everyone wants to go to wave 10 or 15 if they get something they want. Quit trying to force people to play the way you want to play? Maybe play in a premade group so you can play longer? Trying to push people into playing defense longer than they want to or feel confident in doing is stupid.

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I dunno, void keys are already a artificial limit on playing what you want to play, and the fact that they're only accessible from defence missions makes it even harder to get in there. I'd rather see them dropping from normal mobs as a bonus on top of the existing loot table so that people have more choice in the type of mission they run before removing them from defence rewards.

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Making the keys too easy to get cheapens the value of void runs and lowers the game experience in general.

They are supposed to be exquisite, not something you can do anytime anywhere.

It's not about forcing people out of it, it's about balancing work for reward, and making it feel satisfying, and hopefully, challenging as well.

Otherwise game will get old really fast.

So yes, I believe keys should not drop at all until wave 15. And even after that, just have a chance of dropping, one that is slightly lower than it is right now.

And also making T1 defenses not drop keys at all. At all.

Hate me if you must, but I believe that would make the game a lot better.

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Two things mean I cash out of a defense mission: something I want drops as the reward or it gets too hard. Usually it's the former and not the latter. Hey, I got my Void Key so whatever. Sometimes, if a round of waves is tough (I have to be revived or have to revive others) I'll check out because I know the next wave is gonna mean nobody takes their goodies home.

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how about defense rewards stack? the reward you get at wave 5 will still be there for wave 10, and waves 5 and 10 rewards will be there at 15, etc. this way players won't jump to leave when they see a key, because they might get ANOTHER KEY at wave 10 or 15.

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how about defense rewards stack? the reward you get at wave 5 will still be there for wave 10, and waves 5 and 10 rewards will be there at 15, etc. this way players won't jump to leave when they see a key, because they might get ANOTHER KEY at wave 10 or 15.

This is a good compromise. I don't necessarily agree with OP, but I think this would make everyone happy.

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OP translate

"OMG random people whom I play with do not carry me through defense and I can't lvl up on my own, please nerf drop rate so they won't have a reward worth leaving to claim"

You know what you spoilt little kid, work harder yourself, do not make others work for you.

Mind I tell you what was before patch ? It was worthless hellfire over and over again. Why do I need it ? I don't. Should I do defense for it ? No I do not.

Now we have a reward worth doing defense and you want to ruin it  for your own comfort ?

Go play premaid games, join a clan, make some friend, DO NOT MAKE OTHERS DO WHAT YOU WANT IT WON'T HAPPEN

Key drops rate is fine where it is. At least now I have a reason to do those defense missions.

And I do them alone like a man, without crying that others are leaving.




how about defense rewards stack? the reward you get at wave 5 will still be there for wave 10, and waves 5 and 10 rewards will be there at 15, etc. this way players won't jump to leave when they see a key, because they might get ANOTHER KEY at wave 10 or 15.


That is a great idea. Devs need people like you in their team. You sure know how to please both, those who want a reward worth of working towards and those who want long runs.

Edited by Unibot
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Well it's just the new endgame defense they put in, every set of waves is T3 in places like outer terminus and xini.  Wave 5 will yield the same rewards as wave 15 or 50.  People just go for the quick and easy rewards and just pop back into the mission after claiming whatever they got.

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