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Heavy weapons as a choice of sidearms.


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I don't know if there's currently any intention of ever implementing heavy-weapons. Also, i'm not very experienced in Warframe, so my suggestion might have a bucketload of imbalances. But here it goes:

What do you guys think about adding heavy weapons as a choice of sidearms? So instead of the player bringing the usual long-gun, a pistol and the mellee weapons, he brings the long-gun, the melee weapon and a heavy weapon with a limited clip and/or ammo pool, to balance its power.

Weapons that would fall into the heavy-weapons category could be grenade-launchers, chainguns, flamethrowers, rocket launchers.. anyway mostly stuff to handle crowd control (flamethrowers being specially usefull against infected).

It's an idea.. i haven't given it too much thought... what do you think?

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Yeah, probably a lot of issues with the idea. I was/am trying to think about how to shoehorn heavy weapons into the game. Now, the Tenno are basically Ninjas, and ninjas don't walk around with rocket launches... But then there's the Rhino, of course.

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Heavy weapons as you and many of us call them, will most likely be Long Guns.

Sidearms are just that, small arms weapons that are small and easy to use. I don't think letting a a Tenno walked into a mission with a Gorgon/HEK, AND a rocket launcher would help balance any, even if the Launcher had limited ammo.

Would be kinda funny to watch though.

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none of that can be safe in a closed environment in space either. thats kinda the point of "sidearms" they arent as powerful as you main weapon but they can get you out of a pinch.

ytue enough.


a good suggestion but being the tenno are space ninja how about we change it slightly?

lets have sector specific 'special weapons' that are put into your invetory and accessed via a ninth panel that cant be used from the arsenal screen, and when used it takes up BOTH your ranged weapon slots.

in each level, somewhere, there would be a secret 'weapon chamber' that contains randomized 'heavy' weapons such as laser guns, napalm guns, grenade launchers, tactical bacon, rocket launchers, a diamond pickaxe, a lantern (to keep the darkness away), tentacles that pick up and throw things (and eat hearts!), a megabuster, a laser whip, a ball capsule system, a kamahemeha wave generator, a wave cascade generator (that summons aliens!), etc.

it could be warframes easter egg, where the devs (when the have time) put homage' to all the games that make them do what they do.

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I'd say place them in the primary slot instead with extremely limited ammo, to force people to "fall back" on a weaker sidearm for most of the level as a drawback to the increased killing power.

Yeah that makes more sense. Don't know why i thought it would be better to put it in the sidearm slot.

I mean, the Aklatos pretty much already work as primary weapons...

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