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Hello to all PS4/XBOX1/PC Tenno's!


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Hi I'm Fooni! New Here!

Well i am sort of new. I joined this game awhile back on PC when this game had ability mods. It seems this game undergo a few changes.

I didn't really reach higher rank back then and stuck at Mastery Rank 1 this whole time. I just came back recently a week ago to get used to the new Warframe and to consider playing Warframe as my main MMO. I have reach Mastery Rank 5 so far. My previous MMO didn't go well. I hope to learn more about this game as i played.

Sometimes i mistyped item names and people would correct me. I'm a heavy player on MMO's mostly Open World genre shooters, but Warframe works too.

I am also an artist and a video editor. I can make music videos out of Warframe if i tried. As an Artist, Warframe characters are easy to draw since their anatomy are pure clean and you only have to add details. I might get around to making some Fan Art someday! I hope to see some familiar faces! ^_^

Edited by Fooni
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10 hours ago, InglriousB said:

Hi Fooni. 

Cool to see you back here again. 

I dunno how familiar your got with the game before but here is a link of all that you've missed whilst you were away

What you've missed

Awesome to hear of your art and video talents, we should team up one day XD

Anyway , enjoy the game and the forums 


Thanks for the link! I shall check it out and get up to date. And thank you to the others!

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1 hour ago, Xrkr said:

Dumping Firefall, then?

Welcome to Warframe. Hope this one goes better for you.

Lol perhaps yes. At this point Firefall doesn't seemed to go anywhere. And every time they releases a hotfix, things just gets more broken.

Thanks for the Welcome~ ♥

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Welcome to the forums!

I would love to see some fan art from you fan art is apart of this community honestly its beautiful and amazing. If I could I would draw to but sadly the only drawings I'm good at are the connecting the dots kind. So once again welcome I look forward to seeing what you do on here!

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