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(XBOX)KishiBat TTV

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..and salutations, my fellow tenno..

My name is Cody but most call me either "True" or "Despair".. Let's go through a little bit of an introduction that pertains to most questions people might ask me on here..

Mastery Rank: 8

Warframes: Chroma, Equinox, Excalibur, Frost Prime, Ivara, Limbo, Nekros, Nova Prime, Nyx Prime, Oberon, Saryn Prime and Zephyr.

Current Loadout: Dread - Lex Prime - Broken-War (Currently leveling Venka) - Hyontos (Huras Kubrow)

Warframes I plan to get: Wukong, Ember Prime, Atlas and Mesa.. (Inaros when they come out for Xbox)

Weapons I plan to get: Despair and War. (Stalker has been very dodgy lately)


If there are any other questions I didn't answer that you'd like answered, feel free to post them below and I'll get to them.

Stay safe out there..

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2 minutes ago, InglriousB said:

Welcome to the forums ^^

Cool to hear about you and I see that you got yourself a pretty good loadout already. 

Hopefully ember p will soon be released from the vault or you just gotta be lucky with trading ^^

More or less from the Vault rather than Trading.. She's got some RIDICULOUS prices as of right now.. Understanding she's been vaulted and the rarity of her what-have-you.. Either way, thank you for the warm welcome! ^-^

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As of now, no. People assume that DE is releasing primed vault access on a regular basis since we saw frost appear like that, but that could also have been a one time try-out.

I believe we just have to wait for starchart 3, which has been announced since almost a year ago, but still isnt here.

Just keep an eye out on the devstreams and the forums

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