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Computer shutting itself down after ~5 minutes of play since 18.5


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Hey there,

Let's get right to business and share with you my info/testing:


Windows 7 64bits
Intel core i5-4690 3.50 GHz
12 Go RAM
Nvidia Geforce GTX 780
Power supply: Corsair CX750M

Ingame settings:

Everything on high except Shadows on medium
Depth of Field and Motion Blur are OFF
Other settings are ON
PhysX ON
Game runs above 60 fps almost at all times (before and after update)

Other info:

Card is not overclocked.
Fully cleaned GPU and CPU fans of dust/lint to no effect.


I used GPU-Z to monitor my card during play, and here's what I've seen:

Default GPU Clock: 902 MHz
GPU Clock during play: 1058.2  MHz (stable)

Max temperature before system shutdown: 79 C° (I've seen other game go over 85 C° on this system without artifacts or shutdowns)

Card Memory Size is 3072MB
The Memory Used [MB] tab is constantly going up until crash, ~1310MB at the time of crash

Power Consumption it stable around 85-90% TDP, sometimes going over 100%, sometimes under 80%. Power isn't really high at the times of crash, but maybe it's surging very high over 100% and is causing the issue (I honestly do not know anything about TDP, I'll be doing research after I post this thread)


Any ideas what's causing the issue? Right now I'm betting on Power-related issues, with the new lighting since 18.5 demanding more than I can provide. Maybe. I'll do more testing and get back to the thread later.


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I deactivated PhysX and Bloom (the two most updated features in the latest update) and the game did not crash during a 15 minutes survival alert.

The most common GPU clock was 796.9 MHz, and stayed much lower than before overall, rarely going above the default clock.

Max temperature was 79 C° very briefly, then the average was around 66 C°

The Memory Used [MB] averaged at a stable 1050MB, and did not grow over time exponentially. (Indication that PhysX or Bloom were leaking before?)

The TDP was much more relaxed, with only few 100%+ instances, and an average of 55%.


Conclusion: the new Bloom and PhysX effects are either too demanding for my computer/power supply (which would be weird because I'm running the game very smoothly with them on), or they are leaking and causing crashes after a few minutes.

I'll keep monitoring after the hotfixes, but for now I can play in peace.

EDIT: Nevermind, it still shuts down my computer, but after a bit longer than before. I truly have no idea what is causing that to happen. Maybe it puts too much of a strain on the CPU, which I cannot monitor as easily?

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I updated my Nvidia Drivers, and tried what was described in this thread :

But there was no improvements. Game made my computer shutdown after 6 minutes, even with Bloom and PhysX off.

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33 minutes ago, ----Fenrir---- said:

The PC restarting after a few minutes of playing is in 99% of cases caused by something somewhere overheating.

A good easy way to test it is to leave the side of the PC case open and try playing again. Even better to leave it open and put a fan in front of it.

Yeah I thought about overheating at first, but the stats I collected show that the temperature is fine. I think it's linked to Power consumption.

I did tests right now with everything on Low or Off. The game ran for more than 30 minutes before shutting down the entire system.

Turns out I hover around 25% TDP Power Consumption during gameplay, which is extremely low, but sometimes for no reason the TDP jumps to 75%+, sometimes going over 100% and finally shutting down the computer. I was alt tabbed in the Liset writing this reply when the entire system turned itself off, with everything on Low and Disabled.

Something in the new patch is making my game DEMAND too much power from my power supply, even at the lowest graphical settings, and exceeding its capacity.

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Hey Noctah, I posted this response in my thread regarding Cold Crash fixes, however I thought I'd post it here too in case you miss it!

It seems your issue is your Graphics Card is pulling too much power from your PSU, and your PSU can't handle the request either to stop your System from overloading and blowing up your PC, from blowing up your sockets, or from an insufficient amount of power (Wattage), so shuts down. It's know that the latest update, which is the main factor that triggered this issue for you, asks your System for more Processing Power and Graphic Processing Power, that's why a lot of people are reporting performance issues such as FPS dips, spikes, stuttering, on Systems which could previously run the game flawlessly. 

It may not seem like it makes sense, because you may run games with much higher requirements that run flawlessly without any power-related issues, but that's where it comes to optimisation and how optimised a game is. I mean, take GTA V as an example. This new update is unoptimised, I'm sure we'll get proper fixes soon. Also, I had the same issue as you're having with a crappy game called "War Z" about a year or so ago, now goes by the name of "Infestation: Survivor Stories". The game is essentially the biggest pile of crap you're ever gonna come across. The requirements to run the game were pretty much a modern day work-only laptop, yet literally blew up my PSU with crazy request. The most unoptimised game I've ever played. Forced me to fork out £60 on a new PSU. Be weary for now, buddy. (Also, take Assassin's Creed: Unity as another example of poor optimisation, and compare it to a game like GTA V, a game of much bigger scale and yet looks 100x better, and runs 100x smoother)

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1 hour ago, Steviie said:

Hey Noctah, I posted this response in my thread regarding Cold Crash fixes, however I thought I'd post it here too in case you miss it!

It seems your issue is your Graphics Card is pulling too much power from your PSU, and your PSU can't handle the request either to stop your System from overloading and blowing up your PC, from blowing up your sockets, or from an insufficient amount of power (Wattage), so shuts down. It's know that the latest update, which is the main factor that triggered this issue for you, asks your System for more Processing Power and Graphic Processing Power, that's why a lot of people are reporting performance issues such as FPS dips, spikes, stuttering, on Systems which could previously run the game flawlessly. 

It may not seem like it makes sense, because you may run games with much higher requirements that run flawlessly without any power-related issues, but that's where it comes to optimisation and how optimised a game is. I mean, take GTA V as an example. This new update is unoptimised, I'm sure we'll get proper fixes soon. Also, I had the same issue as you're having with a crappy game called "War Z" about a year or so ago, now goes by the name of "Infestation: Survivor Stories". The game is essentially the biggest pile of crap you're ever gonna come across. The requirements to run the game were pretty much a modern day work-only laptop, yet literally blew up my PSU with crazy request. The most unoptimised game I've ever played. Forced me to fork out £60 on a new PSU. Be weary for now, buddy. (Also, take Assassin's Creed: Unity as another example of poor optimisation, and compare it to a game like GTA V, a game of much bigger scale and yet looks 100x better, and runs 100x smoother)

Hey Steviie, thanks for the help.

I'm currently thinking that my power supply is overheating, not the GPU (which is the only one with sensors I can track), so I'm planning on opening the PSU up and cleaning it good, see if it makes any difference.

While I do believe Warframe's latest update is not as optimized as it should, I think it's mostly coincidental that I have hardware failure at the same time the update rolls in.

In any case, when I'm done cleaning my PSU and testing it, I'll update the thread.

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After testing, here's my conclusion overall:

-I have a failing Power Supply Unit that I must replace

-Standing in the Liset CONSUMES power even on the lowest settings, so much so that my PSU fails

And the solutions are:

-Replacing my PSU

-Waiting for Warframe to be more optimized to run it like it used to.

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