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Need To Be Able To Ban Players From Dojo


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Clan Leadership needs ot have to ability to ban playrs from being invited to the dojo by other payers.
They also need the ability to eject players from the dojo.
Non-clan members invited to the Dojo need to be tagged as guests of their inviter.

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I am not talking about banning clan members I am talking about banning people invited by clan members.
There is currently no control of that except removing the ivnite ability from clan memebers en-masse.
The issue may just be a single unwanted in the dojo.


As for kicking the perosn that invited them to the dojo, you cant unless they fess up since the game doesnt tell you who.

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then take the inv rights from all and give them to few or live with it


It shoudlnt be somethign we have to live with ot take that ability fomr the entire clan.



So, if the troublemaker got invited by somebody in the clan, kick that somebody. The whole responsibility thing.


You must have missed where I said you cant tell who invited the person and thats one of the features we need to have added.



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ok lets review


first u give everyone the ability to inv other guys which concludes that everyone may inv new players


second if everyone may inv new players you must trust your mates else you wouldnt give them rights


third if you have trust issuses then you can solve getting him inv with either kicking mr x or taking the rights from the group responsable for inv him probably the normal members



what you are saying is like we have the technical abilities to make it stop but we want a new option to not have to use the one we already were given by the developers

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What would resolve this is an easy option to kick people from the dojo. Of course, this doesn't resolve the underlying issue which is that OP has untrustworthy people in his clan whom aren't acting in anyones best interest but their own. So really OP, my suggestion would be to wait for the devs to implement a kick feature and meanwhile start trying to find out whose a douchebag in your midst.

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ok lets review


first u give everyone the ability to inv other guys which concludes that everyone may inv new players



Didnt give them rights. I don't know which clain rnka/permissions give someone to the ability to invite a player into the dojo but I havent met a player yet with access to their clan's dojo that can't invite an outsider there.


What would resolve this is an easy option to kick people from the dojo. Of course, this doesn't resolve the underlying issue which is that OP has untrustworthy people in his clan whom aren't acting in anyones best interest but their own. So really OP, my suggestion would be to wait for the devs to implement a kick feature and meanwhile start trying to find out whose a douchebag in your midst.


Well I dont have this problem but I can see it being an issue so I was suggesting the option be added by the devs. You know this forum section is for improvement suggestions.

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