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[Warframe Concept] Arcana - Taroteer Warframe


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This is Arcana, the omen. The fortune-teller.

Unlocking and utilizing her ally's latent abilities, she channels and manifests misfortune through her tarot cards to bring chaos into the battlefield. Arcana can see your future, Tenno. Let her be your guide.



  • Health: 110.0 (350.0 at Rank 30)
  • Shield: 100.0 (400.0 at Rank 30)
  • Energy: 150.0 (420.0 at Rank 30)
  • Armor: 80.0
  • Sprint Speed: 1.0


Omen - Passive

If alone, Arcana gains +10 to his Health, Shield and Energy. If within a cell, she gains varying bonuses depending on which Warframe she is with.


- These bonuses are applied during a Mission and will change accordingly if a player leaves the cell and a new one joins in.

  • Grants +5 Health if Excalibur, Wukong, Oberon, Nekros or Inaros is present in the cell.
  • Grants +5 Shield if Mag, Nyx, Nezha, Trinity, Hydroid or Ivara is present in the cell.
  • Grants +10 Energy if Nova, Ember, Banshee, Saryn, Arcana or Limbo is present in the cell.
  • Grants +5 Armor if Rhino, Atlas, Chroma, Equinox, Vauban or Frost is present in the cell.
  • Grants x0.1 Sprint Speed if Mirage, Volt, Loki, Ash, Mesa or Zephyr is present in the cell.


Bring destruction with a single card. Minor Draw unleashes the innate power of yourself or your ally against an enemy, dealing damage in an area.


- Throws a Tarot Card that deals 100 / 150 / 300 / 450 damage to the enemy. This damage is unaffected by enemy's Armor unless with an ally which will switch the damage to a different type.

- Chaining 3 Tarot Cards within 4 seconds will cause the next Tarot Card to gain 50% chance to proc status effect.

- Tarot Card gains additional effects based on which Warframe is with her and deals +5% damage for each ally in the cell (up to +15%).

  • Deal Heat Damage if Ember, Nezha, Mesa, Nyx or Chroma (Heat) is present in the cell.
  • Deal Cold Damage if Frost, Hydroid, Mag, Nova or Chroma (Cold) is present in the cell.
  • Deal Toxin Damage if Saryn, Ivara, Trinity or Chroma (Toxin) is present in the cell.
  • Deal Electricity Damage if Volt, Vauban, Mirage, Limbo or Chroma (Electricity) is present in the cell.
  • Deal Slash Damage if Excalibur, Equinox, Ash, Nekros or Arcana is present in the cell.
  • Deal Puncture Damage if Loki, Oberon, Banshee, Zephyr or Arcana is present in the cell.
  • Deal Impact Damage if Rhino, Atlas, Inaros, Wukong or Arcana is present in the cell.

- If Tarot Card will deal 2 or more of the Primary Elemental Damage, it will randomly combine to a Secondary Elemental Damage with 3rd Primary Elemental Damage (e.g: If (Ember + Frost + Saryn) is in a cell with Arcana = using Tarot Card can either inflict (Blast + Toxin) or (Viral + Heat) or (Gas + Cold). 

- Power Strength affects the base damage of Tarot Card.



Foresight surrounds Arcana with Tarot Cards that blocks incoming attacks. If Minor Arcana is used while Foresight is active, it will launch 2 additional Tarot Cards that homes to nearby enemies.



 Creates up to 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 Tarot Cards around Arcana, with each card capable of blocking up to 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 damage.

- Using Minor Draw will expend 2 Tarot Cards from Foresight, each dealing 50% / 60% / 70% / 80% of the base damage.

- Can be re-casted to refill the Tarot Cards around Arcana.

Power Strength affects the amount of damage each card can block.



Let your enemies know the pain with Shared Fate. Arcana marks an enemy that spreads to nearby enemies. Dealing any damage or elemental effects on a marked enemy will spread a portion of that damage or effect to other marked enemies.


- Marks an enemy with Shared Fate for 10 / 14 / 18 / 20 seconds, spreading to nearby enemy units within 5 meters of a marked target.

- Dealing damage to a marked enemy will deal 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% of the total damage to other marked enemies. Hitting two or more targets will a single Area of Effect attack will still inflict the percentage damage to other marked targets affected by the AoE.

- If a marked enemy is affected by an Status Proc (Slow by Cold, Viral's Health Reduction, Slash's Bleeding, etc) will also be inflicted to marked enemies with a 50% reduced duration.

- Re-casting Shared Fate will remove all marks inflicted by the previous Shared Fate.

- Power Duration affects the duration of Shared Fate.

- Power Range affects the spread radius of Shared Fate.

- Power Strength increases the damage percentage inflicted through Shared Fate.



Manifest misfortune into the physical plane with The World, creating an entity that follows Arcana throughout the battlefield, mimicking her abilities as well as her allies. If the entity dies or runs out of energy, it will bring fortune to you and your allies by replenishing their health or energy.


The Entity has 800 / 1900 / 3000 / 6000 Health and  400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 Energy Pool. Depleting either Health or Energy will result to the Entity vanishing.

- The Entity can mimick some abilities used while it is active. Toggle-abilities will remain active until the Entity dies or runs out of energy. Self-Buff Abilities (Renewal, Invisibility, Iron Skin, etc) cannot be mimicked by the Entity.

- If the Entity dies, it will restore Energy to Arcana and her allies equal to 100% / 110% / 120% / 130% of its remaining Energy. Running out of energy will restore Health to Arcana and her allies equal to 80% / 100% / 120% / 140% of its remaining Health.

- Arcana's Power Strength, Duration, Range and Efficiency directly affects the Entity's mimicked abilities.

- Power Strength increases the Entity's maximum Health Pool.

- Power Efficiency increases the Entity's maximum Energy Pool.


Edited by Harowing
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Seems pretty interesting. I would however buff the second ability as it is a bit weak compared to iron skin or ring of fire. It is different don't get me wrong but the fact that enemies can still shoot you through the tarrot cards should justify them having a bunch more health than they do currently. Also with the synergy with the 1st I think power strength should also increase the number of tarrot cards.

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Renamed Minor Arcana to Minor Draw as well as Major Arcana to The World.

@45neo: Whie Foresight may be weak in comparison to Iron Skin or Ring of Fire - being re-castable gives it an edge by refilling your shield at any point. Also, why I didn't mentioned why but Foresight will block damage from any direction, it will prevent damage being dealt to you directly while a card is active so losing 4-6 cards, as long as you have 1 card, it will still block regardless of direction.


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