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The game keeps kicking me because the UI won't load


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As the title reads, the game keeps kicking me because the UI won't load. i do apologize i didn't really look for if anyone else posted a thread having the same issue.


Now it's not when i first load in when the problem starts, i can use anything on my Lisat i want. However, once i do a mission and return to my ship from doing a mission, i'm lucky i even get the rewards/spoils of the mission i had just done because the camera sets to mission view so while i can walk around my ship, i am not allowed to interact with anything. And then i promptly get kicked to login screen (most of the time to the error login screen).


So DE has done it again, they've released an event, set a condition for players who are unfortunate like me, and no fix's in site/sight. So by the time they hotfix the issue some of us are having, the event will be long over.


If your reading this and you don't know what i'm talking about, imagine you just completed a mission. Now you have to log into the game. Now you load in, you complete a mission, now if you want to keep playing WARFRAME you have to log in again. Once you log in you can do a mission, now log in again.


It's not that it makes the game unplayable, it makes WARFRAME too annoying to play. So now i get to lose out on the event, and the "Double resource drop rate" and it's by choice to not deal with the inconvenience of having to log in after every mission. And the DE don't give a S***.

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why are you being ignorant? Do you not follow the news on warframe forum? They have been getting DDos attacks all weekend. 

also here is the latest update 

before you go on ranting about the event almost over go and check on why this is happening.

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Thank you for the info, and yes, i am being ignorant. But only because Warframe is the only online game i get DC'd from at all. And it's not like my computer can't handle what's happening in game, i can't go to wave 60 or 60min or else i get DC'd from warframe with NOTHING. I'm still irritated from not getting the Frost Prime Systems in one particular run i did and i even had screenshots. Still no reward. I understand the DE have more important things to address and i'm grateful this is a free to play so please understand that if my argument is invalid please just disregard my argument.


I would hope we can at least agree that "venting" one's issues is healthy, even if it's unheard.

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