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A Possible Kunai Solution W/o A Nerf...


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Firstly, primaries should be better than secondaries. That's why they're called primaries. You're supposed to use them first.


lol what. Primary means first. It just means this is the first gun. It's a category not a tier.

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Semi automatic fire really makes more sense for a throwing weapon...

I would do all the following:

Make it semi-automatic (auto makes no sense)

Make the fire rate a bit slower (prevents fast clicking macros from turning it back to a fast auto weep)

Either decrease clip size or increase reload time.

Decrease range dramatically (change trajectory arch as mentioned by others)

Leave the damage alone.

No more freaking semiautomatics! Some of us don't have some sort of a weird fetish for carpal tunnel or macros.

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Enhance your calm John Spartan.

(10 points for anyone who remembers it- but the points don't mean anything, just like the vows at a celebrity wedding.)

That said, kunai nerf is inevitable. Non-replenishable ammo is a horrifically bad idea for plainly obvious reasons.

Personally i'd be okay with an arc change, a damage reduction, or a reload speed decrease. I'd also be fine with buffing the dispair and moving both the kunai and dispair to a primary slot- though i think that would remove all stealth weapons from the secondary slot and outmode the paris and dread.

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Nerf this, nerf that, when does it stop?

How about allowing a weapon to be what it was designed to be, accurate, powerful, but needs to be precise.

I stopped using them after I leveled them as I knew this would be coming.

People need to stop all the feigning some stats reason to nerf things and get over the fact someone might be using a powerful weapon and know how to use it well.

I want that person in the group I run with!

Edited by Fiia
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I dont know what you guys are talking about, the Kunai is super hard to aim with its projectile arc at even medium distances, even more so when the target starts running. Maybe I'm just used to the Braton but that's just my two cents on the matter.

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No, nerf please... I like it the way it is... you will just ruin the whole assassin mode :S

people tend to ruin other's fun when they cant have fun with it :T js saying... i like how my stalker kunai works.. the projectile is its flaw no lies :T

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The range which Kunai excel overlaps with Paris'. A bad idea from design perspective since there are many times that I use both in the same mission and find myself stop using Paris (slow firerate, need to aim, charge, a bit projectile arc) and start using Kunai (10 knives per....clip?, fast firerate, spammable, no charge require).

Comparing Kunai to other secondaries is even worst. It has high ammo efficiency, no damage reduction from armor, automatic firing. Look like automatic Akabolto with silencer attached to me.

I think this weapon needs redesign from the ground up. The current form of it isn't a stealth weapon at all.

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You get a set amount to carry at start of mission that can't be replenished.


This wouldn't work at all.  Honestly I think a good implementation would to be... simply make them a primary.  They're currently being used as primaries and a primary slot would justify the damage output.  Also, we're talking about despair right?  Kunai is just being used as an inclusive word? I assume if the kunai are getting nerfed so are despair.

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I think this weapon needs redesign from the ground up. The current form of it isn't a stealth weapon at all.

The current game right now isn't a stealth game either.  I don't get the big deal about the stealth factor being pushed.  This is not a game I see myself doing stealth runs with and I surely hope it isn't forced on us.  Good stealth games let you choose to use stealth.

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The current game right now isn't a stealth game either.  I don't get the big deal about the stealth factor being pushed.  This is not a game I see myself doing stealth runs with and I surely hope it isn't forced on us.  Good stealth games let you choose to use stealth.

Stealth is an alternative way to play the game, I understand.

The problem is when a stealth weapon outperform other non-stealth weapon then there is something wrong with it. It has the best of two worlds, high damage + high firerate + silent. Tell me of other weapon with the same trait in the game and you will find that there is no other weapons that is comparable to Kunai.

It's like the Hek situation again. DE released a new borderlinely or outright OP weapon and players got addicted to it. They don't even see a nerfhammer coming and believe that everything is alright, their toy won't be touched. Sorry but I think the history will likely to repeat itself again with Kunai.

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