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Excalibur exalted blade bug


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when playing Excalibur and using exalted blade sometimes happens that skill is interuppted somehow, animation goes into holding sword and sheat and I cannot do anything:

1) use melee 2) change weapon 3) use any weapon 4) use any skills Basically nothing.

If killed in such state (which somehow resets this, read further) in bleedout I am shooting with PRIMARY! and not secondary.

Also when revived in such state, I cannot use melee any more but can start skills like exalted blade.

Something is really messed up. Please check.

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A lot of people is getting this same bug with Excalibur (me too), and its so annoying. Some people solve it falling off the map, holding F, /unstucking... nothing works for me.
Something symilar (or the same) happens with Valkyr.
I hope they fix this soon.

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The same here. Unfortunately, I bought a credit, resource chance and drop booster. :/ But in this case, I cannot play solo... :/ 

Freeze in the 16th round in Derelict Defense--> I love it! -.-

Is there any way to get back the platinum? I hate the other frames, the Excalibur is my fav, but cannot play with it.

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I got screenshots of this bug in action proving it exists.



I blacked out my teammates names because i don't want a joke made in chat to wind up getting them in trouble with the admins.

3 hours ago, jabinik said:

I have the same problem, how do we contact them ( the Gamemasters ) that they know that they have to fix ths bug?

It should go without saying that the bug report threads are pretty much a source for devs to get information on bugs like this. 

Edited by Climaxstriker
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I've also encountered this; I was planning on switching to melee for Syndicate procs and toggled Exalted Blade on and off around the time this started, though I haven't figured out proper repro steps.

One other symptom that hasn't been mentioned here: Once revived, my primary and secondary worked fine but my melee weapon completely vanished. Not only could I not quick melee or switch to melee, the actual sheathed models were missing from my warframe; further, I'm pretty sure that Exalted Blade stopped receiving the benefits of my melee mods.

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I just got Excalibur a couple days ago and have been having this problem often. This has been the most annoying experience of my 1000 hours logged. Please fix this soon, I want to like Excalibur but if this bug persists I will be forced to sell him. Thank you so much for making such a wonderful game.

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I've also got a case of unlimited energy while using the exalted blade, I got no clue as to the cause of this but I did get a few screenshots, It can be canceled by (A) Stop pressing melee (Who wants to do that tho ;) Or (B) Get downed.. may or may not be related to this bug but I figured I'd throw my 2 cents in ^^ > screen shots http://imgur.com/a/q1ZQM

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15 hours ago, yoyodude25 said:

I've also got a case of unlimited energy while using the exalted blade, I got no clue as to the cause of this but I did get a few screenshots, It can be canceled by (A) Stop pressing melee (Who wants to do that tho ;) Or (B) Get downed.. may or may not be related to this bug but I figured I'd throw my 2 cents in ^^ > screen shots http://imgur.com/a/q1ZQM

Okay.. I may have figured it out, It's during the animation to cancel the exalted blade ability and you just keep pressing Melee, Mind you it doesn't always work.

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I had it happen during the Thousand Cuts alert, I was with Inaros and probably got knocked down so much that the game glitched.

I couldnt attack, if I pressed the melee button, Inaros would do the block animation for a split second, the same that happens when you have knockdown resistance mods equiped.

I could use my skills and use finishers, but normal attacks wouldnt work. Using unstuck or jumping off a cliff didnt work.

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Yeah I've been facing this problem since last week and for some reason it occurs during the 3rd Sortie almost always, haven't faced this problem in normal missions yet. For me only dying works, I tell my squad-members that I need to die to reset the bug and then go get myself killed but it doesn't reset if someone revives you.  

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Me too dude .-.

i really need my excal

The bug is similar to mine, like the unlimited energy with exalted blade, yeah me too but the damage points is based from the melee weapons, it is not from the skill

and sometimes i cant do anything except aiming my primary. Please help

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Can confirm this bug. Somehow my frame gets stuck inbetween animations. Cannot use any abilities because they are all "allready in use". Cannot change weapons or shoot.Getting downed or killed sometimes fixes the problem. In other instances the melee weapon on my back vanished and when pressing "e" excalibur swung his exalted blade instead while using tempo royale, not needing energy or doing any damage.
I think the bug appears when I use exalted blade while reloading my gun (usually Tigris so I reload often). Allthough I havent tested it enough yet.

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